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The GAY : Agenda


Sep 6, 2021
All are familiar with this phrase.

"Love the sinner, hate the sin".

So, regarding human sexuality... it is a fact that God does not accept or condone, homosexuality.

Also, there is a lot of discussion regarding....>"are they born this way". ???

Now, here is what to think about that..

Gays do not reproduce, they Recruit.

Genesis 19 explains that God dealt with homosexuals in a way that offends how some interpret "God is Love".

But you have to understand that God is also HOLY.. and so, God Holiness, is not defined as "Tolerance", and so, we have to view "alt sexuality" as perversion that we dont accept.

Now in the USA and in Israel, Homosexuality is "legal".

There are many countries in this world that will kill you LEGALLY. = for having a perverted sexuality such as child molesting, bestiality, homosexuality.... or similar.
They dont view Gay Sex Acts or Child Rape, or any of this, as a "choice" or a "ethnic group" or a "civil right'.
They view you as a perverted immoral deviant, and they will put you to death, Legally, and they dont ask you how you "" feel about it"" as they are about to cut off your head or burn you alive or flay your skin off.

I wanted to share with you, "The Gay Agenda".

Read it and notice that its in effect in the USA., and has been for quite a long time.

The GAY Agenda :

1.) "“The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference""""

2. ) “The Overhauling of Straight America” as the “bible” of the homosexual agenda.'"

3. ) “almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it . . . The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way . . . Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality.
“And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed .""

4.) '""When we are exposed to anything repeatedly, it becomes routine and normal. What initially might shock someone eventually can become acceptable. And acceptability is the ultimate goal. What at one time was highly offensive to the vast majority of Americans is now no big deal. They’ve been lulled into complacency."""

5.) """Where we talk is important, The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed . . .
“So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films . . . On the whole the impact has been encouraging.”

6.)'"When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers. First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches,"""

7.) “In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection,”

8.) "If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our ‘gay pride’ publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image,”
“It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA [the North American Man-Boy Love Association, which as its name suggests promotes adult-child homosexual sex] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims . . .

9.) “At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights . . . it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified . . . Our goal here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream’s homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the anti-gays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types”

10.) ""
You say we all lead lives you don’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”
“We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it…”
“Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends, you won’t approve of where they go at night. And you’ll be disgusted when they start finding things online that you kept far from their sight…”
A high majority of Pedoland and in Music are evil.
Alphabet people take anything that remotely suggest they were "that" or "God made me this way."
A high majority of Pedoland and in Music are evil.
Alphabet people take anything that remotely suggest they were "that" or "God made me this way."

"Any port in a storm"..

Listen, their is nothing "humanly" worse then being a sexual pervert. And Homosexuality is a sexual perversion that has been Legalized. Its been given "rights".
You can be a sexual pervert and get married to one and adopt children in the USA.

Does this offened the soft ears of the redeemed to hear the truth.? If so go back to Netflix... i guess.

Listen,.. its homosexual SEX ACTS that define you as GAY.. as a HOMOSEXUAL...

Do they arrest a child molester for thinking about it? NO.. They arrest a child molester for the DEEDS, as the DEEDS define them.

Its the same with Homosexual SEX ACTS... as these define you, as GAY .. as HOMO- Sexual... not because you think about it, but because you choose to perform QUEER, or Abnormal sex acts, with your same Gender AS your sexual LIFESTYLE.

That is what Defines you as GAY... as "HOMO-Sexual".

So, these people are in a terrible situation.. As they are caught in a sexual lifestyle that is unnatural, its condemned by God.... and rejected by society, tho its pretending to accept it by legalizing it. And Gays know in their heart that its a filthy immoral situation, but they are consumed by the LUST and can't stop.
All are familiar with this phrase.

"Love the sinner, hate the sin".

So, regarding human sexuality... it is a fact that God does not accept or condone, homosexuality.

Also, there is a lot of discussion regarding....>"are they born this way". ???

Now, here is what to think about that..

Gays do not reproduce, they Recruit.

Genesis 19 explains that God dealt with homosexuals in a way that offends how some interpret "God is Love".

But you have to understand that God is also HOLY.. and so, God Holiness, is not defined as "Tolerance", and so, we have to view "alt sexuality" as perversion that we dont accept.

Now in the USA and in Israel, Homosexuality is "legal".

