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The Sorrow concerning the members of our own household: (Rom. 9:3 KJV).
For we who are saved and "Born of God" are assured By "The Parakletos" that is living in us, for we know beyond the shadows of the doubt our "final destination" and we never need no one to encourage us, where we are going, for our Destination is Sealed. And we need no one to tell us about our "SALVATION". We need no one to encourage us and tell us not to worry where we are going. For GOD Our Father has Made sure of that, that We know beyond the shadows of Doubts, who we are. The Blessed Assurance is Living in our Soul. and we do not have to believe it, we Know it. For God The FATHER made sure of That.
"They that are The Children of The Flesh are not The Children of GOD" := [They that believe in GOD by the Flesh are Not The Children of GOD} The flesh beliefs cannot please GOD. If they believe by the mind, that is Flesh, they cannot be The children of GOD neither Can they understand. and that too, is a "Mysterion" not a mystery but a "Mysterion" for there is a difference between The Mysterion and a mystery in GOD. The mystery cannot understand "The Mysterion". in Christ, Just like the "Finite cannot understand The Infinite" for The Mysterion cannot be comprehended by "The Finite mind" For The Mysterion of GOD is in "The SALVATION of GOD". and how it troubles us who dwells within The Mysterion, about own own relatives family and friends,
Although they have The words of God and Jesus on their lips. Oh how it pains and sorrow us, who knows "The TRUTH" in GOD, it hurts us and pains us everyday, as The days draws near and The farther it seems The world is drawing them away and drawing them further by using, the name of JESUS in a foreign way. Everyday The "deception callings" of knowing and calling on GOD is leading many away, as far as The east is to The west, and this makes even our sorrow ever greater, for it pains all of our hearts who know "The TRUTH" in GOD. about "The Christ of GOD" and "The Way to The FATHER". And there is only "ONE WAY" and That Way Is "The WAY" One LORD One FAITh and One GOD.
And this Pains grows greater and Greater each day and The battle seems to be fought alone! Single travelers, pilgrims traveling alone. Same as Paul, Same as Jesus Christ, Same as "AMOS" same as "ISAIAH" same as "EZEKIEL" same as "ELIJAH" same as "ELISHA" not even Travelers no more traveling "in "2's" but everyone is traveling in their own way, carry their own individual God and Not in agreeing in anything but The Same kind of sins" and holding hands and parading the same sins together and calling them selves Bless of GOD to commit such "Abominations" and they get angry when you bring their sins to The LIGHT" the hate and call you kinds of Name in the Dark and in the Light and consider you a enemy of GOD.
And they will not warn anyone that they are going to Hell and That GOD is Angry everyday and he will destroy and cast them into "the Lake of Fire" if they do not "REPENT" and Turn around. In Christianity the word "REPENT" has become a bad word and a lot of Christians refuse to use it and the word Repent has become Foreign in their mouths,
They will not warn the People, and they call this Love and Kindness By Not warning Them, What GOD is planning to do and will do and The wrath of The LAMB of God who is Jesus Christ. How's his eyes will be like "Flames of FIRE" "Burning"and he will not be coming back with love, but "The WRATH of ALMIGHTY GOD" these people will not tell the whole "The Whole "TRUTH" and it saddens me, Because Telling my loves ones, it ain't that bad, Do not worry GOD loves you, and that is all they hear, you can commit "Adultery you can commit fornication, you can kill, you can steal, you can hate, you can worship idols of all kinds, you can love this world, don't worry he is the God of love, and He takes you just like you are, So do not fear him. and they fell to see, he will not be casting any sins into hell and the lake of Fire, No sins are going there, And My FATHER name is Not "CUPID" the God of Love! but They say he is "CUPID" and Jesus is not the son of Venus" "AMOR" is not the name of "Our Father" "Latin "AMOR, Love", Oh who have Bewitched you (Galatians 3:1)
The devil sows and is slick in deception more gifted than any, in this art, for this gift was given to him by GOD his Creator, Jesus Christ" is the devils LORD too. When Jesus speaks, demons and devils obey.
