I have a question for everyone why do you want to know what the names of the two witnesses are?The only protection that they have is that people don't know that they are the two witnesses.I was curious about the two witnesses so I asked God about them and to my surprise God told me something's that won't compromise the only protection that they have right now.The next thing I have been wondering is why do people believe that they are two people from the past?Think about what the world looked like and the technology of that time and the languages that were spoken in their time. Languages shift and change through the years Ryan becomes a new language and ask yourself would any of the people who are though to be the two witnesses be able to function in our time and would??? They would not understand a single word spoken and they would be overwhelmed with all the things that have changed as in to Moses and the others planet Earth is now completely alien and they only speak the languages of their time and now with all the changes that have happened in hundreds of years from their time they would not understand a single word of what is spoken in our time!!! Another thing is why do people think that the two witnesses are the ones who are talking? They are two Christians which means that it's Jesus Christ who will be speaking through them which means that they will have no idea what Jesus Christ is going to say through them.One more thing what makes people think that the two witnesses will be able to control such power because that is insane the only one who can control such power is Jesus Christ this is why they will never make any claim to the power that God gives them because it's gods power and it is never a good idea to make any claim to God's power!!!I need to say one more thing about the two witnesses are simply put this when the soldiers came to take Jesus Christ they couldn't recognize who Jesus Christ was it was judis who fish Jesus on the cheek which ment that he told them that the person he kissed on the cheek is Jesus Christ.Nothing made Jesus Christ stand out in a crowd it is the same with the two witnesses you can bump into one of them and have no idea who you bumpt into because they don't do anything to give themselves away.
I have a question for everyone why do you want to know what the names of the two witnesses are?The only protection that they have is that people don't know that they are the two witnesses.I was curious about the two witnesses so I asked God about them and to my surprise God told me something's that won't compromise the only protection that they have right now.The next thing I have been wondering is why do people believe that they are two people from the past?Think about what the world looked like and the technology of that time and the languages that were spoken in their time. Languages shift and change through the years Ryan becomes a new language and ask yourself would any of the people who are though to be the two witnesses be able to function in our time and would??? They would not understand a single word spoken and they would be overwhelmed with all the things that have changed as in to Moses and the others planet Earth is now completely alien and they only speak the languages of their time and now with all the changes that have happened in hundreds of years from their time they would not understand a single word of what is spoken in our time!!! Another thing is why do people think that the two witnesses are the ones who are talking? They are two Christians which means that it's Jesus Christ who will be speaking through them which means that they will have no idea what Jesus Christ is going to say through them.One more thing what makes people think that the two witnesses will be able to control such power because that is insane the only one who can control such power is Jesus Christ this is why they will never make any claim to the power that God gives them because it's gods power and it is never a good idea to make any claim to God's power!!!I need to say one more thing about the two witnesses are simply put this when the soldiers came to take Jesus Christ they couldn't recognize who Jesus Christ was it was judis who fish Jesus on the cheek which ment that he told them that the person he kissed on the cheek is Jesus Christ.Nothing made Jesus Christ stand out in a crowd it is the same with the two witnesses you can bump into one of them and have no idea who you bumpt into because they don't do anything to give themselves away.
The two will be sent by God,so they will have no language barrier.
People will want to kill them,so everyone will know who they are.
But as far as today, wanting to know who they are,I don’t care.
They will be Jews in Israel.and it will take place during tribulation after I have left in the rapture.
I have a question for everyone why do you want to know what the names of the two witnesses are?The only protection that they have is that people don't know that they are the two witnesses.I was curious about the two witnesses so I asked God about them and to my surprise God told me something's that won't compromise the only protection that they have right now.The next thing I have been wondering is why do people believe that they are two people from the past?Think about what the world looked like and the technology of that time and the languages that were spoken in their time. Languages shift and change through the years Ryan becomes a new language and ask yourself would any of the people who are though to be the two witnesses be able to function in our time and would??? They would not understand a single word spoken and they would be overwhelmed with all the things that have changed as in to Moses and the others planet Earth is now completely alien and they only speak the languages of their time and now with all the changes that have happened in hundreds of years from their time they would not understand a single word of what is spoken in our time!!! Another thing is why do people think that the two witnesses are the ones who are talking? They are two Christians which means that it's Jesus Christ who will be speaking through them which means that they will have no idea what Jesus Christ is going to say through them.One more thing what makes people think that the two witnesses will be able to control such power because that is insane the only one who can control such power is Jesus Christ this is why they will never make any claim to the power that God gives them because it's gods power and it is never a good idea to make any claim to God's power!!!I need to say one more thing about the two witnesses are simply put this when the soldiers came to take Jesus Christ they couldn't recognize who Jesus Christ was it was judis who fish Jesus on the cheek which ment that he told them that the person he kissed on the cheek is Jesus Christ.Nothing made Jesus Christ stand out in a crowd it is the same with the two witnesses you can bump into one of them and have no idea who you bumpt into because they don't do anything to give themselves away.
The final two witnesses are remnants of those who have always been God's witnesses, the two houses of Israel, the two olive trees and two lampstands standing before the God of the Earth. They don't need protection, they are going to have the power of God to witness one final time for God during the short time of the Antichrist's rule. When you see them in sackcloth and ashes, it's time to listen, but it seems that not many will. This is a good article on the 144,000 sealed right before the tribulation. This holy remnant will follow Christ wherever he goes after he resurrects them three days after they are killed by the antichrist. The Two Witnesses Of Revelation - Here a little, there a little - Prophecy
REVELATION 11:3 "And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." 4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. (NKJV)