My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus; I have a work in progress of which I decided to enlist your feedback. The Message is in bold, and the scriptural supports are indicated in parenthesis. The scriptural supports are not complete. Any identification of book and verse is most welcome. Any feedback regarding the message within is appreciated. Or if you please, just ponder...
THE WORD: Origin of All Things
Almighty Men and Women of God. Awaken to prepare for the Joy of all Joys: The Return of Our Master (Script supports..."he will return") who Made The Heavens, The Earth, and All Upon It. (Script supports..."by him all on Earth was made") Let us prepare to meet Him here on Earth (Script supports, Parable... "when the master returns" "he will come in the clouds"), and greet Him with a great offering. Let us prepare for Him the Battle Won (Script supports, “conquer evil”), the Sick Healed, the Dead Raised, and the Demons cast out (Script supports, “do my works,” and “heal the sick…”) by the very wisdom and power He suffered to have bestowed fully upon us On This Day. (Script supports, “give spirit of power, sound mind”, suffered death”, “Today do not harden your heart”, “kingdom of God is nigh, and “within”, “his power working through us” “ I give you power over the enemy” “power over every named”). When He comes, let it be that He greets us with pride, gladness, love, and over-whelming joy for our obedience, steadfastness, and faith in His Written Word. (Script supports, “will He find the faith when He returns?” “the word heard that produces” “Those who are hearers and doers of His word”)
Lesson One: Take hold of His presence of forgiveness for your sins of the past (Script supports “he grants forgiveness of sins”); and from this moment on, walk in His wisdom and understanding (Script supports, Proverbs “with utmost get wisdom and understanding" and "renew your mind” "sin no more") of that from which All things flow, and grow…The Word (Script supports, “spirit quickens, words are spirit”, “The Word created all things” “renew your mind” “sin no more”)
Lesson Two: It is The Word that becomes flesh and blood. (Script supports, “The word become flesh and blood” and John, “spirit…words produce life”) When you speak words, you use the power that creates flesh and blood (Script supports, “I create the fruit of the lips” “in beginning…the word with God,” “whatever you say you will have” "the word became flesh and blood") If you are sick, direct this understanding to improve your condition. (Script supports, “I will be your physician” "the man who tames his tongue, can bridle his whole body” "those who order their conversation will see God's salvation"), If your loved ones are sick, direct this understanding to improve their conditions. (Script supports, “Heal the sick”) Be mindful of future conversations in thought and with others; from which you plant that which will be produced within and for yourself, or within and for others. Be with understanding that Anger, Strife, Fear, Whining, and Complaining; all produce ill effects. (Script supports, “If you hate your brother, you are a murderer”, “Be not afraid, fear not”, “for his anger toward others, Moses could not go to promise land,” “the perfect man offends no one”, “if you say thou fool, you in danger…,” “cast down imaginations”, “let nothing corrupt come out of your mouth”, “it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles…” “by your words you are justified or condemned”). Do not hardened your heart against yourself or others. Be Merciful as you would have the Lord be merciful unto your sins and misgivings. (Scripts “Do unto others...) Speak unto and about others as you would have them speak unto and about you!
THE WORD: Origin of All Things
Almighty Men and Women of God. Awaken to prepare for the Joy of all Joys: The Return of Our Master (Script supports..."he will return") who Made The Heavens, The Earth, and All Upon It. (Script supports..."by him all on Earth was made") Let us prepare to meet Him here on Earth (Script supports, Parable... "when the master returns" "he will come in the clouds"), and greet Him with a great offering. Let us prepare for Him the Battle Won (Script supports, “conquer evil”), the Sick Healed, the Dead Raised, and the Demons cast out (Script supports, “do my works,” and “heal the sick…”) by the very wisdom and power He suffered to have bestowed fully upon us On This Day. (Script supports, “give spirit of power, sound mind”, suffered death”, “Today do not harden your heart”, “kingdom of God is nigh, and “within”, “his power working through us” “ I give you power over the enemy” “power over every named”). When He comes, let it be that He greets us with pride, gladness, love, and over-whelming joy for our obedience, steadfastness, and faith in His Written Word. (Script supports, “will He find the faith when He returns?” “the word heard that produces” “Those who are hearers and doers of His word”)
Lesson One: Take hold of His presence of forgiveness for your sins of the past (Script supports “he grants forgiveness of sins”); and from this moment on, walk in His wisdom and understanding (Script supports, Proverbs “with utmost get wisdom and understanding" and "renew your mind” "sin no more") of that from which All things flow, and grow…The Word (Script supports, “spirit quickens, words are spirit”, “The Word created all things” “renew your mind” “sin no more”)
Lesson Two: It is The Word that becomes flesh and blood. (Script supports, “The word become flesh and blood” and John, “spirit…words produce life”) When you speak words, you use the power that creates flesh and blood (Script supports, “I create the fruit of the lips” “in beginning…the word with God,” “whatever you say you will have” "the word became flesh and blood") If you are sick, direct this understanding to improve your condition. (Script supports, “I will be your physician” "the man who tames his tongue, can bridle his whole body” "those who order their conversation will see God's salvation"), If your loved ones are sick, direct this understanding to improve their conditions. (Script supports, “Heal the sick”) Be mindful of future conversations in thought and with others; from which you plant that which will be produced within and for yourself, or within and for others. Be with understanding that Anger, Strife, Fear, Whining, and Complaining; all produce ill effects. (Script supports, “If you hate your brother, you are a murderer”, “Be not afraid, fear not”, “for his anger toward others, Moses could not go to promise land,” “the perfect man offends no one”, “if you say thou fool, you in danger…,” “cast down imaginations”, “let nothing corrupt come out of your mouth”, “it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles…” “by your words you are justified or condemned”). Do not hardened your heart against yourself or others. Be Merciful as you would have the Lord be merciful unto your sins and misgivings. (Scripts “Do unto others...) Speak unto and about others as you would have them speak unto and about you!