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The Christian Music Delusion | Newsboys, Amy Grant, TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Michael Tait


Staff Member
Oct 26, 2007
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus,
I was undecided on where to post this video. It could very easily have been under the Musicians Forum, or even Questions about Christianity. However, since the video being shared here is pretty new August 8, 2022, even though the subject is not. I thought well why not news?

Now this can be a controversial subject in many ways. Not just because it's discussing known Christian musicians, but also the myriad of questions that come to mind when dealing with individuals who are, to be kind here, questionable in their theology against the songs they share to the World/Christendom. Which I can only assume is being done in the name of Jesus and to the Glory of God.

I could list the questions that come to my mind, but I'm curious on how my brethren after watching/listening the video feel personally, as well as theologically about this subject area that isn't always discussed/covered in a way that sheds light into the nuances of Christian Music and the performing Artists in question.

Let's see what can of worms I've opened here!!!
I do thank-you for your consideration.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.

Well Amy Grant has some nice music that can help you get into the worship mode, but calling her and other christian music artists "chosen" is ridiculous, they either are God's children or they arent. Can people produce good worship music and still be far from God... sure. People here can talk a good talk but some may still be far from God. In revelations people on the streets are called in to rejoice in the marriage feast of the Lamb of God. Some are thrown out because they dont have proper wedding attire, but thats Gods decision. Billy Graham always said come as you are and no one found fault with that, and if she (grant) is simply saying you are not so dirty that you would not be welcome by Jesus, is not far off. Any judgement about her would have to be a bit more clear to me, as she could be simply donning some clothing and saying "God loves you" which He does, even sinners, trying to bring people into the fold. I didnt hear her condoning their lifestyle specifically, I would need to hear more from her before I would say she has stepped to far into the world.
Dear Brother, @Brad Huber
It was less important what this man accused her of saying, or even what we believe was said by her. For me what was more telling than anything, was how the community she was talking to believed what she was saying. Apparently, they took it as being that God would accept them as they are because He loves them and it's okay to be Gay etc., but that latter part is just not true. Otherwise, what we are communicating to them is that it's okay to be a sinner and to continue sinning because Jesus loves you anyway?

For if you are ambiguous in communicating to the sinner the evil that is sin, you very well stand an even greater chance of alienating them even further from Jesus then when they first found out when they become aware that they are living in sin! However, now a days it's quite possible that they may never hear this or read of it for that matter. That is probably even more horrifying to contemplate!!! It's like the story of Adulterous woman brought before Jesus. Many like to hold this telling up for how forgiving our Lord is, and He is!!! However, for whatever reason more times than not the final part where He tells her is excluded. Which is "...go and sin no more." Without that latter part, she very easily could have believed that she now had a license to continue in the lifestyle she was living since none could condemn her actions, because not even Jesus did!!!

I'm not saying that they need to get cleaned up before receiving Jesus, but if they are professing after talking with Amy Grant that they don't have to change their lifestyle because it is acceptable to God, then there is something lacking or very wrong being communicated that has them believing that. I'm pretty sure the Gospel hasn't been communicated to them. Maybe, it has to do with being afraid, because of how they may react to it. Jesus Christ lived, died, arose, and as Peter said Repent and be Baptized! All we are called to do and that includes Amy Grant is to present it and leave it to God to convert!!!

We are hated for this very thing that we share in love. That is what bothers me about this whole question about Amy Grant and this LGBTI...community. Maybe, if she had shared her testimony on how she came to Jesus, it could have communicated the very thing she apparently didn't and left them comfortable in their sin.

Love you brother and wasn't sure I was going to share this with you for I would not want to create any angst to you in these words. Then I thought of the very words I used above and thought. Am I any different then Amy Grant then?

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus,
I was undecided on where to post this video. It could very easily have been under the Musicians Forum, or even Questions about Christianity. However, since the video being shared here is pretty new August 8, 2022, even though the subject is not. I thought well why not news?

Now this can be a controversial subject in many ways. Not just because it's discussing known Christian musicians, but also the myriad of questions that come to mind when dealing with individuals who are, to be kind here, questionable in their theology against the songs they share to the World/Christendom. Which I can only assume is being done in the name of Jesus and to the Glory of God.

