I am an ex-catholic. Sometime ago whilst I was reading and doing research at a public library about the history of the Catholic Church, I realized what kind of Devil we fight against. So evil. My heart was just pained especially as an ex-catholic, I just thought about those still trapped inside this Catholic regime. They need freedom. They need Jesus. They need salvation. They need truth. Oh Jesus…
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The thing the devil has imposed on the Catholic priests and nuns; for them to remain celibate is just difficult if it is not your choice to remain so. Most of them continue to struggle with this condition. God originally created man and woman to be together as husband and wife, not for one to separate from the other. The devil won in this endeavor because he knows how difficult it is for a human being to be in this condition yet he requires them to remain so. He [Satan] thought it was a secret that we will never know so we continue to be in bondage and never find out. But it is not so!! This thing (secret) comes from the DARKEST times of history when Catholicism emerged. Asking for difficult thing indeed. I don’t have the right words to explain this. Just try to imagine. According to 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 8, Paul was not married, but to use this scripture to support the celibacy in the Catholic Church is not sufficient since that scripture needs a bit of some explanation as to what Paul exactly meant. These are just some of the ‘evils’ that are found in the Catholic Church and at times people do not realize how destructive they are.
I pray that God may open the hearts of those trapped in this Church so they may one-day become free as I am. I love Jesus.
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The thing the devil has imposed on the Catholic priests and nuns; for them to remain celibate is just difficult if it is not your choice to remain so. Most of them continue to struggle with this condition. God originally created man and woman to be together as husband and wife, not for one to separate from the other. The devil won in this endeavor because he knows how difficult it is for a human being to be in this condition yet he requires them to remain so. He [Satan] thought it was a secret that we will never know so we continue to be in bondage and never find out. But it is not so!! This thing (secret) comes from the DARKEST times of history when Catholicism emerged. Asking for difficult thing indeed. I don’t have the right words to explain this. Just try to imagine. According to 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 8, Paul was not married, but to use this scripture to support the celibacy in the Catholic Church is not sufficient since that scripture needs a bit of some explanation as to what Paul exactly meant. These are just some of the ‘evils’ that are found in the Catholic Church and at times people do not realize how destructive they are.
I pray that God may open the hearts of those trapped in this Church so they may one-day become free as I am. I love Jesus.
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