God bless everyone! ^^
Thank you all for boosting my moral with the Word! Yes David, I'll keep looking and moving forward to God's promise, holding on Jesus tightly, for I'm growing in love with the Lord.
Thanks for sharing the verses Abraham. For it's true, when I began to release all my worldly attachments, personal dreams and goals, bad habits, every worldly thing, and really put God on top of everything, learned to love and really really fall in love with our Lord and still honing my love for our Lord with the Word day by day, I started to live.
God bless you too Orla! And Amen Mark, Jesus is the Man! Indeed we can expect the greatest in God. He's beyond human comprehension. God is never empty. God can make a loser in life to a winner in Christ, there is nothing impossible with God, our Father in heaven, the Mightiest of all, who controls everyone and everything. No problem or worries are bigger than God that He cannot handle. He can always save us, yes, well God already did with Jesus.
Nothing is really important in this worldly-world. The most important is that we live a quality Christian life wherever we are, what ever circumstance we are in, what ever age we started to become followers, whatever size of the contribution, for we are made in beautiful varieties and God knows and loves us all so much & each and everyone of us is a vital part of God's heavenly kingdom Yes, God truly loves us all, oh so much.
God bless everyone!