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- Sep 6, 2021
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Often a believer can become confused about ...... "Salvation" ..... and how its offered and how its applied.
So, let me simplify it by explaining it..... and then show you 2 key verses that will help you to clearly see a distinction between God offering The Cross of Christ to all, but not applying it to all.
Here is how God offers the Gift of Grace..... Romans 5:15.
God came here 2000 yrs ago, and died as Christ on the Cross for us ALL.
This is a one time and eternal sacrifice for ALL the sin of the world.
That is the OFFER of SALVATiON.....that is universally offered.
However, this sacrifice, this payment for all the sin of the world, is not Applied to anyone unless they BELIEVE.
See that?
FAITH, is what God requires of you, to give you His "Gift of Grace" that is "the Gift of Salvation" ...which is given to redeem you from your sin, and give you eternal life.
So, the OFFER of Christ on the Cross is to EVERYONE, but, this Sacrifice that Christ has accomplished... .this full payment for all sin... is not given to you, is not applied to you.......unless you come to Jesus and BELIEVE by FAITH and "faith is counted as righteousness", and you are "Justified BY faith".
Jesus said..>"all that come unto me, i give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish".
Reader...... If you will take Christ into your heart believing in Jesus as your Savior...., then God will take you as His OWN.
John 3:16......... is the OFFER of the Gift of Grace, the Gift of Salvation to the WORLD....but to have it applied to you.. is only when you BELIEVE in Jesus, receiving Him as your Savior.
Verse 1 : John 1:12.. "As many as RECEIVED CHRIST BY FAITH - = God GIVES them......the POWER TO BECOME a SON/Daughter of God".
See that?
That POWER is the Holy Spirit causing your spirit to become ALIVE and "one with God", ... born again., "In Christ".
Verse 2 : 1 John 2:2.... """ And Jesus is the Payment, is the Sacrifice, for the SIN of the WHOLE WORLD".
See that?
That is what Jesus is talking about, when from the Cross He said..>"it is FINISHED".
Often a believer can become confused about ...... "Salvation" ..... and how its offered and how its applied.
So, let me simplify it by explaining it..... and then show you 2 key verses that will help you to clearly see a distinction between God offering The Cross of Christ to all, but not applying it to all.
Here is how God offers the Gift of Grace..... Romans 5:15.
God came here 2000 yrs ago, and died as Christ on the Cross for us ALL.
This is a one time and eternal sacrifice for ALL the sin of the world.
That is the OFFER of SALVATiON.....that is universally offered.
However, this sacrifice, this payment for all the sin of the world, is not Applied to anyone unless they BELIEVE.
See that?
FAITH, is what God requires of you, to give you His "Gift of Grace" that is "the Gift of Salvation" ...which is given to redeem you from your sin, and give you eternal life.
So, the OFFER of Christ on the Cross is to EVERYONE, but, this Sacrifice that Christ has accomplished... .this full payment for all sin... is not given to you, is not applied to you.......unless you come to Jesus and BELIEVE by FAITH and "faith is counted as righteousness", and you are "Justified BY faith".
Jesus said..>"all that come unto me, i give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish".
Reader...... If you will take Christ into your heart believing in Jesus as your Savior...., then God will take you as His OWN.
John 3:16......... is the OFFER of the Gift of Grace, the Gift of Salvation to the WORLD....but to have it applied to you.. is only when you BELIEVE in Jesus, receiving Him as your Savior.
Verse 1 : John 1:12.. "As many as RECEIVED CHRIST BY FAITH - = God GIVES them......the POWER TO BECOME a SON/Daughter of God".
See that?
That POWER is the Holy Spirit causing your spirit to become ALIVE and "one with God", ... born again., "In Christ".
Verse 2 : 1 John 2:2.... """ And Jesus is the Payment, is the Sacrifice, for the SIN of the WHOLE WORLD".
See that?
That is what Jesus is talking about, when from the Cross He said..>"it is FINISHED".