There are many countries in this world that will kill you LEGALLY. = for having a perverted sexuality such as child molesting, bestiality, homosexuality.... or similar.
They dont view Gay Sex Acts or Child Rape, or any of this, as a "choice" or a "ethnic group" or a "civil right'.
They view you as a perverted immoral deviant, and they will put you to death, Legally, and they dont ask you how you "" feel about it"" as they are about to cut off your head or burn you alive or flay your skin off.

I wanted to share with you, "The Gay Agenda".

Read it and notice that its in effect in the USA., and has been for quite a long time.

The GAY Agenda :

1.) "“The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference""""

2. ) “The Overhauling of Straight America” as the “bible” of the homosexual agenda.'"

3. ) “almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it . . . The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way . . . Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality.
“And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed .""

4.) '""When we are exposed to anything repeatedly, it becomes routine and normal. What initially might shock someone eventually can become acceptable. And acceptability is the ultimate goal. What at one time was highly offensive to the vast majority of Americans is now no big deal. They’ve been lulled into complacency."""

5.) """Where we talk is important, The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed . . .
“So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films . . . On the whole the impact has been encouraging.”

6.)'"When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers. First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches,"""

7.) “In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection,”

8.) "If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our ‘gay pride’ publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image,”
“It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA [the North American Man-Boy Love Association, which as its name suggests promotes adult-child homosexual sex] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims . . .

9.) “At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights . . . it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified . . . Our goal here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream’s homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the anti-gays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types”

10.) ""
You say we all lead lives you don’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”
“We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it…”
“Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends, you won’t approve of where they go at night. And you’ll be disgusted when they start finding things online that you kept far from their sight…”

This is some good information to know, and I agree with everything you've said here. The questions is, "how do we as Christians deal with this problem?"

Paul told us believers, "but we have the mind of Christ." In other words, we see things as Christ see's them, not as the world see's it. But at the same time, even though the world is our enemy, the Scripture says, we are to love our enemies, pray for them and bless them.

I've spent quite a bit of time on Atheist Forums for several years now, some of them are gay. Instantly these gays see I'm a Christian and after they've listed to me for a while they never fail to respond, "hey Charlie you forgot to tell us that God hates us and we're going to hell."

That is the overall opinion of the gays concerning the Church. I tell them "no, I haven't come here to tell you that, I came to show you how much God loves you."

I continue to say, babies are born into this world with life threatening diseases, the alcoholic craves that next bottle of liquor, the sex addict plans all the day long to meet new strange flesh, while the gambler dreams all day of laying down that next bet. Why?

When sin came into this world it turned everything upside down, the gene pool is a mess as I have just shown you. Just as you believe you were born to be gay, so does the alcoholic, the sex addict, the gambler, etc.

The truth is, you were not born to be this way and God did not intend for you to be this way. Sin has turned this world upside down and here is what God has done about it. He has sent His Son to deliver us from our bondage in this life.

Luke 4:18

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,"

Christ came to "preach deliverance to the captive." We are all captives in our own body's in one way or another. We all have shortcomings to what God wants us to be due to sin that has turned this world upside down.

You were not born this way and you can be what God wants you to be, if you will take Christ at His Word. Or you can ignore Christ and continue to believe the lie that you were born to be this way.
This is some good information to know, and I agree with everything you've said here. The questions is, "how do we as Christians deal with this problem?"

Paul told us believers, "but we have the mind of Christ." In other words, we see things as Christ see's them, not as the world see's it. But at the same time, even though the world is our enemy, the Scripture says, we are to love our enemies, pray for them and bless them.

I've spent quite a bit of time on Atheist Forums for several years now, some of them are gay. Instantly these gays see I'm a Christian and after they've listed to me for a while they never fail to respond, "hey Charlie you forgot to tell us that God hates us and we're going to hell."

That is the overall opinion of the gays concerning the Church. I tell them "no, I haven't come here to tell you that, I came to show you how much God loves you."

I continue to say, babies are born into this world with life threatening diseases, the alcoholic craves that next bottle of liquor, the sex addict plans all the day long to meet new strange flesh, while the gambler dreams all day of laying down that next bet. Why?

When sin came into this world it turned everything upside down, the gene pool is a mess as I have just shown you. Just as you believe you were born to be gay, so does the alcoholic, the sex addict, the gambler, etc.