These people are destroying our families, our sons and daughters, and making them an enemy of GOD, so says the Bible! They who lead you are leading you astray! They are helping in destroying souls at an alarming rate, religious people, yes they are, backbiters , Gossipers, false accusers", sowing discord even among their own brethren", The Theological Survey of 2022" has made this clear what christianity believes in, many do not even believe that "Jesus' is the only way, they do not believe in the Bible any more, They have The Bible of their own mind, and that bible rules their soul. So has it been Prophesied . "the great falling away' [from the Word of GOD] and they have established their own righteousness. We all know this,
And the earth is Angry and making a lot of noise and many even ignore that, and that alarm does not even encourage many to sound the alarm! because many do not want to hear the Bible speak! And sound the Biblical Alarm. "How beautiful on The mountains are the feet of Those who bring Good tidings" Repent For The Kingdom Of God Is At HAND! The Day of The LORD is a Day of DARKNESS and not light, to usher in The KINGDOM of GOD! it will not be a pretty day for the unsaved. it will be a dark and troubling day for them, and many are of our own families and It pains us to even thing that they Will be "
New American Standard Bible
"but the sons of the [this] kingdom will be thrown out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
King James Bible
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
When The Kingdom of GOD comes His armies will fight, and His eyes will be "Flames of FIRE"
King James Bible
"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."
Romans 10, KJV
2For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 3For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Those of us who have our ticket, we have no fear we know our final destination and we need no one to encourage us for God is Our FATHER! No one has to encourage us and tell us to fear what may Come, for it is our "full shared inheritance", we have no fear, we need no one to tell us not to fear, for "GOD"lives in our being and no man has to and can cheer us on. for God is our Father and we have inherit it all! and we know it.
For it is Our FATHER"S Good Pleasure to Give us "The KINGDOM" not earn But Given a "SHARED INHERITANCE" all that The FATHER HAS belongs to us, It is A Inheritance that Cannot fade away and can never grow Old, The earth will grow old and fade away but Eternity This Kingdom cannot fade away and there is no end to it. Heaven and Earth will pass away and be no more. But OUR KINGDOM THAT we shall INHERIT will not fade and pass away. so let the children in this "kingdom" have this kingdom that is fading, dying away. For we love not this world and nothing in it, it is rotting with the stink of death, dying it is, every moment. God designed it to die and be no more, And His will will be done. "For this world is a stench In His nostrils" it has the smell of Death! Every where we look it is death, and it smell of Death! The Stars, The Flowers, The Birds, The Fish, The Insects, The Trees, even The Morning air is dying alone with the human flesh! The Sun Light has death in its rays! Let them Have their world for there is nothing in it we desirer! For the people of this WORLD is in The DARK and They Cannot see the Light of What is happening! They cannot see and feel the death surround them and they love Darkness and death, They hunt and kill animals for sport, They kill babies for all kinds or reason before the babies comes out of the womb. They Love death, them make money from killing, they kill the water streams the air, they kill the dirt, for profit. They grandeur and profit from death,
They gain profits and greed from deaths and trickery, To make themselves look good they kill and cheat. to deceive! They kid children in fields of labor, The rich pollute the airs ways, The people look down on other people by color or race, they discriminate on all levels in society. They discriminate by languages and vernaculars and cultures. They make wars for profits and greed.
This is a evil world and it is the people who are the evil ones and not the planet, for the people are the ones who are the enemies of the planet and the Planet is "Throwing up" vomiting from the corruption they have done to it. The people are destroying the world for profit and greed, in the name of technology and education, being educated to be more destructive to learn how to destroy it even further. Making medicine, to counter act the side affects! for in which they cause. in the first place, the fish in the sea is dying the number 1 "Apex Predator" is "MANKIND" The Human Race. One elected Politician a woman said: "BOMB THEM ALL" the only creature on the planet that can and will commit "GENOCIDE" of his own race! The only creature on earth that will wipe out a whole race of animals and people for sport! and Plant life in the name of progress and entertainment! and still do not see a wrong. But blame it on the poor!
Oh yes everyday I do see the atrocities of mankind and I understand why "GOD" is angry everyday concerning mankind and I understand why he has "The Lake burning with Fire and [sulfur] Brimstone" I see it clearly in the light of The Gospel According to Jesus Christ Our LORD. I do see why he said it repented of me in Creating mankind. It took a lot of pain to do what "GOD" the Father had to do, in creating a gift for HIS only Son. What great Love He had for Him, by creating such a evil beast called man. and what pain the Son had to endure also. Each one suffers beyond that a human could ever igmagine. They both suffered in Creating The Humans race. For there was no joy in it, in creating mankind, It was "mercy and Grace" and A love of The FATHER for His Only SON, And how great a love it was for HIS SON that for him to do such a painful thing!
It hurt GOD so much to create mankind.
Corruption on the Earth Genesis 6
…5Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. 6And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”…
And that day is coming, for GOD cannot lie, And that day is drawing near, and He will destroy it All and all mankind! He will do it and he will not fell. as sure as Jesus Christ is The SON of GOD" God is going to destroyed it all!