I could list the questions that come to my mind, but I'm curious on how my brethren after watching/listening the video feel personally, as well as theologically about this subject area that isn't always discussed/covered in a way that sheds light into the nuances of Christian Music and the performing Artists in question.

Let's see what can of worms I've opened here!!!
I do thank-you for your consideration.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.

Thanks for sharing, much needed.
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus,
I was undecided on where to post this video. It could very easily have been under the Musicians Forum, or even Questions about Christianity. However, since the video being shared here is pretty new August 8, 2022, even though the subject is not. I thought well why not news?

Now this can be a controversial subject in many ways. Not just because it's discussing known Christian musicians, but also the myriad of questions that come to mind when dealing with individuals who are, to be kind here, questionable in their theology against the songs they share to the World/Christendom. Which I can only assume is being done in the name of Jesus and to the Glory of God.

I could list the questions that come to my mind, but I'm curious on how my brethren after watching/listening the video feel personally, as well as theologically about this subject area that isn't always discussed/covered in a way that sheds light into the nuances of Christian Music and the performing Artists in question.

Let's see what can of worms I've opened here!!!
I do thank-you for your consideration.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.

I think my view is going to be different from what you have received previously. I remind you as you are reading this to keep an open mind. I don’t like calling myself Christian for my own personal reasons but that’s for another time but I do believe in the holy father but I am also gay.

To answer your question about how I felt watching that video, I felt gross and disgusted. To that Christian artist are sharing and inviting the queer Christian community to listen to songs of praise gives me hope. It makes me see the love of Christ shinning through them. And this YouTuber who tries to bring these artist down sickens me. We are all sinners and yet we are all children of God. One God’s greatest commandment is LOVE. Not love them unless or love them but. No there are no conditions. God wishes us to love all regardless, and yet so many and the majority of so called Christian’s put limits on their love.

Theologically, I new self funded documentary called 1946: The Mistral That Shifted Culture found boxes of notes of the RSV version when they were making their translation in the 1900s at Yale University has come out. The researchers are a mix of heterosexual and homosexual people but all affirming. This documentary shows evidence and a confession from the translation team saying that homosexual doesn’t belong. And that the clobber passages weren’t translated correctly. It goes into cultural differences from the time of Christ to now. It speaks of how there was no concept of homosexuality in the time of Christ. It speaks of the history of the word homosexual and where it comes from and who coined the word. There is much more it talks about as well. Again I grew up in the church and believed as most Christian’s do but when I went and prayed and did my own research and not just what the church said. I believe that the church knows what they say it in correct and wrong just as what they said about slavery was. I believe the reason they won’t and don’t admit it is because they are afraid that to admit it will mean no one will trust the church again.

I believe that science is catching up to God. I believe that science is our way of explaining Gods creation. God tells us in psalms that he knits us in our mothers womb. He molds us with his own hands. God doesn’t creat sin yet science says we are born gay. Just as you were born attracted to the opposite sex you didn’t wake up one day and chose to. Same applies to those of us who are attracted to the opposite sex or both. We didn’t wake up and chose this. Especially those of us who are also Christian or believers. For all of us who are but are also gay we don’t want to hurt God. We don’t want to lose our families and friends. We didn’t want to be tormented and persecuted by those whose love we thought unconditional or who we saw as brothers and sisters. But we also knew that God created us. God doesn’t make mistakes. God doesn’t create sin. We are perfectly created by our creator. So we don’t lie and we acknowledge our 100% Authentic self knowing Gods love is 100% without conditions and his opinion is all that matters.
I think my view is going to be different from what you have received previously. I remind you as you are reading this to keep an open mind. I don’t like calling myself Christian for my own personal reasons but that’s for another time but I do believe in the holy father but I am also gay.

To answer your question about how I felt watching that video, I felt gross and disgusted. To that Christian artist are sharing and inviting the queer Christian community to listen to songs of praise gives me hope. It makes me see the love of Christ shinning through them. And this YouTuber who tries to bring these artist down sickens me. We are all sinners and yet we are all children of God. One God’s greatest commandment is LOVE. Not love them unless or love them but. No there are no conditions. God wishes us to love all regardless, and yet so many and the majority of so called Christian’s put limits on their love.

