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"The Simplicity : that is IN Christ"


Sep 6, 2021
"Redemption" : that is the "simplicity that is IN Christ"

I'll post it 2X for you, #1 & #2.... i'll explain it twice for you, so that it'll stick in your head and in your heart, is the idea.

It could be that you are asked to explain this, at some point, and you dont want to be caught in the dark, in the "Ummmm, ummmmm", position.

It could be that you may become a Mod of a Forum, a Sunday School Teacher, Deacon or Deaconess, or maybe God will Call you to into the Call.

So, you need get this information, down, pat., as its the most most important Doctrine in the entire word of God.

Get it., .....and yes i know some of you know it, but some of you dont, and either way, its good to hear it and hear it and hear it, and REPEAT it.


God made Adam, and Adam was "one with God".

This means that Adam and God ("God is A Spirit") were joined Spiritually as "one", exactly as Jesus said.. "I and my Father are One""".
When Adam sinned, their spiritual union, was broken.. and death entered.
And because of this, all of humanity has become the same "Adamic" spiritual situation, because we are all sinners, separated from God, Spiritually.

Jesus, is the 2nd Adam, = came to restore us back to God, Spiritually.
The term for being rejoined/restored to God, Spiritually, is : Born Again

Jesus said. "You must be Born Again", or you can't be restored into Born Again Spiritual Union with God who is "A Spirit".

Now, what is stopping all of humanity from being instantly restored into spiritual union with God?

A.) The same thing that ended Adam's spiritual union with God.


Sin, having sin, because you have sinned...... denies restored Spiritual Union with God.

So, God sent Christ to the Cross, to die for our SIN, which removes the spiritual barrier between our spirit and God's.
And by Jesus's Cross, we are "made free from sin", = forgiven, and God is then able to birth us into Spiritual Union with Himself, = Born Again, Spiritually as "IN Christ", and "one with God".

If this never happens to you, then you will not go to Heaven when you die.


Salvation is the "simplicity that is in Christ".

Its so simple....

= Adam lost Spiritual union with God. because he sinned , And we are born with that 'Adamic" situation...
Now, you have sinned, Reader....we have all sinned..."" and if we say we have not sinned, then the Truth is not in us""".. And Some of us more than others, and some of us less than others.
And that SIN, is keeping God from having us as His Spiritual Son/Daughter...., = as Sin separates us from God, until its all forgiven.

See that?

Christ came here to deal with ALL our SIN< so that God can take us into His Spiritual Family, for eternity.
Salvation is literally that simple.
Jesus pays for all our SIN, and then God can birth us Spiritually into Himself, by the Holy Spirit.... and That is to be Born Again Spiritually.


When we believe in our heart that we are a sinner, needing salvation, and we open our Heart to Christ, giving God our Faith in His Son, God accepts our FAITH...and then applies (imputes) Christ's shed blood and death unto us, and this becomes our redemption from all our sin.
"Jesus is the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for our sin"
"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".
We are now made CLEAN, "made righteous"= by the Blood of Jesus and the Death of Christ.
And now being "made free from sin", God gives us a BIRTH in our Spirit, .= we are Born Again into the Spirit of God, by God's Holy Spirit.

This is to become "IN Christ"... "one with God".


.There is no other way to go to Heaven, and God wants us all to go to Heaven.
Now Let look at the (Pauline) Doctrine of Salvation.

1.) Salvation is a Gift

2.) You can't earn it by law, commandments, water baptism, or trying to be like Christ.

3.) Salvation is to have been "made Righteoues" by only what Jesus has accomplished, both before the Cross and After.< (Resurrection).

Jesus came here as one of us, and fulfilled everything that we failed,= (Law, Commandments, Statues), and then "having fulfilled ALL", for us, in our place, He went to the Cross and was judged on the Cross for all our sin, so that we can be forgiven and "made free from sin".

When we hear what i just explained to you, we are "hearing the Gospel" . And when we Believe it, "faith comes by hearing"", and give God our faith in this GOSPEL, who Is Jesus our Savior who died on the Cross, and has been resurrected,

Paul :

1 Corinthians

3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to [that which] the Scriptures [foretold], 4 and that He was buried, and that He was [bodily] raised on the third day according to [that which] the Scriptures [foretold],

= then God takes our Faith in Christ, in this Gospel of our Salvation. .. and our "faith is counted as righteousness" by God.
And He then "imputes" "The Gift of Salvation"""... which means God forgives all our sin based on the Cross of Christ, and then births our spirit as BORN AGAIN, into His, and we become ""'in Christ""'...."made righteous",..."one with God".