For we who are saved and "Born of God" are assured By "The Parakletos" that is living in us, for we know beyond the shadows of the doubt our "final destination" and we never need no one to encourage us, where we are going, for our Destination is Sealed. And we need no one to tell us about our "SALVATION". We need no one to encourage us and tell us not to worry where we are going. For GOD Our Father has Made sure of that, that We know beyond the shadows of Doubts, who we are. The Blessed Assurance is Living in our Soul. and we do not have to believe it, we Know it. For God The FATHER made sure of That.
"They that are The Children of The Flesh are not The Children of GOD" := [They that believe in GOD by the Flesh are Not The Children of GOD} The flesh beliefs cannot please GOD. If they believe by the mind, that is Flesh, they cannot be The children of GOD neither Can they understand. and that too, is a "Mysterion" not a mystery but a "Mysterion" for there is a difference between The Mysterion and a mystery in GOD. The mystery cannot understand "The Mysterion". in Christ, Just like the "Finite cannot understand The Infinite" for The Mysterion cannot be comprehended by "The Finite mind" For The Mysterion of GOD is in "The SALVATION of GOD". and how it troubles us who dwells within The Mysterion, about own own relatives family and friends,
Although they have The words of God and Jesus on their lips. Oh how it pains and sorrow us, who knows "The TRUTH" in GOD, it hurts us and pains us everyday, as The days draws near and The farther it seems The world is drawing them away and drawing them further by using, the name of JESUS in a foreign way. Everyday The "deception callings" of knowing and calling on GOD is leading many away, as far as The east is to The west, and this makes even our sorrow ever greater, for it pains all of our hearts who know "The TRUTH" in GOD. about "The Christ of GOD" and "The Way to The FATHER". And there is only "ONE WAY" and That Way Is "The WAY" One LORD One FAITh and One GOD.
And this Pains grows greater and Greater each day and The battle seems to be fought alone! Single travelers, pilgrims traveling alone. Same as Paul, Same as Jesus Christ, Same as "AMOS" same as "ISAIAH" same as "EZEKIEL" same as "ELIJAH" same as "ELISHA" not even Travelers no more traveling "in "2's" but everyone is traveling in their own way, carry their own individual God and Not in agreeing in anything but The Same kind of sins" and holding hands and parading the same sins together and calling them selves Bless of GOD to commit such "Abominations" and they get angry when you bring their sins to The LIGHT" the hate and call you kinds of Name in the Dark and in the Light and consider you a enemy of GOD.
And they will not warn anyone that they are going to Hell and That GOD is Angry everyday and he will destroy and cast them into "the Lake of Fire" if they do not "REPENT" and Turn around. In Christianity the word "REPENT" has become a bad word and a lot of Christians refuse to use it and the word Repent has become Foreign in their mouths,
They will not warn the People, and they call this Love and Kindness By Not warning Them, What GOD is planning to do and will do and The wrath of The LAMB of God who is Jesus Christ. How's his eyes will be like "Flames of FIRE" "Burning"and he will not be coming back with love, but "The WRATH of ALMIGHTY GOD" these people will not tell the whole "The Whole "TRUTH" and it saddens me, Because Telling my loves ones, it ain't that bad, Do not worry GOD loves you, and that is all they hear, you can commit "Adultery you can commit fornication, you can kill, you can steal, you can hate, you can worship idols of all kinds, you can love this world, don't worry he is the God of love, and He takes you just like you are, So do not fear him. and they fell to see, he will not be casting any sins into hell and the lake of Fire, No sins are going there, And My FATHER name is Not "CUPID" the God of Love! but They say he is "CUPID" and Jesus is not the son of Venus" "AMOR" is not the name of "Our Father" "Latin "AMOR, Love", Oh who have Bewitched you (Galatians 3:1)
The devil sows and is slick in deception more gifted than any, in this art, for this gift was given to him by GOD his Creator, Jesus Christ" is the devils LORD too. When Jesus speaks, demons and devils obey.