The truth is, you were not born to be this way and God did not intend for you to be this way. Sin has turned this world upside down and here is what God has done about it. He has sent His Son to deliver us from our bondage in this life.

Luke 4:18

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,"

Christ came to "preach deliverance to the captive." We are all captives in our own body's in one way or another. We all have shortcomings to what God wants us to be due to sin that has turned this world upside down.

You were not born this way and you can be what God wants you to be, if you will take Christ at His Word. Or you can ignore Christ and continue to believe the lie that you were born to be this way.

I agree Charlie . I didn’t use too. As a matter of fact,my mind changed just recently. @Christ4Ever changed my way of thinking.
I personally wanted to hang them or throw them off roofs of buildings,but now I see sin is sin and except for the grace of God, I could be even worse.
Sin is sin to God. I don’t believe he grades it as one worst than another. We have all fallen short of his glory. I’m no exception
I don't believe I was "born this way." My addiction is not going to go away, but I can still make choices that would be acceptable to God.
Being bi is not a sin, nor is being an alcoholic or a crackhead. Addiction is not a sin, but giving in to an addiction is. Trying and failing to control an addiction is not a sin. I've been trying and failing, but I continue to try.
I don't believe I was "born this way." My addiction is not going to go away, but I can still make choices that would be acceptable to God.
Being bi is not a sin, nor is being an alcoholic or a crackhead. Addiction is not a sin, but giving in to an addiction is. Trying and failing to control an addiction is not a sin. I've been trying and failing, but I continue to try.
Dear Sister,
As you said, "Being bi is not a sin, nor is being an alcoholic or a crackhead", at least if you don't follow through with it, because it is only temptation until then, but without Jesus' God's Grace through the Holy Spirit, trying to fight with self alone, will fail. Been there done that. :(

You might read, and maybe you have already, Romans Chapter 7 is worth the read. The one verse that will jump out at you, as it does for all who battle sin knows the allure of the acts that are sinful to do is something even Paul battled with.

For the good that I will [to do], I do not do; but the evil I will not [to do], that I practice. Romans 7:19 NKJV

I have shared many a tear over my weakness', and when I fall, what do I do?
I do what Peter said because where else would I go, where any of us need to go?

But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. "Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:68-69 NKJV

My heart goes out to you, as do my prayers dear Sister.
Keep the faith, and always remember our Hope is in Jesus!

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
P.S. I'd have probably written more, but I have an apt. for PT! No fun, but somethings require us to go through pain, before we see the benefit. God bless! \o/
I don't believe I was "born this way." My addiction is not going to go away, but I can still make choices that would be acceptable to God.
Being bi is not a sin, nor is being an alcoholic or a crackhead. Addiction is not a sin, but giving in to an addiction is. Trying and failing to control an addiction is not a sin. I've been trying and failing, but I continue to try.

God does not see you as a sinner, if you are born again.
He sees you as a "new Creation in Christ".... "made righteous". = Forever.

You have to get those same "eyes", so that how you view yourself, is the same as God's viewpoint.
When you learn to do this and keep that mind, you will find that this will bring God's Grace into your situation, which will change everything for you.

Gal 5:19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures,
Gal 5:20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division,
Gal 5:21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Every Human being is born with these propensities.

God told Cain.....

Gen 4:7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”
God told cain

Gen 4:7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

When God said that to Cain, there was no Cross of Christ.
Maybe you dont realize this, @Curtis.

Its time you do.

See, when Cain was killing Abel, there as no Cross of Christ. There was no Gospel of the Grace of God. THere was no New Covenant.., There was not even the Law of Moses or 10 Commandments, yet.

Maybe its time you realize all that ??? If you possibly can.
When God said that to Cain, there was no Cross of Christ.
Maybe you dont realize this, @Curtis.

Its time you do.

See, when Cain was killing Abel, there as no Cross of Christ. There was no Gospel of the Grace of God. THere was no New Covenant.., There was not even the Law of Moses or 10 Commandments, yet.

Maybe its time you realize all that ??? If you possibly can.

We all have to learn, so don't be upset with me.

Remember that Abel brought an animal sacrifice before God and was accepted, Cain brought a vegetable sacrifice and was not accepted by God.

That animal sacrifice represented the "Suffering Lamb" of God who would lay down His life for the sins of the world.