All of this, is "Paul's Gospel", "the Gospel of the Grace of God"., and there is no other That God has given or will accept.

All others are cursed of God. (Galatians 1) also written by the Apostle Paul.
"God is A Spirit"

"Christ is THAT Spirit"

A.) The Holy Spirit

So, when we are born again, we are born again, Spiritually, by the Holy Spirit, into GOD, who is "A Spirit"

This is to become "IN CHIRST"....= who "IS THAT Spirit"

Now we are become a part of the "body of Christ' that is the "temple of the Holy Spirit".

Thats you, if you are born again.

You are = "one with God". "In Christ"......Born Again......Spiritually.

This is the "new creation"....that is "made righteous"..... = is the "Son/Daughter" of God.
"Redemption" : that is the "simplicity that is IN Christ"

I'll post it 2X for you, #1 & #2.... i'll explain it twice for you, so that it'll stick in your head and in your heart, is the idea.

It could be that you are asked to explain this, at some point, and you dont want to be caught in the dark, in the "Ummmm, ummmmm", position.

It could be that you may become a Mod of a Forum, a Sunday School Teacher, Deacon or Deaconess, or maybe God will Call you to into the Call.

So, you need get this information, down, pat., as its the most most important Doctrine in the entire word of God.

Get it., .....and yes i know some of you know it, but some of you dont, and either way, its good to hear it and hear it and hear it, and REPEAT it.


God made Adam, and Adam was "one with God".

This means that Adam and God ("God is A Spirit") were joined Spiritually as "one", exactly as Jesus said.. "I and my Father are One""".
When Adam sinned, their spiritual union, was broken.. and death entered.
And because of this, all of humanity has become the same "Adamic" spiritual situation, because we are all sinners, separated from God, Spiritually.

Jesus, is the 2nd Adam, = came to restore us back to God, Spiritually.
The term for being rejoined/restored to God, Spiritually, is : Born Again

Jesus said. "You must be Born Again", or you can't be restored into Born Again Spiritual Union with God who is "A Spirit".

Now, what is stopping all of humanity from being instantly restored into spiritual union with God?

A.) The same thing that ended Adam's spiritual union with God.


Sin, having sin, because you have sinned...... denies restored Spiritual Union with God.

So, God sent Christ to the Cross, to die for our SIN, which removes the spiritual barrier between our spirit and God's.
And by Jesus's Cross, we are "made free from sin", = forgiven, and God is then able to birth us into Spiritual Union with Himself, = Born Again, Spiritually as "IN Christ", and "one with God".

If this never happens to you, then you will not go to Heaven when you die.


Salvation is the "simplicity that is in Christ".

Its so simple....

= Adam lost Spiritual union with God. because he sinned , And we are born with that 'Adamic" situation...
Now, you have sinned, Reader....we have all sinned..."" and if we say we have not sinned, then the Truth is not in us""".. And Some of us more than others, and some of us less than others.
And that SIN, is keeping God from having us as His Spiritual Son/Daughter...., = as Sin separates us from God, until its all forgiven.

See that?

Christ came here to deal with ALL our SIN< so that God can take us into His Spiritual Family, for eternity.
Salvation is literally that simple.
Jesus pays for all our SIN, and then God can birth us Spiritually into Himself, by the Holy Spirit.... and That is to be Born Again Spiritually.


When we believe in our heart that we are a sinner, needing salvation, and we open our Heart to Christ, giving God our Faith in His Son, God accepts our FAITH...and then applies (imputes) Christ's shed blood and death unto us, and this becomes our redemption from all our sin.
"Jesus is the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for our sin"
"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".
We are now made CLEAN, "made righteous"= by the Blood of Jesus and the Death of Christ.
And now being "made free from sin", God gives us a BIRTH in our Spirit, .= we are Born Again into the Spirit of God, by God's Holy Spirit.

This is to become "IN Christ"... "one with God".