Theologically, I new self funded documentary called 1946: The Mistral That Shifted Culture found boxes of notes of the RSV version when they were making their translation in the 1900s at Yale University has come out. The researchers are a mix of heterosexual and homosexual people but all affirming. This documentary shows evidence and a confession from the translation team saying that homosexual doesn’t belong. And that the clobber passages weren’t translated correctly. It goes into cultural differences from the time of Christ to now. It speaks of how there was no concept of homosexuality in the time of Christ. It speaks of the history of the word homosexual and where it comes from and who coined the word. There is much more it talks about as well. Again I grew up in the church and believed as most Christian’s do but when I went and prayed and did my own research and not just what the church said. I believe that the church knows what they say it in correct and wrong just as what they said about slavery was. I believe the reason they won’t and don’t admit it is because they are afraid that to admit it will mean no one will trust the church again.

I believe that science is catching up to God. I believe that science is our way of explaining Gods creation. God tells us in psalms that he knits us in our mothers womb. He molds us with his own hands. God doesn’t creat sin yet science says we are born gay. Just as you were born attracted to the opposite sex you didn’t wake up one day and chose to. Same applies to those of us who are attracted to the opposite sex or both. We didn’t wake up and chose this. Especially those of us who are also Christian or believers. For all of us who are but are also gay we don’t want to hurt God. We don’t want to lose our families and friends. We didn’t want to be tormented and persecuted by those whose love we thought unconditional or who we saw as brothers and sisters. But we also knew that God created us. God doesn’t make mistakes. God doesn’t create sin. We are perfectly created by our creator. So we don’t lie and we acknowledge our 100% Authentic self knowing Gods love is 100% without conditions and his opinion is all that matters.
Dear Affirming_Christian,

First, welcome to Talk Jesus, an online community of Jesus Christ believers! I hope you will find fellowship, and growth in God's Word while here.

Second, you are correct in your initial assessment. Your view is different from Bible believing brethren, but more in line with the world. You also ask me to keep an open mind...so I will tell you that my belief system is filtered through the Word of God, and not through any particular church doctrine.

I prefer the Word of God, and what God wants us to know verses what others tell me that the Word of God wants me to know. If necessary, which is most of the time, I try to be like the Bereans who tested what they heard from Paul and Silas; against my own memory or teachings from this church or center of learning. (Acts 17:11) It's easy to get deceived in one's desires against the truth found in His Word. Reading the Word of God, shows this to be true through the very lives of the people found therein. As our Lord said, the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)

You acknowledge being "gay", or NT "homosexual", or OT "sodomite", or to make it simple, you lay with men as if they were women. How you identify it or the reasoning why the act happens, is less important than the act itself. The same can be said for any other action that Scripture identifies as being sinful. We as in humanity are always of the belief that somehow, we know better, than God, even when He tells us "not to", we find an excuse to "do so". I identify this type of action like the saying that Forrest Gump popularized "stupid is as stupid does". Oh, and I readily include myself in that, because I have found myself to be quite stupid indeed in my life, and sadly continue to be so. :(

Yet, when it all is said and done, no matter what we profess to believe scripturally, inside of each of us, is the knowledge that we are sinners, and hopefully also the knowledge that we cannot save ourselves no matter how much we attempt to adhere to the Word of God, or fail to do so. For if we could save ourselves, there would have been no need of Jesus, God incarnate, to have come to this World to live a sinless life that we could not, and die for the very sins that condemn us, on the Cross as a Sacrifice.

Still, stupid is as stupid does, and like the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus that Jesus spoke of. He said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'" (Luke 16:31 ESV) humanity still rejects Him and fails to acknowledge the sin that Jesus willingly died for us and for which we still seek to do whether we believe in Him or not.

The issue now at hand is "Sin". What is sin, and who gets to say what sin is or is not? Again, truth be told, I would not be looking to you, and I hope you won't be looking to me either in stating what the answer to that might be! The problem is that we continue to fall into the stupid is as stupid does trap, when we ignore the Spirit of God inside of us, who has already told us when we do something wrong! That "conviction" that rises within us, that when it deals with a "desire" that we want “to do”, only those who live for Jesus are able in the Spirit to cast it away from us, instead even those in Jesus can justify why it is okay to do and still fall.

