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That Time of Year

Sue J Love

Mar 27, 2015
So Christmas is that time of year
When folks give others words of cheer
Folks seem in a holiday mood
With lots of drinks and lots of food

They hustle bustle to and fro
And some put on a great big show
They buy their trees, and tinsel, too
And many friendships they renew

They get their cards, and presents swell
And some will entertain with bells
They sing their songs and dance their jigs
And some will eat their dates and figs

And some will worship Santa Claus
And yet for Jesus they will pause
They picture him in manger laid
A tiny baby unafraid

Yet Santa Claus is big and bold
Who knows about us, so we’re told
And he brings presents, flies through air
In single night he’s everywhere

But that’s a lie that comes from hell
For only God knows all too well
Who we the people truly are
And only He is near and far

So Santa turns out a false god
Thus he’s not real but a façade
He takes the place of Christ in hearts
And from the truth those hearts depart

So if you want to worship Christ
And celebrate him and his life
Then give your hearts sold out to Him
And walk in victory, free from sin

An Original Work / December 2, 2022
Personally I was brought up knowing about ST. Nick I use to love reading about the saints as a child lol I've been a nerd bird since birth I think but here's a little read on him idk if ya ever did any reads on him.. my favorite saint tho as a child was Joan of Arc.. at one Time it was a season that many gave a little extra was just a bit kinder to one another n even lend a hand n help one another it was a time when food was scarce a neighbor would lend a helping hand or invite ya in for a meal. Now it's all about chasing that dollar to see who can be more wasteful frfr


Personally I was brought up knowing about ST. Nick I use to love reading about the saints as a child lol I've been a nerd bird since birth I think but here's a little read on him idk if ya ever did any reads on him.. my favorite saint tho as a child was Joan of Arc.. at one Time it was a season that many gave a little extra was just a bit kinder to one another n even lend a hand n help one another it was a time when food was scarce a neighbor would lend a helping hand or invite ya in for a meal. Now it's all about chasing that dollar to see who can be more wasteful frfr


Twistie, thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Appreciated. Sue