.There is no other way to go to Heaven, and God wants us all to go to Heaven.
Greetings in the Lord,
Well done.
Praise God for it.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen
Most people I know consider Christianity a kind of "theatre". The holy unfallen angels and the descendants of Adam and Eve are considered onlookers as well as participants in the "action" (it's world history). God redeems the fallen race by allowing Jesus to be sacrificed in the gospels, and it's not a test of logic (people screech the parrot at me on that one all the time), it's a matter of belief. Do you believe that Jesus was ritually murdered in a parody of the divinely instituted Temple ceremony of an atoning sacrifice by the priest of a sheep? Do you grant that in doing this, God Himself suffered and died for his own position, and know that while He was doing so on Earth He followed His own laws, the Ten Commandments, which many argue are too hard and the cause of so much suffering in and of themselves? That's the "Spiritual Theater" interpretation, it's parallel to there being a "world stage" in Politics, or a "Pacific Theatre" in World War Two, which you can still see televised reports from on "Victory at Sea".

That's an interesting viewpoint. From it, one can almost be saved just by paying attention and applying oneself to study of religious writings, although prayer and meditation are also required in the churches, and the laws on the religious books are also very central to the viewpoint.
"Redemption" : that is the "simplicity that is IN Christ"

I'll post it 2X for you, #1 & #2.... i'll explain it twice for you, so that it'll stick in your head and in your heart, is the idea.

It could be that you are asked to explain this, at some point, and you dont want to be caught in the dark, in the "Ummmm, ummmmm", position.

It could be that you may become a Mod of a Forum, a Sunday School Teacher, Deacon or Deaconess, or maybe God will Call you to into the Call.

So, you need get this information, down, pat., as its the most most important Doctrine in the entire word of God.

Get it., .....and yes i know some of you know it, but some of you dont, and either way, its good to hear it and hear it and hear it, and REPEAT it.


God made Adam, and Adam was "one with God".

This means that Adam and God ("God is A Spirit") were joined Spiritually as "one", exactly as Jesus said.. "I and my Father are One""".
When Adam sinned, their spiritual union, was broken.. and death entered.
And because of this, all of humanity has become the same "Adamic" spiritual situation, because we are all sinners, separated from God, Spiritually.

Jesus, is the 2nd Adam, = came to restore us back to God, Spiritually.
The term for being rejoined/restored to God, Spiritually, is : Born Again

Jesus said. "You must be Born Again", or you can't be restored into Born Again Spiritual Union with God who is "A Spirit".

Now, what is stopping all of humanity from being instantly restored into spiritual union with God?

A.) The same thing that ended Adam's spiritual union with God.


Sin, having sin, because you have sinned...... denies restored Spiritual Union with God.

So, God sent Christ to the Cross, to die for our SIN, which removes the spiritual barrier between our spirit and God's.
And by Jesus's Cross, we are "made free from sin", = forgiven, and God is then able to birth us into Spiritual Union with Himself, = Born Again, Spiritually as "IN Christ", and "one with God".

If this never happens to you, then you will not go to Heaven when you die.


Salvation is the "simplicity that is in Christ".

Its so simple....

= Adam lost Spiritual union with God. because he sinned , And we are born with that 'Adamic" situation...
Now, you have sinned, Reader....we have all sinned..."" and if we say we have not sinned, then the Truth is not in us""".. And Some of us more than others, and some of us less than others.
And that SIN, is keeping God from having us as His Spiritual Son/Daughter...., = as Sin separates us from God, until its all forgiven.

See that?

Christ came here to deal with ALL our SIN< so that God can take us into His Spiritual Family, for eternity.
Salvation is literally that simple.
Jesus pays for all our SIN, and then God can birth us Spiritually into Himself, by the Holy Spirit.... and That is to be Born Again Spiritually.


When we believe in our heart that we are a sinner, needing salvation, and we open our Heart to Christ, giving God our Faith in His Son, God accepts our FAITH...and then applies (imputes) Christ's shed blood and death unto us, and this becomes our redemption from all our sin.
"Jesus is the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for our sin"
"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".
We are now made CLEAN, "made righteous"= by the Blood of Jesus and the Death of Christ.
And now being "made free from sin", God gives us a BIRTH in our Spirit, .= we are Born Again into the Spirit of God, by God's Holy Spirit.

This is to become "IN Christ"... "one with God".


