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- 2 Timothy 2 vs 8 ---
- The Resurrection of Christ is the centrepiece of the Gospel. Without Christ's Resurrection, His Death and Burial becomes ineffective to save Sinners. If Christ did not resurrect, then, the very Foundation of the Christian Faith, Christ's Cross-Work, is rendered unfinished and incomplete. And consequently, the Cornerstone of Christianity is destroyed (1 Corinthians 15 vs 14).
- Proper evangelism today must include the Resurrection of Christ. No one could be a Christian, if Christ Jesus did not rise from the Dead (2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10). So, the following points from the Book of Romans perfectly highlights the importance of Christ's Resurrection :
1.) The P R O O F Of Christ's DIVINITY.
"Declared to be the Son of God"
— Romans 1 vs 4 —
Jesus Christ could exercise all the Power of Life and Death, which only God Almighty has control over (John 10 vs 17 - 18). CHRIST'S RESURRECTION IS THE SIGN OF HIS DIVINITY, as He promised the Jews (John 2 vs 18 - 19). God the Father attested to the authenticity of His Son, at His Baptism (Matthew 3 vs 16 - 17). Again, by raising Jesus Christ from the Dead, God the Father validated Christ's teachings, and confirmed Christ's identity as the Son of God (Romans 6 vs 4). The Spirit of Holiness also declared to us in Inspired Scriptures, that the Sinless Jesus Christ is indeed God manifest in the Flesh (1 Timothy 3 vs 16). Therefore, as the infallible proof of His Divine Nature, the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ shewed Himself alive to Israel's Apostles after His passion, and last of all to Paul. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 1 - 11 —
2.) Christ's P O S I T I O N As The JUDGE.
"God shall judge … by Jesus Christ"
— Romans 2 vs 16 —
God the Father has appointed a Day in which He shall judge the World through Jesus Christ, the God-Man (John 5 vs 22 - 30). Christ Jesus shall judge both Believers and Unbelievers (2 Timothy 4 vs 1). The Body of Christ shall receive Rewards for meritorious service to God, at that future Judgement Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5 vs 10). But at the Great White Throne Judgement, Christ shall judge Unbelievers (Revelation 20 vs 11 - 15). On that Judgement Day, CHRIST'S OMNISCIENCE SHALL SCRUTINISE THE HEARTS OF MEN, to determine the degree of their guilt and Punishment (Romans 2 vs 16). Christ's Humanity and Divinity qualifies Him as the Righteous Judge, ordained by God for that Day (Acts 17 vs 30 - 31). So then, Christ needed to resurrect, in order to bring true Justice and Peace to this evil World. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 24 - 28 ---
3.) Christ's P A Y M E N T For Our SINS.
"Raised again for our Justification"
— Romans 4 vs 25 —
Christ's Resurrection implies that God the Father was satisfactorily appeased with Christ's Substitutionary Sacrifice, the sufficient punishment and complete payment for all our sins (Romans 3 vs 23 - 26). We know that the wages of Sin is Death. Hypothetically, if Christ is not risen, then He is still Dead in the tomb, still paying for our Sins (1 Corinthians 15 vs 17). But thankfully, God was well pleased to raise up Christ from the Dead. This Divine act reveals that God the Father accepted Christ's Blood Atonement, as the total and final payment for all our Sins (Ephesians 5 vs 2). Amen. Just as Romans 4 verse 25 strongly indicates, Christ's Resurrection proves His Own Righteousness, and THAT THE PAYMENT IS FINISHED, and that God's Justice against all our Sins was eternally satisfied. Without Christ's Resurrection in Righteousness, we would never be Justified by Faith. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 12 - 19 —
"Death hath no more dominion over Him"
— Romans 6 vs 9 —
It was after His Resurrection that the Ascended and Glorified Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Paul, and revealed to him the Mystery, which affected the Gospel of Salvation, and Sanctification in Christ (Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 6). This Mystery of Christ explains that by One Spirit, are we all Baptised into One Body, the New Creature, where we are complete in Christ, just as God is complete (1 Corinthians 12 vs 13). Our communion as Members of the Body of Christ, and our identification with Christ the Head, cannot result in our possession of Life Eternal, if Christ our Saviour is not yet risen (Ephesians 5 vs 25 - 30). There is no Eternal Life in a Dead Saviour. Therefore, it was necessary for Christ to resurrect, in order TO REVEAL THE MYSTERY BODY, so that, we may now know Christ, as the place for our Sanctification today. (2 Corinthians 5 vs 16 - 17). Else, what Hope is there in a Dead Saviour? — 2 Corinthians 15 vs 29 - 34 ---
"Shall also quicken your mortal bodies"
— Romans 8 vs 11 —
Christ's Resurrected Body is the Pattern for our future Resurrection Bodies (Philippians 3 vs 20 - 21). God our Creator shall not abandon our Earthly Bodies. Our physical Bodies shall be gloriously resurrected (Romans 8 vs 23). Just as God the Father raised up Christ by the Holy Spirit, so also, our future bodily resurrection shall be parallel to Christ's bodily Resurrection - a TRINITARIAN RESURRECTION (Romans 8 vs 11). Christ's physical resurrection and that of all the Believers cannot be separated. Hypothetically, without Christ's Resurrected Body, we would have no Prototype, no Precedent, no Pattern for our future Resurrected Bodies (1 Corinthians 15 vs 47 - 49). But as the Firstfruits from the Dead, Christ's Resurrected and Glorified Body now represents, guarantees, anticipates and foreshadows our own future Resurrected and Glorified Bodies (1 Corinthians 15 vs 21 - 23). Amen. Our present diseased, decaying and dying Adamic Earthy Bodies are THE PRECURSORS to our future Incorruptible, Glorified, Immortal, Spiritual and Christ-like Heavenly Bodies. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 42 - 49 ---
6.) Christ's P O W E R Over DEATH.
