What actualy determines our gift of salvation?Is it strictly adhering to one line of thought or doctrine?Is it more complicated than that?Is it perhaps more simple than that?
Heres an example:
A young catholic preist dedicates his life to the service of God.He is given a missionary assignment to a heathen land where the name of Christ has never been heard.He spends his life educating these people on the word and the power of Jesus ransome sacrafice.He dies an old man feeling he has led a godly life,contented with the work he has done and awaits Gods blessings.
Would you be prepared to say this man is going to hell because of many of the false catholic doctrines he has spread?
To be honest this is something i have been really struggling with.We have all sorts of people come to tj,some who are phonies just wishing to poke fun,whilst others are honest christians with a different approach on many subjects.On a personal level i have lots of issues with the catholic faith but would by no means condemn a man who has given his life to God however misguided his belief system may be.Perhaps the example of a catholic is a bit extreme,why dont we talk about something closer to home.
Some born again christians believe the wine mentioned in Jesus wedding miracle was grape juice and the bible prohibits the drinking of alcohol altogether.Others believe the drinking of alcohol in moderation is permitted.Whos right?Does it really matter?The list goes on.We could talk about speaking in tongues,the differing veiws on the rapture,keeping the sabbath,attending a church,being slain in the spirit etc.Many God-loving,long-standing,faithful christians could give you their veiws backed by scripture but still come out with different answers.Again,who is right?Again,does it really matter?
We would all agree that there are fundamental truths in the bible,some things are written down in black and white with no room for interpretation.There are basic principles that run the length of the bible that if you stick to you cant go far wrong.We have to watch that we dont get so caught up in detail and doctine we lose sight of the bigger picture.The tatto thread for example went on for ages with no real conclusion.
While i meditated and prayed about this post at work today my mind was drawn to the sinner who died alongside Jesus.The man expressed a faith in Jesus (Luke 23)and he in turn promised him a place in his kingdom.This man was at the end of his life,he had never been embroiled in any type of doctrine but through that one act of faith was saved.How wonderful but yet how simple!
I just think this is a great way of looking at the common bond that christians who recognise Christ as their saviour have in common.How awful would it be to lose a brother in Christ over some minor point of doctrine when all along you had that joint gift in common.There will be a day of reckoning and if any have got it seriously wrong then they will be judged accountable by the only one who is worthy to know all the right answers-God!Until that time isnt it better for us to proceed in agreement as opposed to disagreement?
Heres an example:
A young catholic preist dedicates his life to the service of God.He is given a missionary assignment to a heathen land where the name of Christ has never been heard.He spends his life educating these people on the word and the power of Jesus ransome sacrafice.He dies an old man feeling he has led a godly life,contented with the work he has done and awaits Gods blessings.
Would you be prepared to say this man is going to hell because of many of the false catholic doctrines he has spread?
To be honest this is something i have been really struggling with.We have all sorts of people come to tj,some who are phonies just wishing to poke fun,whilst others are honest christians with a different approach on many subjects.On a personal level i have lots of issues with the catholic faith but would by no means condemn a man who has given his life to God however misguided his belief system may be.Perhaps the example of a catholic is a bit extreme,why dont we talk about something closer to home.
Some born again christians believe the wine mentioned in Jesus wedding miracle was grape juice and the bible prohibits the drinking of alcohol altogether.Others believe the drinking of alcohol in moderation is permitted.Whos right?Does it really matter?The list goes on.We could talk about speaking in tongues,the differing veiws on the rapture,keeping the sabbath,attending a church,being slain in the spirit etc.Many God-loving,long-standing,faithful christians could give you their veiws backed by scripture but still come out with different answers.Again,who is right?Again,does it really matter?
We would all agree that there are fundamental truths in the bible,some things are written down in black and white with no room for interpretation.There are basic principles that run the length of the bible that if you stick to you cant go far wrong.We have to watch that we dont get so caught up in detail and doctine we lose sight of the bigger picture.The tatto thread for example went on for ages with no real conclusion.
While i meditated and prayed about this post at work today my mind was drawn to the sinner who died alongside Jesus.The man expressed a faith in Jesus (Luke 23)and he in turn promised him a place in his kingdom.This man was at the end of his life,he had never been embroiled in any type of doctrine but through that one act of faith was saved.How wonderful but yet how simple!
I just think this is a great way of looking at the common bond that christians who recognise Christ as their saviour have in common.How awful would it be to lose a brother in Christ over some minor point of doctrine when all along you had that joint gift in common.There will be a day of reckoning and if any have got it seriously wrong then they will be judged accountable by the only one who is worthy to know all the right answers-God!Until that time isnt it better for us to proceed in agreement as opposed to disagreement?