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You're funny.Boom-shakalaka tithe. LOL
Sorry, i do not understand, is the "skit" about the Lie concerning "Tithing" by christians in the westernize christian church, or a person is suppose to Tithe" If either is the case, none, of it , is funny! I am "ALARMED" The Spirit of The LIVING GOD that is alive in me will not let me hold my peace.
When a tithing lie has destroyed many of Homes and families.throughout the years and have Distorted The Gospel According to JESUS CHRIST" throughout the Years of a Westernize Form Of Christianity. Who have taught this lie by laying "Bows and Colorful Ribbons" as if it is a gift. but a deceptive lie that is made clearly known By The Light of The GOSPEl ACCORDING To JESUS CHRIST Our LORD. And this Lamp is Shinning in The DARKNESS and The Darkness is Comprehending it not."
And if Any do not know this TRUTH by plain ordinary reading of ones own Bible from front to back. throughOut The Holy Bible, Something is gravely wrong in your position in "JESUS CHRIST" and another has become your "LORD" and MASTER". And i do not have to defend my self in this matter, for i am sound as a "ROCK" and I cannot be move.
No Mayflower in no way, I am NOT alarmed at any or you, but what others have taught and not you or "Jesus_is_Lord" for many of these leaders have piggy back off of The TRUTH" and have bred lies. For those in these U.S.A. that bred in this Later Developing world. And it Will not go away, But GOD even in His Own WISDOM will Straighten These things Out. even Now He is. "For Judgment has begun At the House of GOD" and upon this World He will rule His PEOPLE with a "IRON ROD" no Compromise no reasoning, But a total Obedience. If Not so, so what!These are all the wrong ways to tithe or not tithe. Having an interesting conversation about it in another place. I don't really start things, because I don't really feel like I know enough to "debate" a topic. Things like this usually turn into that. But I believe that whether or not one believes a tithe is made for today, we should still give God the first fruits of every part of our lives including our resources. So much is said about giving in the Bible and it is so important. And it is true you cannot outgive God.
But I think it is hilarious. It was played at my church and my husband and I were cracking up. We just had a couple Sundays about tithing. Old Testament is you had to. New Testament is you get to.
Old Testament is you had to. New Testament is you get to.>>>>>>>>>> "Lies" damaging lies. Biblical Lies breed more lies and more lies brand lies into Your Biblical truth like a "Hot Branding Iron". and it will not go away easy even after The Truth"is revealed to you plainly. and set right before your very eyes. This is not a game to be toyed. maybe christianity is a game many can toyed with. But once you become a "True DISCIPLE of GOD"! "The Via Dolorosa " it is no joke. The devil do not play games. You must always keep your guard up. Not only is he after you but is after ALL that belongs to you! And He waits for your feet to SLIP. And if you never been Blind sided by The Devil and I do not mean a demon. I mean The Devil. and I am going quote this for you. he doesn't care whether you are a male or female but whether you are a "threat"These are all the wrong ways to tithe or not tithe. Having an interesting conversation about it in another place. I don't really start things, because I don't really feel like I know enough to "debate" a topic. Things like this usually turn into that. But I believe that whether or not one believes a tithe is made for today, we should still give God the first fruits of every part of our lives including our resources. So much is said about giving in the Bible and it is so important. And it is true you cannot outgive God.
But I think it is hilarious. It was played at my church and my husband and I were cracking up. We just had a couple Sundays about tithing. Old Testament is you had to. New Testament is you get to.