The reasons this happens are many, and Scripture warned us of one of them For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV

With the availability of knowledge at the touch of our fingers, we are able to access any point of view we care to have, and have it justified. Scripture becomes second fiddle to whatever we find posted by whoever has a Doctorate, or some learning that makes what they say shiny and bright, and satisfying to receive.

As I've said we justify our actions for the desires that are pleasurable by whatever means we have available to us, and rarely if ever is it the Word of God!

I believe that science is catching up to God. I believe that science is our way of explaining Gods creation.

Yes you believe, but is that what God believes and has told us concerning it? How many times has science been wrong throughout its history in saying that this is true, and given time, it reverses itself and comes up with something else that they now proclaim is truth? Many are fixated with the belief that if Science says this is true than it must be how I'm reading/understanding the Word of God that must be wrong, because Science can't be wrong! Even you must smile at this type of reasoning!

So, in truth I don't seek Science to confirm what the Word of God has told me. It would be nice to have for sure that in my discussions with non-believers I can point out this or that. However, if Science is true, then it will never contradict what the Word of God says is true, only confirm it. It’s never the opposite of that!

We live in the fallacy that if God made it so, then it must be good and okay to do. We don’t look to the grey between the lines, that says that man has corrupted what God has made good, and God is the one who determines what is acceptable for us to do or not do. An example is the “tree of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9, 17), that Adam/Eve were told not to partake from. The first example of “not to” and us saying “do so”. You can find this throughout Scripture and continues to this day. The cost is high for those who choose to ignore a Mighty God’s warnings.

Now you bring up boxes that speak that the Word of God shouldn't have "homosexuality" as a word in it, at least as it pertains to the RSV. I’m curious did the box of documents, or the interviews also address how God says that men should not lay with men? Like I said before, even if you take the word "homosexuality" out of the Bible, it doesn't change the Scriptural understanding that God does not approve of men laying with one another, or women for that matter, or animals. The understanding is clear that what we may “desire” the things we want the most to be true, but when seen through the lens that is the Word of God, it's usually not very beneficial for us to do.

I say not beneficial, because our God is merciful! In Christ Jesus we have an advocate who will intercede for us. The issue becomes, are we willing to ask for it? If we acknowledge the sin in our lives, and attempt to change our ways, no matter how many times we may fail, again, and again. He is faithful to forgive us. Too often, that’s not the hard part. The difficulty is when we don’t believe that what we are doing is wrong! How can something that feels so good be wrong? As I've stated before, that mindset relegates God to second fiddle. :( So, if we don’t come before Him seeking forgiveness, and continue to willfully sin, what is it that Scripture shows us that happens to people who behave like this? They get punished brother.

That’s pretty much it. I won’t go into the realm of can a person lose their salvation. Gosh, we’d be writing a book if we were to get into that discussion! Instead, all I can say is that I and I hope others as well, will put the desires of the flesh behind them so that they may walk in the Spirit and with the Spirit be obedient to what God wants for us. Holiness, sanctification, perfection…for God doesn't tempt us, but we do a good enough job of doing that to ourselves and each other.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Greetings Nick,

I have always understood 'homo-sexual' to be a scientific term?

Similar to homo-sapien.

We have the Word.

However, words have and do change and all too often they are like fashionable clothing; we can make them fit and look/sound nice or even gay.

The word 'gay' has been hijacked and is currently misused and basically stolen from our vocabulary.
I copy paste here, not to run anyone down but that some might discover some facts that are useful or at least interesting...


gay (adj.)​

late 14c., "full of joy, merry; light-hearted, carefree;" also "wanton, lewd, lascivious" (late 12c. as a surname, Philippus de Gay), from Old French gai "joyful, happy; pleasant, agreeably charming; forward, pert; light-colored" (12c.; compare Old Spanish gayo, Portuguese gaio, Italian gajo, probably French loan-words). The ultimate origin is disputed; perhaps from Frankish *gahi (related to Old High German wahi "pretty"), though not all etymologists accept this.

