Frank Broom
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- Oct 25, 2021
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Psalms 33:4 For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
In every situation, every condition, every problem it's good to remember Psalm 33:4 and John 17:17 that God's word is right and truth. Because there's are a lot of voices out there speaking a whole lot of things and we need to know who to listen to. So, God's word is right and truth which means whatever God says about a thing that's how it is, whether it appears to be or not. Just because something appears to be a certain way doesn't mean it is. And our job is to believe God and agree with his word in spite of how things look. Notice, it says in 2 Corinthians 4:17,18 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. That can't be physical sight because it says things not seen. You can't physically look at something that is not seen. That word look means to consider or regard. So, he's talking about considering something that you have no way of verifying with your senses over something that can be verified by your senses. This is the basis for walking by faith and not by sight. You have to believe something that can not be seen over what can be seen. And the word is what you judge things by not your senses. When it comes to what you consider, when a thought comes to your mind and you start to think on it that thought starts growing, increasing. I think it's safe to say that everyone of us have at one time or another worried about something. Did you choose to worry, no. What happened, a thought came into your mind and the more you thought on it the more it increased. But, it started with just one thought. You see, what you consistently consider/think on you magnify. That's how strongholds happen, a stronghold is a thought that has been meditated/ thought on until it grows to the place where it takes hold of your mind. At the root of every stronghold is a thought or a way of thinking. Notice, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. That scripture shows you from the top down, and as we see at the root are thoughts. So, if I get rid of that way of thinking then I'll get rid of that stronghold, because the thinking is the source of it. A stronghold is built with thoughts.
1. One function of the word is it will destroy strongholds at the root. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Notice, why do you meditate that you may observe which means to consider/regard/think on. See, the word has the power/the anointing that when you think on it then it will bring your thinking in line with it. Thoughts are like seeds and the more you think on them it's like you are watering them so the more they grow. In the scriptures when you go over something it's watering 1Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered-see he taught then Apollos taught and he called that watering. But, the thing is the word is always the superior seed. Mark 4:30-32 where it talks about sowing the word And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? 31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: 32 But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. Notice, when it is sown it becomes greater. James 1:21 says, Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. That word engrafted means implanted, the implanted word will save your soul as you meditate on it. We know Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. The word will quite your mind as you think on it. And one of the main things to think on about the word is that it is right and truth. When you find out the truth of a matter that truth will bring peace.
Notice, in 2 Corinthians 4:18 it says, for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Your situation is temporal(subject to change) and God's word is eternal(everlasting, changes not). Here's where you need to know the difference between fact and truth. Your situation might be a fact, but not truth there is a difference. Fact is basically something that exists, or is present in reality. Hence, these are things that can be seen visually, and these are the things that can actually be verified. It is not just something that you believe, but rather these are more or less the things that can be observed empirically, or by the senses. So, facts can be seen and heard, as well as proven by the other senses. So, facts deals with what can be detected by the senses. And truth is defined as the true state of a certain matter. Things can appear to be one way, but there's more than what you see physically. You can see that in 2 Kings 4:42-44 And there came a man from Baalshalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said, Give unto the people, that they may eat. 43 And his servitor said, What, should I set this before an hundred men? He said again, Give the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the Lord, They shall eat, and shall leave thereof. 44 So he set it before them, and they did eat, and left thereof, according to the word of the Lord. The man of God servitor knew he did not have enough food to feed 100 hungry men, but God said, "They shall eat and leave thereof." And when he set the food before them they did all eat and leave as God said. The situation appeared to be one way(fact), but it turned out another way(truth).