These people are destroying our families, our sons and daughters, and making them an enemy of GOD, so says the Bible! They who lead you are leading you astray! They are helping in destroying souls at an alarming rate, religious people, yes they are, backbiters , Gossipers, false accusers", sowing discord even among their own brethren", The Theological Survey of 2022" has made this clear what christianity believes in, many do not even believe that "Jesus' is the only way, they do not believe in the Bible any more, They have The Bible of their own mind, and that bible rules their soul. So has it been Prophesied . "the great falling away' [from the Word of GOD] and they have established their own righteousness. We all know this,
And the earth is Angry and making a lot of noise and many even ignore that, and that alarm does not even encourage many to sound the alarm! because many do not want to hear the Bible speak! And sound the Biblical Alarm. "How beautiful on The mountains are the feet of Those who bring Good tidings" Repent For The Kingdom Of God Is At HAND! The Day of The LORD is a Day of DARKNESS and not light, to usher in The KINGDOM of GOD! it will not be a pretty day for the unsaved. it will be a dark and troubling day for them, and many are of our own families and It pains us to even thing that they Will be "
New American Standard Bible
"but the sons of the [this] kingdom will be thrown out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
King James Bible
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
When The Kingdom of GOD comes His armies will fight, and His eyes will be "Flames of FIRE"
King James Bible
"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."
Romans 10, KJV
2For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 3For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Those of us who have our ticket, we have no fear we know our final destination and we need no one to encourage us for God is Our FATHER! No one has to encourage us and tell us to fear what may Come, for it is our "full shared inheritance", we have no fear, we need no one to tell us not to fear, for "GOD"lives in our being and no man has to and can cheer us on. for God is our Father and we have inherit it all! and we know it.
For it is Our FATHER"S Good Pleasure to Give us "The KINGDOM" not earn But Given a "SHARED INHERITANCE" all that The FATHER HAS belongs to us, It is A Inheritance that Cannot fade away and can never grow Old, The earth will grow old and fade away but Eternity This Kingdom cannot fade away and there is no end to it. Heaven and Earth will pass away and be no more. But OUR KINGDOM THAT we shall INHERIT will not fade and pass away. so let the children in this "kingdom" have this kingdom that is fading, dying away. For we love not this world and nothing in it, it is rotting with the stink of death, dying it is, every moment. God designed it to die and be no more, And His will will be done. "For this world is a stench In His nostrils" it has the smell of Death! Every where we look it is death, and it smell of Death! The Stars, The Flowers, The Birds, The Fish, The Insects, The Trees, even The Morning air is dying alone with the human flesh! The Sun Light has death in its rays! Let them Have their world for there is nothing in it we desirer! For the people of this WORLD is in The DARK and They Cannot see the Light of What is happening! They cannot see and feel the death surround them and they love Darkness and death, They hunt and kill animals for sport, They kill babies for all kinds or reason before the babies comes out of the womb. They Love death, them make money from killing, they kill the water streams the air, they kill the dirt, for profit. They grandeur and profit from death,
They gain profits and greed from deaths and trickery, To make themselves look good they kill and cheat. to deceive! They kid children in fields of labor, The rich pollute the airs ways, The people look down on other people by color or race, they discriminate on all levels in society. They discriminate by languages and vernaculars and cultures. They make wars for profits and greed.
This is a evil world and it is the people who are the evil ones and not the planet, for the people are the ones who are the enemies of the planet and the Planet is "Throwing up" vomiting from the corruption they have done to it. The people are destroying the world for profit and greed, in the name of technology and education, being educated to be more destructive to learn how to destroy it even further. Making medicine, to counter act the side affects! for in which they cause. in the first place, the fish in the sea is dying the number 1 "Apex Predator" is "MANKIND" The Human Race. One elected Politician a woman said: "BOMB THEM ALL" the only creature on the planet that can and will commit "GENOCIDE" of his own race! The only creature on earth that will wipe out a whole race of animals and people for sport! and Plant life in the name of progress and entertainment! and still do not see a wrong. But blame it on the poor!
Oh yes everyday I do see the atrocities of mankind and I understand why "GOD" is angry everyday concerning mankind and I understand why he has "The Lake burning with Fire and [sulfur] Brimstone" I see it clearly in the light of The Gospel According to Jesus Christ Our LORD. I do see why he said it repented of me in Creating mankind. It took a lot of pain to do what "GOD" the Father had to do, in creating a gift for HIS only Son. What great Love He had for Him, by creating such a evil beast called man. and what pain the Son had to endure also. Each one suffers beyond that a human could ever igmagine. They both suffered in Creating The Humans race. For there was no joy in it, in creating mankind, It was "mercy and Grace" and A love of The FATHER for His Only SON, And how great a love it was for HIS SON that for him to do such a painful thing!
It hurt GOD so much to create mankind.
Corruption on the Earth Genesis 6
…5Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. 6And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”…
And that day is coming, for GOD cannot lie, And that day is drawing near, and He will destroy it All and all mankind! He will do it and he will not fell. as sure as Jesus Christ is The SON of GOD" God is going to destroyed it all!
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