The meaning "stately and beautiful; splendid and showily dressed" is from early 14c. Of things, "sumptuous, showy, rich, ornate," mid-14c. of colors, etc., "shining, glittering, gleaming, bright, vivid," late 14c.; of persons, "dressed up, decked out in finery," also late 14c. In the English of Yorkshire and Scotland formerly it could mean "moderately, rather, considerable" (1796; compare the sense development in pretty (adj.)).

The word gay by the 1890s had an overall tinge of promiscuity — a gay house was a brothel. The suggestion of immorality in the word can be traced back at least to the 1630s, if not to Chaucer:

But in oure bed he was so fressh and gay

Whan that he wolde han my bele chose.
The slang meaning "homosexual" (adj.) begins to appear in psychological writing in the late 1940s, evidently picked up from gay slang and not always easily distinguished from the older sense:

After discharge A.Z. lived for some time at home. He was not happy at the farm and went to a Western city where he associated with a homosexual crowd, being "gay," and wearing female clothes and makeup. He always wished others would make advances to him. [Rorschach Research Exchange and Journal of Projective Techniques, 1947, p.240]
The association with (male) homosexuality likely got a boost from the term gay cat, used as far back as 1893 in American English for "young hobo," one who is new on the road, also one who sometimes does jobs.

"A Gay Cat," said he, "is a loafing laborer, who works maybe a week, gets his wages and vagabonds about hunting for another 'pick and shovel' job. Do you want to know where they got their monica (nickname) 'Gay Cat'? See, Kid, cats sneak about and scratch immediately after chumming with you and then get gay (fresh). That's why we call them 'Gay Cats'." [Leon Ray Livingston ("America's Most Celebrated Tramp"), "Life and Adventures of A-no. 1," 1910]
Quoting a tramp named Frenchy, who might not have known the origin. Gay cats were severely and cruelly abused by "real" tramps and bums, who considered them "an inferior order of beings who begs of and otherwise preys upon the bum — as it were a jackal following up the king of beasts" [Prof. John J. McCook, "Tramps," in "The Public Treatment of Pauperism," 1893], but some accounts report certain older tramps would dominate a gay cat and employ him as a sort of slave. In "Sociology and Social Research" (1932-33) a paragraph on the "gay cat" phenomenon notes, "Homosexual practices are more common than rare in this group," and gey cat "homosexual boy" is attested in Noel Erskine's 1933 dictionary of "Underworld & Prison Slang" (gey is a Scottish variant of gay).

The "Dictionary of American Slang" reports that gay (adj.) was used by homosexuals, among themselves, in this sense at least since 1920. Rawson ["Wicked Words"] notes a male prostitute using gay in reference to male homosexuals (but also to female prostitutes) in London's notorious Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889. Ayto ["20th Century Words"] calls attention to the ambiguous use of the word in the 1868 song "The Gay Young Clerk in the Dry Goods Store," by U.S. female impersonator Will S. Hays, but the word evidently was not popularly felt in this sense by wider society until the 1950s at the earliest.

"Gay" (or "gai") is now widely used in French, Dutch, Danish, Japanese, Swedish, and Catalan with the same sense as the English. It is coming into use in Germany and among the English-speaking upper classes of many cosmopolitan areas in other countries. [John Boswell, "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality," 1980]
As a teen slang word meaning "bad, inferior, undesirable," without reference to sexuality, from 2000.

from: gay | Etymology, origin and meaning of gay by etymonline

Bless you ....><>
A majority of Christian "entertainment" isn't good.
Music alone is nothing but copy/pasted Autotuned "music". Grown men who "sing" by this pre-pubescent whine singing.
Toby Mac and his horrible pizza "lyrics".
Repeating the SAME line 10x with the rest being overused words.
Overuse of: Worthy. Rock. Name. Holy. etc.
A lot of it doesn't even name God but has neutral lyrics and then the "artists" claim it's Christian music.
Movies have so many of the same actors. In truth, we shouldn't expect to see anyone from Pedoland.
In fact, they should find people who aren't actors and then have actors coach them.
You will NOT find people leaving the entertainment industry in any significant number.
Dear Affirming_Christian,

First, welcome to Talk Jesus, an online community of Jesus Christ believers! I hope you will find fellowship, and growth in God's Word while here.