God had something to say about the situation and what God says is how it is even when things look contrary. It's important that you align yourself with the word/the truth. The man of God aligned himself with the word/the truth and the servitor aligned himself with the circumstance/the fact. You have to change your view, your thinking, your believing, your speaking in line with the word because the word is not going to change, it's eternal. It says in the word itself- Psalm 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Psalm 119:89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. His word is forever settled in heaven, but it may not be in the earth or in your circumstance so you are the one to settle it in your circumstances when you voice your agreement with it in a faith confession. And then hold fast to your confession of faith. Because Satan comes to take the word that was sown in your heart (Mark 4:15). He tries your faith. And Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. 2. Another function of the word is it is a instrument of change. It doesn't change, but it changes things. You see that with Abraham and Sarah. The scripture says his body was dead and her womb was dead and she was past child bearing age. And yet God told Abraham in Genesis 17:4,5 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And in Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. But, notice what God did in the previous chapter in verses 5 and 15 verse 5. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee and verse 15. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. He gave them a word to speak for them to change their conditions. Abraham means father of a multitude and Sarah means princess of the multitude so they would call each other and themselves and others would call them what God said. And there bodies went from not being able to have a child to being able to have a child. But, notice the change didn't come by the word out of God's mouth, it came by the word out of their mouths. Their conditions was a fact, but God's word is truth.
That's what calling things that be not as though they are is, right in the midst of your fact you speak truth. Back then names had meaning and they named people according to that meaning and often times they lived out that meaning. Like Jacob which means supplanter-which mean one that takes the place of another (as by scheming/deceiver). And that became his character he was a deceiver, he took the place of his brother by deceiving his father. Notice, in Genesis 32:26-28 when Jacob wrestled with the angel 26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. 27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. 28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Notice, what Israel means-who prevails with God. And you see later on in Genesis 35:17,18 When his wife was in labor And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the midwife said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this son also.
18 And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. See, Jacob had experience with what you call someone, Benoni means-son of my sorrow so Jacob said oh no his name is Benjamin which means-son of the right hand(right hand speaks of strength, I think Jacob had some age on him when he had him) so he called him son of thy right hand/strength. You see the same thing in 1 Chronicles 4:9 with Jabez And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. Because of what she was going through that's what she called her child, Jabez which means-sorrow;trouble.
One of the meanings of the word name is character, that's why when they gave people a name they took on the character of that names meaning, like Jacob. And notice, when his name changed his character changed. Because, when you give or change the name you impose the meaning of that name on them and they express that character. When God gave Abraham and Sarah their new names their bodies expressed that character. Notice, in Romans 4:17 it says God calleth the things that be not as though it were, why, because what He calls it is what it becomes. So, what God calls you is what you should start calling you because the change comes when the word comes out of your mouth. I think that's one of the reason's the scripture says, Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. So, even when your body show signs of sickness you should call yourself what God called you, "I am healed", because the change comes when it comes out of your mouth. Also, faith comes by hearing so the more you say it the more you will believe and when you believe it and speak it Jesus said you will have it. Abraham and Sarah didn't believe at first because when they heard the word they laughed, but they ended up in faith by hearing. Notice, what the scripture says in James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. When do you lie against the truth when you speak something contrary to how God says it is. In Proverbs 4:24 it says, Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. A froward mouth and perverse lips have been seen in the past to mean dirty jokes or something like that, but here it means to give a false account of something. God sees words contrary to his as perverse, because his word is truth. That's why in Romans 3:3,4 it says, 3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. No matter who says what if it's not what God says let God be true, but every man a liar. And when you agree with God you are justified in your sayings. Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. You see Jesus said in John 8:31,32 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
God's truth will make you free from your contrary facts. You see that in the case of Lazarus in John chapter 11 when he became sick his sisters sent a messenger to Jesus, saying, Lord behold, he whom you love is sick. And when Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. Other translations says (this sickness will not end in death.) Jesus goes on doing his Father's business and by the time he gets to where Lazarus is it's about 4 days later now let's pickup to where he's at Lazarus grave site: Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. 40 Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. 42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go. Notice, this man was dead and stinking(fact), but truth said, "This sickness will not end in death." Even death had to bow to the truth. The truth has been ordained/ appointed/and anointed to make you free. 3. Another function of the word is it empowers you (it is an empowerment)- When God gives you a command at the same time he empowers you to do it. You see this in the ministry of Jesus like in John 5:1-9 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. 5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? 7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. 8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.
