@Rhema thanks for sharing your view.
When I look at the verse
@Curtis referenced about before the creation of the world, that scripture is also cross-referenced
with Revelation 13:8 which reads "All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written
in the Lamb’s book of life, the
Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. "
and also 1st Peter 1:19-20, which reads
" but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.
He was chosen before the creation of the world,
but was revealed in these last times for your sake. "
I think your point mentioned is a good one
@Rhema in the sense that you are thinking critically and looking to see
if it makes sense (before the world was created) for that word to be translated that way. However,
to take your critical analysis to the next level, I would say don't just look at if that translation makes
sense just within that verse, but see how it compares to the full Cannon of scripture.
One thing that helped me when I was studying this years ago, was to realize that God is eternal as
@PloughBoy mentioned
and His ways are not like ours (they are far greater).
If I may give an illustration
@Rhema . Look up. Look up at the night sky and see the stars in Job 38:6-7 speaking of creation
which reads
"On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? "
The light that you are seeing
@Rhema , those stars that you are seeing, are you looking at them as they are now?
The answer is no, you are not. You are actually looking into the past. You are seeing stars some which don't even exist anymore (because they exploded).
So how is it that you are looking into the past when you look at stars? Well, we see with our eyes, and the light from many of these galaxies are millions
of light years away, which means you are seeing them how they looked a long time ago because it takes time for light to travel, 5.9 trillion miles is a light year.
And when you see the star, that is because the light has finally reached our planet; and by the time we finally see it, that is no longer how it is. You are looking into the
past which has just materialized in your space of the universe.
-- Similarly God set his plan in eternity past and we live in time, and we are just seeing the Salvation
of Jesus the great work, which happened before time was even created. It might be too much for some to grasp but that is ok, as
@PloughBoy stated
our minds can't always grasp the magnitude of God's greatness and that is fine. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God, Hear and believe.