"Lord both of the Dead and Living"
— Romans 14 vs 9 —
Theoretically, the Earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ would have ended in tragic defeat, if Jesus Christ did not rise from the Dead. But Christ's Resurrection is the Everlasting Victory over Death our Enemy (2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10). By traversing the domains of Death and Life, Christ Jesus, through His Resurrection, demonstrated His Supreme authority over Life and Death. So that, in passing through these realms, in our own turn as Believers, we never cease to be His. In Any Existence, CHRIST IS ALWAYS OUR LORD (Romans 14 vs 7 - 9). Indeed, Christ's Resurrection destroyed the Slavemaster Devil, and also Death the King of Terrors, that reigned ruthlessly over Mankind (Hebrews 2 vs 14 - 15). Since the only way to permanently destroy Death in Man is to cause a Resurrection into Life, God by His Grace has already given us Christ's Resurrection Victory over the terrible curse of Death. Praise God. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 50 - 58
"HE that shall rise to Reign over the Gentiles"
— Romans 15 vs 12 —
In fulfilment of Isaiah 53, God prolonged the Days of His Suffering Servant, by the Resurrection of Christ (Isaiah 53 vs 10). The Sign of the Prophet Jonas, spoken of by Jesus Christ, that "Three Days and Three Nights", was fulfilled through the Miracle of His Resurrection, just as Jesus Christ prophesied (Matthew 12 vs 39 - 40). The Cross of Calvary is the place where they crucified the Lord Jesus. They pierced His Hands and His Feet. But God heard His cries and raised Him up from the Dead, just as written in the Psalms (Psalms 22 vs 16 - 18). The Empty Tomb, the place of Christ's Resurrection, displayed God's fulfilled promise to preserve from corruption the Soul and Body of His HOLY ONE, just as King David prophesied (Psalm 16 vs 9 - 10). The Hope of Israel became the Hope of the Gentiles. Christ's Resurrection, Exaltation and Reign on God's Throne, fulfils God's plan, His intention that the Gentiles should also Glorify God for His Mercy, Love and Grace. So, Christ's Resurrection fulfilled the Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament. — Romans 15 vs 8 - 13 —
In conclusion, we see that the Resurrection of Christ is central to Paul's Gospel (2 Timothy 2 ). The testimony of the Apostle Paul requires the Resurrected, Ascended and Glorified Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, Paul's Conversion and Mystery Ministry is the greatest Fraud in the history of Christianity (1 Corinthians 15 vs 12 - 20). Whatever reason that the twelve Apostles of Israel may give for their ignorance of Christ's Resurrection, it should never be our excuse today (Luke 18 vs 31 - 34). Because our comfort in the Grace Life now, and OUR BLESSED HOPE OF BODILY RESURRECTION is solidly founded on Christ's Resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4 vs 13 - 18). Even Israel's Lively Hope is also rooted in Christ's Resurrection (1 Peter 1 vs 3 - 4). Therefore, the importance of Christ's Resurrection in our Gospel presentation today cannot be overemphasised. Amen. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 3 - 4 --- Amen.
Sharing Christ is Caring.
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By ERIC "Risen with Christ" NGWA.
Rightly Dividing the KING JAMES BIBLE.