Notice, Jesus commanded him to do the very thing he could not do to empower him to do what he couldn't do. It is impossible for God to tell you to do something without giving you the ability to do it. And that's because the empowerment to do it comes with the instructions/the command. In Mark 2:11,12 there was a man sick of the palsy(he was unable to walk) and yet Jesus said to him "Arise, take up your bed, and walk" and immediately he arose, took up his bed and walked. What happened to his inability to walk, it had to give way to the words of Jesus. In the very next chapter of Mark 3 in verse 5 there was a man with a withered hand(he was unable to stretch it) and yet Jesus said to him "Stretch forth your hand" and immediately he stretched it forth. What happened to his inability it had to give way to the words of Jesus. In Matthew chapter 14 the disciple were in a ship on the sea and a storm arose. And Jesus came walking on the water and Peter said "If that be you bid me come to you on the water" and Jesus said "Come". Just that one word to Peter was enough for him to get out of the boat and walk on the water. Because God's word is your empowerment. 4. Another function of the word is the word is medicine to all your flesh-Proverbs 4:20-22 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. That word health is translated- medicine, healing, remedy, and cure. One of the main things Jesus taught is words are seeds. And we know that every seed produces after it's kind. So, if all that's going in you are words of sickness then you get more of what is sown. Notice, what Proverbs 15:30 says, NKJV The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, And a good report makes the bones healthy. The words you receive in you has an effect on your body. You can't sow one thing and get another. And sometimes people pray for healing, but they sowing sickness that don't work. What goes through the eyes and ears goes into the heart of a man. And you see in Acts 14:7-10 7 And there they preached the gospel. 8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked: 9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, 10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. The seed of the word found good ground and produced a harvest of healing. And if the word did it then it will do it now. The word of God is healing to all your flesh. 5. The word of God will never fail you-Ezekiel 24:14 14 I the Lord have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent. Numbers 23:19 19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? I see why Joshua said in Joshua 23:14 And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof. The word of God will never fail you.
It is not God's will that any should perish. And I wouldn't want to end this article without giving someone the opportunity to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It's very easy just pray: Dear God- I know I have sinned and I now turn from them and I invite Jesus to come into my heart (Revelation 3:20). He died for my sins and you have raised him from the dead and I now confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9,10). I thank you for saving me, Amen. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name (John 1:12). 1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
In every situation, every condition, every problem it's good to remember Psalm 33:4 and John 17:17 that God's word is right and truth. Because there's are a lot of voices out there speaking a whole lot of things and we need to know who to listen to. So, God's word is right and truth which means whatever God says about a thing that's how it is, whether it appears to be or not. Just because something appears to be a certain way doesn't mean it is. And our job is to believe God and agree with his word in spite of how things look. Notice, it says in 2 Corinthians 4:17,18 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. That can't be physical sight because it says things not seen. You can't physically look at something that is not seen. That word look means to consider or regard. So, he's talking about considering something that you have no way of verifying with your senses over something that can be verified by your senses. This is the basis for walking by faith and not by sight. You have to believe something that can not be seen over what can be seen. And the word is what you judge things by not your senses. When it comes to what you consider, when a thought comes to your mind and you start to think on it that thought starts growing, increasing. I think it's safe to say that everyone of us have at one time or another worried about something. Did you choose to worry, no. What happened, a thought came into your mind and the more you thought on it the more it increased. But, it started with just one thought. You see, what you consistently consider/think on you magnify. That's how strongholds happen, a stronghold is a thought that has been meditated/ thought on until it grows to the place where it takes hold of your mind. At the root of every stronghold is a thought or a way of thinking. Notice, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. That scripture shows you from the top down, and as we see at the root are thoughts. So, if I get rid of that way of thinking then I'll get rid of that stronghold, because the thinking is the source of it. A stronghold is built with thoughts.
1. One function of the word is it will destroy strongholds at the root. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Notice, why do you meditate that you may observe which means to consider/regard/think on. See, the word has the power/the anointing that when you think on it then it will bring your thinking in line with it. Thoughts are like seeds and the more you think on them it's like you are watering them so the more they grow. In the scriptures when you go over something it's watering 1Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered-see he taught then Apollos taught and he called that watering. But, the thing is the word is always the superior seed. Mark 4:30-32 where it talks about sowing the word And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? 31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: 32 But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. Notice, when it is sown it becomes greater. James 1:21 says, Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. That word engrafted means implanted, the implanted word will save your soul as you meditate on it. We know Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. The word will quite your mind as you think on it. And one of the main things to think on about the word is that it is right and truth. When you find out the truth of a matter that truth will bring peace.
