Jeffery1974 said:
I have always wondered about why the other planets were created along with Earth. Is there some kind of meaning behide them or is it just another one of God's mysteries? I would like to know other people's feed back.
Jeff, for the 5 planets we can see with our unaided eyes and for the sun and moon, one reason they were created and placed in the heavens as they are, is: "And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness." Gen.1:17,18a. In v:14 God says,"...and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." All languages on earth have the same names--but in their oun tongues--as we do for the days of the week. Thoes names for each of the 7 days have one of these seven lights as their name giver: 1)Sun for Sunday; 2)Moon for monday; 3)Tuvies; old saxon for: mars,for Tuesday; 4)Woden, old word for Murcury, for Wednesday; 5)Thor, old word for Jupiter, for Thursday: 6)Friga, old word for Venus, for Friday; and 7)Saturn for Saturday.
These 7 lights wander amoung the fixed positions of the stars as viewed from earth. All languages of mankind thus reflect:"And let them be for...days." As for "signs" and "seasons" The fixed stars are mankind's clock; here we read the seasons of the year. And as for "signs", let me just say here, that the Magi read in them: the birth of one to sit on the throne of David, and jurnied to Jerusalem and Bethleham to give him gifts. Before today's geopositioning satalites, these stars were used to navagate this earth. Truly they rule, or measure, many facits of life on earth. Historicaly, astronomy was the mother of other sciences. Astro mathmatics together with the metrology--the science of measurment-- that comprehended their motions in the heavens, was one of the great assistances to civilation. Astrology, however, is a devilish curruption of the information originaly placed in the heavens by God. Scriptures say the visible heavens are the garnishment, decorations, placed there by the finger of God and that they utter speach and show forth knowledge: Psalms 19:1-2. The history of civilization and modern science testify to that.
Jeff, I hope this explaines at least some things. God's works are amazing to comprehend; he is so great...DGB God bless you as you continue to explor his creation.