- 2 Timothy 2 vs 8 ---
- The Resurrection of Christ is the centrepiece of the Gospel. Without Christ's Resurrection, His Death and Burial becomes ineffective to save Sinners. If Christ did not resurrect, then, the very Foundation of the Christian Faith, Christ's Cross-Work, is rendered unfinished and incomplete. And consequently, the Cornerstone of Christianity is destroyed (1 Corinthians 15 vs 14).
- Proper evangelism today must include the Resurrection of Christ. No one could be a Christian, if Christ Jesus did not rise from the Dead (2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10). So, the following points from the Book of Romans perfectly highlights the importance of Christ's Resurrection :
1.) The P R O O F Of Christ's DIVINITY.
"Declared to be the Son of God"
— Romans 1 vs 4 —
Jesus Christ could exercise all the Power of Life and Death, which only God Almighty has control over (John 10 vs 17 - 18). CHRIST'S RESURRECTION IS THE SIGN OF HIS DIVINITY, as He promised the Jews (John 2 vs 18 - 19). God the Father attested to the authenticity of His Son, at His Baptism (Matthew 3 vs 16 - 17). Again, by raising Jesus Christ from the Dead, God the Father validated Christ's teachings, and confirmed Christ's identity as the Son of God (Romans 6 vs 4). The Spirit of Holiness also declared to us in Inspired Scriptures, that the Sinless Jesus Christ is indeed God manifest in the Flesh (1 Timothy 3 vs 16). Therefore, as the infallible proof of His Divine Nature, the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ shewed Himself alive to Israel's Apostles after His passion, and last of all to Paul. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 1 - 11 —
2.) Christ's P O S I T I O N As The JUDGE.
"God shall judge … by Jesus Christ"
— Romans 2 vs 16 —
God the Father has appointed a Day in which He shall judge the World through Jesus Christ, the God-Man (John 5 vs 22 - 30). Christ Jesus shall judge both Believers and Unbelievers (2 Timothy 4 vs 1). The Body of Christ shall receive Rewards for meritorious service to God, at that future Judgement Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5 vs 10). But at the Great White Throne Judgement, Christ shall judge Unbelievers (Revelation 20 vs 11 - 15). On that Judgement Day, CHRIST'S OMNISCIENCE SHALL SCRUTINISE THE HEARTS OF MEN, to determine the degree of their guilt and Punishment (Romans 2 vs 16). Christ's Humanity and Divinity qualifies Him as the Righteous Judge, ordained by God for that Day (Acts 17 vs 30 - 31). So then, Christ needed to resurrect, in order to bring true Justice and Peace to this evil World. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 24 - 28 ---
3.) Christ's P A Y M E N T For Our SINS.
"Raised again for our Justification"
— Romans 4 vs 25 —
Christ's Resurrection implies that God the Father was satisfactorily appeased with Christ's Substitutionary Sacrifice, the sufficient punishment and complete payment for all our sins (Romans 3 vs 23 - 26). We know that the wages of Sin is Death. Hypothetically, if Christ is not risen, then He is still Dead in the tomb, still paying for our Sins (1 Corinthians 15 vs 17). But thankfully, God was well pleased to raise up Christ from the Dead. This Divine act reveals that God the Father accepted Christ's Blood Atonement, as the total and final payment for all our Sins (Ephesians 5 vs 2). Amen. Just as Romans 4 verse 25 strongly indicates, Christ's Resurrection proves His Own Righteousness, and THAT THE PAYMENT IS FINISHED, and that God's Justice against all our Sins was eternally satisfied. Without Christ's Resurrection in Righteousness, we would never be Justified by Faith. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 12 - 19 —
"Death hath no more dominion over Him"
— Romans 6 vs 9 —
It was after His Resurrection that the Ascended and Glorified Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Paul, and revealed to him the Mystery, which affected the Gospel of Salvation, and Sanctification in Christ (Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 6). This Mystery of Christ explains that by One Spirit, are we all Baptised into One Body, the New Creature, where we are complete in Christ, just as God is complete (1 Corinthians 12 vs 13). Our communion as Members of the Body of Christ, and our identification with Christ the Head, cannot result in our possession of Life Eternal, if Christ our Saviour is not yet risen (Ephesians 5 vs 25 - 30). There is no Eternal Life in a Dead Saviour. Therefore, it was necessary for Christ to resurrect, in order TO REVEAL THE MYSTERY BODY, so that, we may now know Christ, as the place for our Sanctification today. (2 Corinthians 5 vs 16 - 17). Else, what Hope is there in a Dead Saviour? — 2 Corinthians 15 vs 29 - 34 ---
"Shall also quicken your mortal bodies"
— Romans 8 vs 11 —
Christ's Resurrected Body is the Pattern for our future Resurrection Bodies (Philippians 3 vs 20 - 21). God our Creator shall not abandon our Earthly Bodies. Our physical Bodies shall be gloriously resurrected (Romans 8 vs 23). Just as God the Father raised up Christ by the Holy Spirit, so also, our future bodily resurrection shall be parallel to Christ's bodily Resurrection - a TRINITARIAN RESURRECTION (Romans 8 vs 11). Christ's physical resurrection and that of all the Believers cannot be separated. Hypothetically, without Christ's Resurrected Body, we would have no Prototype, no Precedent, no Pattern for our future Resurrected Bodies (1 Corinthians 15 vs 47 - 49). But as the Firstfruits from the Dead, Christ's Resurrected and Glorified Body now represents, guarantees, anticipates and foreshadows our own future Resurrected and Glorified Bodies (1 Corinthians 15 vs 21 - 23). Amen. Our present diseased, decaying and dying Adamic Earthy Bodies are THE PRECURSORS to our future Incorruptible, Glorified, Immortal, Spiritual and Christ-like Heavenly Bodies. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 42 - 49 ---
6.) Christ's P O W E R Over DEATH.
