lol Kaze you've been doing some serious posting, Kudos to you. The media isnt a bad thing strictly speaking. For one thing it is about events that are actually happening. However, this is where the troubles of the end times start to kick in. The news and media in general is being cleverly manipulated in order to accentuate certin isses and desensitise us in order to prepare us for what lye's ahead. Im speaking primarily of the New World Order here. Time is grinding very close to their global takeover and they have been planning it so well. Lets take a look at the mood in the air today as a result of the media. Troubled times are spawning paranoia and fear, the need for security, the endless problems we are facing are crying out for someone to take control. The media has been a very important role in programming our mindset to accept such a thing. I have alot more information on this somewhere, you'll have to excuse my discruntlement, my information was completely wiped out due to a virus (my cousin) :shade: . However, I am off to go find it right now...until then...