Notice, in 2 Corinthians 4:18 it says, for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Your situation is temporal(subject to change) and God's word is eternal(everlasting, changes not). Here's where you need to know the difference between fact and truth. Your situation might be a fact, but not truth there is a difference. Fact is basically something that exists, or is present in reality. Hence, these are things that can be seen visually, and these are the things that can actually be verified. It is not just something that you believe, but rather these are more or less the things that can be observed empirically, or by the senses. So, facts can be seen and heard, as well as proven by the other senses. So, facts deals with what can be detected by the senses. And truth is defined as the true state of a certain matter. Things can appear to be one way, but there's more than what you see physically. You can see that in 2 Kings 4:42-44 And there came a man from Baalshalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said, Give unto the people, that they may eat. 43 And his servitor said, What, should I set this before an hundred men? He said again, Give the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the Lord, They shall eat, and shall leave thereof. 44 So he set it before them, and they did eat, and left thereof, according to the word of the Lord. The man of God servitor knew he did not have enough food to feed 100 hungry men, but God said, "They shall eat and leave thereof." And when he set the food before them they did all eat and leave as God said. The situation appeared to be one way(fact), but it turned out another way(truth).
God had something to say about the situation and what God says is how it is even when things look contrary. It's important that you align yourself with the word/the truth. The man of God aligned himself with the word/the truth and the servitor aligned himself with the circumstance/the fact. You have to change your view, your thinking, your believing, your speaking in line with the word because the word is not going to change, it's eternal. It says in the word itself- Psalm 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Psalm 119:89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. His word is forever settled in heaven, but it may not be in the earth or in your circumstance so you are the one to settle it in your circumstances when you voice your agreement with it in a faith confession. And then hold fast to your confession of faith. Because Satan comes to take the word that was sown in your heart (Mark 4:15). He tries your faith. And Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. 2. Another function of the word is it is a instrument of change. It doesn't change, but it changes things. You see that with Abraham and Sarah. The scripture says his body was dead and her womb was dead and she was past child bearing age. And yet God told Abraham in Genesis 17:4,5 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And in Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. But, notice what God did in the previous chapter in verses 5 and 15 verse 5. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee and verse 15. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. He gave them a word to speak for them to change their conditions. Abraham means father of a multitude and Sarah means princess of the multitude so they would call each other and themselves and others would call them what God said. And there bodies went from not being able to have a child to being able to have a child. But, notice the change didn't come by the word out of God's mouth, it came by the word out of their mouths. Their conditions was a fact, but God's word is truth.
That's what calling things that be not as though they are is, right in the midst of your fact you speak truth. Back then names had meaning and they named people according to that meaning and often times they lived out that meaning. Like Jacob which means supplanter-which mean one that takes the place of another (as by scheming/deceiver). And that became his character he was a deceiver, he took the place of his brother by deceiving his father. Notice, in Genesis 32:26-28 when Jacob wrestled with the angel 26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. 27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. 28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Notice, what Israel means-who prevails with God. And you see later on in Genesis 35:17,18 When his wife was in labor And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the midwife said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this son also.
18 And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. See, Jacob had experience with what you call someone, Benoni means-son of my sorrow so Jacob said oh no his name is Benjamin which means-son of the right hand(right hand speaks of strength, I think Jacob had some age on him when he had him) so he called him son of thy right hand/strength. You see the same thing in 1 Chronicles 4:9 with Jabez And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. Because of what she was going through that's what she called her child, Jabez which means-sorrow;trouble.