Cain knew this but he was in rebellion against God and he killed his own brother during this rebellion.

The Old Testament saints were saved the same way we are saved today, by faith in what Christ did for us on the Cross.

We look back at the sacrifice of Christ, they looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ.

So the sacrifice of Christ was very much present from the very beginning, even in the Garden of Eden.
We all have to learn, so don't be upset with me.

Remember that Abel brought an animal sacrifice before God and was accepted, Cain brought a vegetable sacrifice and was not accepted by God.

That animal sacrifice represented the "Suffering Lamb" of God who would lay down His life for the sins of the world.

Cain knew this but he was in rebellion against God and he killed his own brother during this rebellion.

The Old Testament saints were saved the same way we are saved today, by faith in what Christ did for us on the Cross.

We look back at the sacrifice of Christ, they looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ.

So the sacrifice of Christ was very much present from the very beginning, even in the Garden of Eden.

Im not upset with you...

And no OT saint was saved. All they had was a temp animal sacrifice.
They had a annual situation or they had temp sacrifices, of Doves and so forth.

See, noone is saved, until they are forgiven all sin, and born again.
That was not offered in the OT, as Christ was not offered in the OT.

Sin entered the world by 1st Adam, and there was no Cross in the Garden of Eden, to deal with it.
God shed the blood of animals and gave them a "covering" but that is not eternal forgiveness.

Eternal Forgivness is "God became One of Us, to save all of us".

Eternal Forgiveness, is... "/God hath made JESUS... to BE SIN... for Us."""

Eternal Forgiveness, is.. ."Jesus is the ONE TIME...,. Eternal Sacrifice .. for sin".

And that was not found in the OT.
But its offered now, because the basis for God's eternal forgiveness has been sacrificed, and He rose from the Deat.
Im not upset with you...

And no OT saint was saved. All they had was a temp animal sacrifice.
They had a annual situation or they had temp sacrifices, of Doves and so forth.

See, noone is saved, until they are forgiven all sin, and born again.
That was not offered in the OT, as Christ was not offered in the OT.

Sin entered the world by 1st Adam, and there was no Cross in the Garden of Eden, to deal with it.
God shed the blood of animals and gave them a "covering" but that is not eternal forgiveness.

Eternal Forgivness is "God became One of Us, to save all of us".

Eternal Forgiveness, is... "/God hath made JESUS... to BE SIN... for Us."""

Eternal Forgiveness, is.. ."Jesus is the ONE TIME...,. Eternal Sacrifice .. for sin".

And that was not found in the OT.
But its offered now, because the basis for God's eternal forgiveness has been sacrificed, and He rose from the Deat.

The apostle Paul said that the blood of animals could not take away sins, and that is correct.

But God did forgive the sins of those who lived before Christ based on the foregone conclusion that Christ would lay down His life for us.

Those sins were covered until Christ came and took them away.

They were just as much saved as we are today.

Lev. 4:20
"And he shall do with the bullock as he did with the bullock for a sin offering, so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them."
But God did forgive the sins of those who lived before Christ based on the foregone conclusion that Christ would lay down His life for us.

If God had forgiven the sin of OT Jews, then there would have been no need for the High Priest to offer blood sacrifices for both the Nation and the Jews.... every single YEAR.

So, if you want to pretend that this is "the same as being born again" then i'll let you converse with yourself.
See, i need you to know something about the New Covenant, vs the Old, so that we can at least talk about verses and doctrine, and so forth.
If God had forgiven the sin of OT Jews, then there would have been no need for the High Priest to offer blood sacrifices for both the Nation and the Jews.... every single YEAR.

So, if you want to pretend that this is "the same as being born again" then i'll let you converse with yourself.
See, i need you to know something about the New Covenant, vs the Old, so that we can at least talk about verses and doctrine, and so forth.

There was an individual sin offering for sin through the shed blood of the animal that represented the shed blood of Chist.

There was also a national sin offering for the Jews by the priests for the ignorant sins of the people, the sins they had committed and they didn't even know it.

Lev. 4:1-3
"And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against any of them:

If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the Lord for a sin offering."

Look, this is cut and dry, not going to argue the plain to see facts.
Look, this is cut and dry, not going to argue the plain to see facts.

i'll leave you to your facts.
Now, this Thread is about The Homosexual Agenda, and its a fact that you are not discussing the Topic of the Thread.

Final answer.