Second, you are correct in your initial assessment. Your view is different from Bible believing brethren, but more in line with the world. You also ask me to keep an open mind...so I will tell you that my belief system is filtered through the Word of God, and not through any particular church doctrine.

I prefer the Word of God, and what God wants us to know verses what others tell me that the Word of God wants me to know. If necessary, which is most of the time, I try to be like the Bereans who tested what they heard from Paul and Silas; against my own memory or teachings from this church or center of learning. (Acts 17:11) It's easy to get deceived in one's desires against the truth found in His Word. Reading the Word of God, shows this to be true through the very lives of the people found therein. As our Lord said, the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)

You acknowledge being "gay", or NT "homosexual", or OT "sodomite", or to make it simple, you lay with men as if they were women. How you identify it or the reasoning why the act happens, is less important than the act itself. The same can be said for any other action that Scripture identifies as being sinful. We as in humanity are always of the belief that somehow, we know better, than God, even when He tells us "not to", we find an excuse to "do so". I identify this type of action like the saying that Forrest Gump popularized "stupid is as stupid does". Oh, and I readily include myself in that, because I have found myself to be quite stupid indeed in my life, and sadly continue to be so. :(

Yet, when it all is said and done, no matter what we profess to believe scripturally, inside of each of us, is the knowledge that we are sinners, and hopefully also the knowledge that we cannot save ourselves no matter how much we attempt to adhere to the Word of God, or fail to do so. For if we could save ourselves, there would have been no need of Jesus, God incarnate, to have come to this World to live a sinless life that we could not, and die for the very sins that condemn us, on the Cross as a Sacrifice.

Still, stupid is as stupid does, and like the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus that Jesus spoke of. He said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'" (Luke 16:31 ESV) humanity still rejects Him and fails to acknowledge the sin that Jesus willingly died for us and for which we still seek to do whether we believe in Him or not.

The issue now at hand is "Sin". What is sin, and who gets to say what sin is or is not? Again, truth be told, I would not be looking to you, and I hope you won't be looking to me either in stating what the answer to that might be! The problem is that we continue to fall into the stupid is as stupid does trap, when we ignore the Spirit of God inside of us, who has already told us when we do something wrong! That "conviction" that rises within us, that when it deals with a "desire" that we want “to do”, only those who live for Jesus are able in the Spirit to cast it away from us, instead even those in Jesus can justify why it is okay to do and still fall.

The reasons this happens are many, and Scripture warned us of one of them For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV

With the availability of knowledge at the touch of our fingers, we are able to access any point of view we care to have, and have it justified. Scripture becomes second fiddle to whatever we find posted by whoever has a Doctorate, or some learning that makes what they say shiny and bright, and satisfying to receive.

As I've said we justify our actions for the desires that are pleasurable by whatever means we have available to us, and rarely if ever is it the Word of God!

Yes you believe, but is that what God believes and has told us concerning it? How many times has science been wrong throughout its history in saying that this is true, and given time, it reverses itself and comes up with something else that they now proclaim is truth? Many are fixated with the belief that if Science says this is true than it must be how I'm reading/understanding the Word of God that must be wrong, because Science can't be wrong! Even you must smile at this type of reasoning!

So, in truth I don't seek Science to confirm what the Word of God has told me. It would be nice to have for sure that in my discussions with non-believers I can point out this or that. However, if Science is true, then it will never contradict what the Word of God says is true, only confirm it. It’s never the opposite of that!

We live in the fallacy that if God made it so, then it must be good and okay to do. We don’t look to the grey between the lines, that says that man has corrupted what God has made good, and God is the one who determines what is acceptable for us to do or not do. An example is the “tree of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9, 17), that Adam/Eve were told not to partake from. The first example of “not to” and us saying “do so”. You can find this throughout Scripture and continues to this day. The cost is high for those who choose to ignore a Mighty God’s warnings.