One of the meanings of the word name is character, that's why when they gave people a name they took on the character of that names meaning, like Jacob. And notice, when his name changed his character changed. Because, when you give or change the name you impose the meaning of that name on them and they express that character. When God gave Abraham and Sarah their new names their bodies expressed that character. Notice, in Romans 4:17 it says God calleth the things that be not as though it were, why, because what He calls it is what it becomes. So, what God calls you is what you should start calling you because the change comes when the word comes out of your mouth. I think that's one of the reason's the scripture says, Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. So, even when your body show signs of sickness you should call yourself what God called you, "I am healed", because the change comes when it comes out of your mouth. Also, faith comes by hearing so the more you say it the more you will believe and when you believe it and speak it Jesus said you will have it. Abraham and Sarah didn't believe at first because when they heard the word they laughed, but they ended up in faith by hearing. Notice, what the scripture says in James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. When do you lie against the truth when you speak something contrary to how God says it is. In Proverbs 4:24 it says, Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. A froward mouth and perverse lips have been seen in the past to mean dirty jokes or something like that, but here it means to give a false account of something. God sees words contrary to his as perverse, because his word is truth. That's why in Romans 3:3,4 it says, 3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. No matter who says what if it's not what God says let God be true, but every man a liar. And when you agree with God you are justified in your sayings. Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. You see Jesus said in John 8:31,32 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
God's truth will make you free from your contrary facts. You see that in the case of Lazarus in John chapter 11 when he became sick his sisters sent a messenger to Jesus, saying, Lord behold, he whom you love is sick. And when Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. Other translations says (this sickness will not end in death.) Jesus goes on doing his Father's business and by the time he gets to where Lazarus is it's about 4 days later now let's pickup to where he's at Lazarus grave site: Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. 40 Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. 42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go. Notice, this man was dead and stinking(fact), but truth said, "This sickness will not end in death." Even death had to bow to the truth. The truth has been ordained/ appointed/and anointed to make you free. 3. Another function of the word is it empowers you (it is an empowerment)- When God gives you a command at the same time he empowers you to do it. You see this in the ministry of Jesus like in John 5:1-9 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. 5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? 7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. 8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.
Notice, Jesus commanded him to do the very thing he could not do to empower him to do what he couldn't do. It is impossible for God to tell you to do something without giving you the ability to do it. And that's because the empowerment to do it comes with the instructions/the command. In Mark 2:11,12 there was a man sick of the palsy(he was unable to walk) and yet Jesus said to him "Arise, take up your bed, and walk" and immediately he arose, took up his bed and walked. What happened to his inability to walk, it had to give way to the words of Jesus. In the very next chapter of Mark 3 in verse 5 there was a man with a withered hand(he was unable to stretch it) and yet Jesus said to him "Stretch forth your hand" and immediately he stretched it forth. What happened to his inability it had to give way to the words of Jesus. In Matthew chapter 14 the disciple were in a ship on the sea and a storm arose. And Jesus came walking on the water and Peter said "If that be you bid me come to you on the water" and Jesus said "Come". Just that one word to Peter was enough for him to get out of the boat and walk on the water. Because God's word is your empowerment. 4. Another function of the word is the word is medicine to all your flesh-Proverbs 4:20-22 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. That word health is translated- medicine, healing, remedy, and cure. One of the main things Jesus taught is words are seeds. And we know that every seed produces after it's kind. So, if all that's going in you are words of sickness then you get more of what is sown. Notice, what Proverbs 15:30 says, NKJV The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, And a good report makes the bones healthy. The words you receive in you has an effect on your body. You can't sow one thing and get another. And sometimes people pray for healing, but they sowing sickness that don't work. What goes through the eyes and ears goes into the heart of a man. And you see in Acts 14:7-10 7 And there they preached the gospel. 8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked: 9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, 10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. The seed of the word found good ground and produced a harvest of healing. And if the word did it then it will do it now. The word of God is healing to all your flesh. 5. The word of God will never fail you-Ezekiel 24:14 14 I the Lord have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent. Numbers 23:19 19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? I see why Joshua said in Joshua 23:14 And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof. The word of God will never fail you.
It is not God's will that any should perish. And I wouldn't want to end this article without giving someone the opportunity to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It's very easy just pray: Dear God- I know I have sinned and I now turn from them and I invite Jesus to come into my heart (Revelation 3:20). He died for my sins and you have raised him from the dead and I now confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9,10). I thank you for saving me, Amen. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name (John 1:12). 1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.