"Lord both of the Dead and Living"
— Romans 14 vs 9 —
Theoretically, the Earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ would have ended in tragic defeat, if Jesus Christ did not rise from the Dead. But Christ's Resurrection is the Everlasting Victory over Death our Enemy (2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10). By traversing the domains of Death and Life, Christ Jesus, through His Resurrection, demonstrated His Supreme authority over Life and Death. So that, in passing through these realms, in our own turn as Believers, we never cease to be His. In Any Existence, CHRIST IS ALWAYS OUR LORD (Romans 14 vs 7 - 9). Indeed, Christ's Resurrection destroyed the Slavemaster Devil, and also Death the King of Terrors, that reigned ruthlessly over Mankind (Hebrews 2 vs 14 - 15). Since the only way to permanently destroy Death in Man is to cause a Resurrection into Life, God by His Grace has already given us Christ's Resurrection Victory over the terrible curse of Death. Praise God. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 50 - 58
"HE that shall rise to Reign over the Gentiles"
— Romans 15 vs 12 —
In fulfilment of Isaiah 53, God prolonged the Days of His Suffering Servant, by the Resurrection of Christ (Isaiah 53 vs 10). The Sign of the Prophet Jonas, spoken of by Jesus Christ, that "Three Days and Three Nights", was fulfilled through the Miracle of His Resurrection, just as Jesus Christ prophesied (Matthew 12 vs 39 - 40). The Cross of Calvary is the place where they crucified the Lord Jesus. They pierced His Hands and His Feet. But God heard His cries and raised Him up from the Dead, just as written in the Psalms (Psalms 22 vs 16 - 18). The Empty Tomb, the place of Christ's Resurrection, displayed God's fulfilled promise to preserve from corruption the Soul and Body of His HOLY ONE, just as King David prophesied (Psalm 16 vs 9 - 10). The Hope of Israel became the Hope of the Gentiles. Christ's Resurrection, Exaltation and Reign on God's Throne, fulfils God's plan, His intention that the Gentiles should also Glorify God for His Mercy, Love and Grace. So, Christ's Resurrection fulfilled the Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament. — Romans 15 vs 8 - 13 —
In conclusion, we see that the Resurrection of Christ is central to Paul's Gospel (2 Timothy 2 ). The testimony of the Apostle Paul requires the Resurrected, Ascended and Glorified Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, Paul's Conversion and Mystery Ministry is the greatest Fraud in the history of Christianity (1 Corinthians 15 vs 12 - 20). Whatever reason that the twelve Apostles of Israel may give for their ignorance of Christ's Resurrection, it should never be our excuse today (Luke 18 vs 31 - 34). Because our comfort in the Grace Life now, and OUR BLESSED HOPE OF BODILY RESURRECTION is solidly founded on Christ's Resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4 vs 13 - 18). Even Israel's Lively Hope is also rooted in Christ's Resurrection (1 Peter 1 vs 3 - 4). Therefore, the importance of Christ's Resurrection in our Gospel presentation today cannot be overemphasised. Amen. — 1 Corinthians 15 vs 3 - 4 --- Amen.
Sharing Christ is Caring.
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By ERIC "Risen with Christ" NGWA.
Rightly Dividing the KING JAMES BIBLE.