.There is no other way to go to Heaven, and God wants us all to go to Heaven.
"In Christ"? You mean "in the words of Christ as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John..." in the same way I might have said, "In Socrates, recorded by Plato..." or "In Aristotle, who wrote with his own pen..."? That's a fabulous way of looking at it. How do you contextualize that so that you have Him set in His position with the rest of the Bible Characters and Bible writers? For example, how often do you say "In Solomon" when you discuss the law with your religious friends? Do you stipulate, "In Solomon, as recorded by...(name of author)"? What about "In the writings of Moses"? or "As Joshua said..." That's a really interesting way to look at the book, I'd never thought to do that. I've always been a really boring dry logician searching for historical dates theology wannabe, not to say that I look down on my neighbors who play Bible Charades with their kids in front of the fireplace or anything, just that that's not me.

I don't like participatory Bible drama, it's polluted with dream juju, Pharoh and Nebuchadnezzar are always the two most prominent actors in that socioreligious scene. That dream stuff is nothing but a bunch of overpriced psychology bunkum, that's why I don't participate in such social circles. It's the definition of higher textual criticism or the Bible as Literature though. WOW! I can do that too, actually, I'm extremely advanced at grammar, usage, citation and punctuation. I didn't know I was such a good modernist Bible scholar!

I wish I could locate some more dry, boring, history-logic-astronomy and signs of prophecy people, though.....

I wish I could locate some more dry, boring, history-logic-astronomy and signs of prophecy people, though.....

May I inquire as to why?

There are most likely other forums that cater for your 'tastes' ?

Are you well versed in Biblical languages, Hebrew, Chaldean or Greek, or do you stick with history and sciences?

Do not feel compelled to reply/answer.

Post in peace

Bless you ....><>
"In Christ"? You mean "in the words of Christ as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John..." in the same way I might have said, "In Socrates, recorded by Plato..." or "In Aristotle, who wrote with his own pen..."? That's a fabulous way of looking at it. How do you contextualize that so that you have Him set in His position with the rest of the Bible Characters and Bible writers? For example, how often do you say "In Solomon" when you discuss the law with your religious friends? Do you stipulate, "In Solomon, as recorded by...(name of author)"? What about "In the writings of Moses"? or "As Joshua said..." That's a really interesting way to look at the book, I'd never thought to do that. I've always been a really boring dry logician searching for historical dates theology wannabe, not to say that I look down on my neighbors who play Bible Charades with their kids in front of the fireplace or anything, just that that's not me.

I don't like participatory Bible drama, it's polluted with dream juju, Pharoh and Nebuchadnezzar are always the two most prominent actors in that socioreligious scene. That dream stuff is nothing but a bunch of overpriced psychology bunkum, that's why I don't participate in such social circles. It's the definition of higher textual criticism or the Bible as Literature though. WOW! I can do that too, actually, I'm extremely advanced at grammar, usage, citation and punctuation. I didn't know I was such a good modernist Bible scholar!

I wish I could locate some more dry, boring, history-logic-astronomy and signs of prophecy people, though.....

I'm sure there is a mirror in your home.

May I inquire as to why?

There are most likely other forums that cater for your 'tastes' ?

Are you well versed in Biblical languages, Hebrew, Chaldean or Greek, or do you stick with history and sciences?

Do not feel compelled to reply/answer.

Post in peace

Bless you ....><>
I have a couple of Greek books, but they're grammar textbooks and classical. I wouldn't study Chaldean if someone paid me, I'm afraid, I know what that is, unfortunately I've met a few self-described witches in my big city lifetime. Do you know what they said? They literally said, "What we do is use Bible meditation and dream that we are Moses or Daniel, Shadrack Meshack and Abednego, and we imagine that we are in the schools of the courts of Babylon or Nebuchadnezzar, and then just stay there and accept that Midian or Chaldean learning as true, rather than coming out of the prayer meeting as Christians/Jews.

I should have been shocked by that, but I wasn't. I had already seen shows like Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Harry Potter, so I knew about fantasy school.

Hebrew is a language; I don't have a problem with it. I took a six-month free computer course on it once, over two decades ago, it was scored by machine and used the Bible as a reader. Just so long as the Hebrew lessons advertised don't turn out to be Kabala or Tarot, which also use the alphabet of that language, I'll have a drop in to study, but only if I have the fees for the teacher.