i am curious about what all of you think about the rapture. do you believe it to be pre-tribulation or post- tribulation? i personally believe it to be post- tribulation. i am not interested in starting a debate i just want know what you all think.
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SignUp Now!i am curious about what all of you think about the rapture. do you believe it to be pre-tribulation or post- tribulation? i personally believe it to be post- tribulation. i am not interested in starting a debate i just want know what you all think.
i believe that the tribulation is post tribulation because if it wasn't then how would our faith be tested? the tribulation is the persecution of christians right. but if we are all raptured away what christians will be left to be persecuted. and when it says that we will be saved from the wrath to come i think it means the wrath of god not the wrath of man.
The true bottom line on the Tribulation is this, are you saved or not? It does not really matter when it occurs, the question is are you saved now? Can you afford to wait and find out after it happens? Are our friends and family saved? If not we have work to do, when Christ comes for us, we should be ready.
IN Christ,
To Gracealone-
first i would like to respond to your first comment about how if the rapture was post trip we would be able to count the days. I'm curious do you know the how long the tribulation lasts? and another thing where does it say that we won't be persecuted? it doesn't. in fact it says quite the opposite.
Revelation 13:10
anyone destined for prison will be taken to prison. anyone destined to die by the sword will die by the sword. this means that gods holy people must endure persecution patiently and remain faithful.
Revelation 13:10
Revelation 7:13-14
then one of the twenty-four elders asked me, "Who are these who are clothed in white? Where did they come from?" And i said to him, "Sir, you are the one who knows." then he said to me, "these are the one who died in the great tribulation. they have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and made them white."
Revelation 7:13-14
the tribulation is not referring to the wrath of god on unbelievers it is referring to the world persecuting Christians. the wrath to come is gods wrath on the world. i have one last question for you. are you sure that we are not in the Tribulation? like you said christians are being killed all over the world. there is documented violence against christians in over fifty different countries. and that is only the documented. how many more do you think have been put in prison, beaten or killed? it is hust something to think about
Originally Posted by Ncdataman
The true bottom line on the Tribulation is this, are you saved or not? It does not really matter when it occurs, the question is are you saved now? Can you afford to wait and find out after it happens? Are our friends and family saved? If not we have work to do, when Christ comes for us, we should be ready.
IN Christ,