Now you bring up boxes that speak that the Word of God shouldn't have "homosexuality" as a word in it, at least as it pertains to the RSV. I’m curious did the box of documents, or the interviews also address how God says that men should not lay with men? Like I said before, even if you take the word "homosexuality" out of the Bible, it doesn't change the Scriptural understanding that God does not approve of men laying with one another, or women for that matter, or animals. The understanding is clear that what we may “desire” the things we want the most to be true, but when seen through the lens that is the Word of God, it's usually not very beneficial for us to do.

I say not beneficial, because our God is merciful! In Christ Jesus we have an advocate who will intercede for us. The issue becomes, are we willing to ask for it? If we acknowledge the sin in our lives, and attempt to change our ways, no matter how many times we may fail, again, and again. He is faithful to forgive us. Too often, that’s not the hard part. The difficulty is when we don’t believe that what we are doing is wrong! How can something that feels so good be wrong? As I've stated before, that mindset relegates God to second fiddle. :( So, if we don’t come before Him seeking forgiveness, and continue to willfully sin, what is it that Scripture shows us that happens to people who behave like this? They get punished brother.

That’s pretty much it. I won’t go into the realm of can a person lose their salvation. Gosh, we’d be writing a book if we were to get into that discussion! Instead, all I can say is that I and I hope others as well, will put the desires of the flesh behind them so that they may walk in the Spirit and with the Spirit be obedient to what God wants for us. Holiness, sanctification, perfection…for God doesn't tempt us, but we do a good enough job of doing that to ourselves and each other.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Honestly love your respectful reply often times it’s not what people like me receive. My views aren’t aligned with the world though and it may seem like they are that could be because you don’t know me well. Gods greatest commandment to us after loving him is to just LOVE. No ifs ands or buts and often times “Christian’s” make exceptions on who to love and who not to love.

To acknowledge your next ur next thing about the word of God. I completely agree however unfortunately the word of God unless in its original language and untranslated by men isn’t 100% true. As you can see with the RSV team admitting to their wrong doing.

The debate of homosexuality doesn’t deserve to be had over a forum like this. It’s to complicated and to much goes into it. But this is how I put it simply. I know I have no control what so ever on who I am attracted to. I can lie and say I am attracted to women even when I am not but that would be a lie. Ik I was born this way. Ik for a FACT God created me. Ik for a FACT that God doesn’t create sin. Now one of us is wrong. It could be you or it could be me. But the difference between me and the Affirming group vs you and the Non-Affirming group is that I tell people no matter what Gods love extends to them while the non-affirming group makes requirements. If I die and I get to God having believe whole heartedly that he created me this way and I have loved him and people with my whole heart then I believe that if I am wrong then my sin will still be washed away by the blood of Jesus. But if a non-affirming person gets to Heaven and was wrong, how many people did they show hate towards and tell that god didn’t love them and push them away from him? Will they still be welcomed? Now there’s another group and idk what to call them they don’t have a name. This group agrees with you. But also agrees that gods loves us still. They eat meals with us. Go to church with us. Help us in times of need. But live and focus on their own lives.
"My name is TobyMac and I write the worst Mandissa rhymes with pizza lyrics ever!!"
One of many "Christian artists" who can't write or sing for anything.
'Speaking to yourselves
in psalms
.. and hymns
.... and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody
in your heart
to the Lord;

(Eph. 5:19)

'Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly
in all wisdom;

teaching and admonishing one another -
.. in psalms
.... and hymns
...... and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts
to the Lord.'

(Col. 3:16 )

'Is any among you afflicted?
let him pray.
Is any merry?
let him sing psalms.'
(Jas. 5:13 )
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Hello there,

I appreciate your candor, and your direct approach to this subject.

God has made it very clear in His word that it is abhorrent to Him that two of the same gender should lie-down together (with all that implies), so it is to be avoided. There is nothing wrong with a loving friendship between two of the same gender, but a physical union between such is not to be entered into.

That is not complicated, it is not lacking in love, it is just the truth.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
What is worship?

The Lord Jesus said:-

'But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
God is a Spirit:
and they that worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and in truth.'
(John 4:23-24)

* If worship is not 'in spirit' and 'in truth' it is worth nothing.

* All that so called 'Christian Music' does is feed the flesh.

In Christ Jesus