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Tis only a temporary question If it is the right for a person to Abort since it is a right does that mean persons do not have to Repent Assumptions

Do not have to ask for "forgiveness" through a Repent mind.

  • Do not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Already Forgiven

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 2, 2019
The only reason i am posting this "Thread" because of a 'Automatic I message I just received.

"The Supreme Court took away our rights in June...f fight back, restore our rights under Roe, and ..ff"

So the questions is:

" If it is the right for a person to Abort since it is a right does that mean persons do not have to Repent Assumptions"

Asking The aid of The Moderators, when it seem appropriate concerning this "Thread" without hesitation please close it down." when it seems out or order of any kind.
So do many think it is ok to abort and it is Ok in the eyes of God, Why would it be. would it be to make one happy, or to correct a wrong. Are we sure it is not painful The Soul on the receiving the victim. Does the soul feel pain outside of the body, Does The soul feel pain when cast into hell, Does The soul feel the pain of rejection, does the soul feel the pain of being totally un wanted. Does the Soul feels LOVE outside of the Body, Does the sold feels peace within the womb. Does the soul appears on The day of JUDGEMENT. Does it appears and "testify" what it occurs. do anyone knows. do anyone remember how if felt in the womb. But will there be a "Reckoning" will there be a "Testimony" of that which was "aborted" or that which was aborted would pass away like it never had been. Who Knows what will happen at the end, What will GOD the FATHER,, DO What will the giver of Life say. will there be "Revenge"

Or will There Be A voice "WHO TOLD YOU, YOU were NAKED"?

King James Bible
"And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."

Leviticus 17

King James Bible
"For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."

King James Bible
For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.

Deuteronomy 12:23

Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.

Where is the BLOOD of that which was ABORTED can any tell me Where is the BLOOD?

Where is Their Blood, is it Crying Out to their GOD. Where is The BLOOD. Is He their GOD too!

  • More than 1.5 BILLION babies have been aborted worldwide in the past 50 years.
    [*]An estimated 50 million abortions are carried out throughout the world every year.[ii]

What kind of PEOPLE are we? :pensive: Many claim we have power to "REBUKE the DEVIL" but we cannot "REBUKE" ourselves.. We can be leaders of CORPORATIONS and Negotiate" contract and spend and make millions, We cannot "negotiate" Our own contract in Our own House. You can dress for success but do not know how to dress for success in your own house! You can compromise in the broad room, But in Your own Bedroom you are FLOP! And you want to LEAD! We cannot lead what GOD has BLESS us with! You have become a "RAISING STAR" on your way to HELL!

King James Bible
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

The Amorites,:eyes: Now let them "AMORITES" keep you out of hell!
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How I see it unless one knows the person n the situation keep your mouth shut unless your gonna help the woman or child that is making the choice. Some cry pro life but is it right for man to take away wat YH has given us?
Can u say that YH wants that 9 ur old deliver her daddies baby.

So that's how I see it

How I see it unless one knows the person n the situation keep your mouth shut unless your gonna help the woman or child that is making the choice. Some cry pro life but is it right for man to take away wat YH has given us?
Can u say that YH wants that 9 ur old deliver her daddies baby.

So that's how I see it

I understand "TWISTIE" But What is "GOD"THE FATHER is GOING to Do About The cries of THE BLOOD that cries from the GROUND. He will hear the blood cries, So What I am saying, Should those who Abort, "REPENT" and ask GOD to FORGIVE them. :pensive: or go on like nothing has not happen.

A long time ago, I got a girl pregnant, and she demanded that i marry her, and before that, she demanded that I go to bed with her, and she knew where I stood, i wanted, no children no wife, I told her, go as you please date who you please. I just wanted conversation and regular company. She admitted that she trap me. and now she is pregnant. If i do not marry her, she said i will "ABORT this child! I went into a "VIOLENT SHAKING" i could not stop shaking in total fear about what she was going to do! I remain silent, she planed everything at the last minute i heard a voice, loud and clear. i didn't not marry her, to late to abort, I paid child support and every thing she ask, And My daughter from her, became a "Medical DOCTOR" a "Obstetrician".:pensive:

I knew i could not marry her, It would have been a sin, 2 wrongs do not make a right. I Found out THE Hard way. I thank God it was a right decision. It was a hard one, and She said to me "I know you love me" but she said; she did not understand. And I broke off contact, My aunt did not, and i kept my payments up. Now I must leave that alone. I had to give that to "GOD" too.:pensive: and not my feelings, I had to TRUST HIM, and lean not upon my own understanding. Oh yes, it has pain too. But He is "GOD' and Not A man. "Do not be yoke tgether with a unbeliever." There is a deception in the church, that will trap a man. The devil's children wants a "GODLY MAN"!:sob: And she knows how to treat him! " I wanted a "woman from Timnah" a Philistine":sob: she pleases me well!

She did me in.:sob: she told me, You are my husband and GOD GAVE you TO ME! and Curse me out! You are mines! I was shaking!:sob: I was scared. she was pretty too! She was going to make me marry her!:sob: I had a nice talk with her, I told her I alway treated her nice and right and never lied to her about how i felt, and never wanted to marry anybody, and i wanted not children, if she wanted that, find, i have no problem with you dating other men, and I will not go to go to bed with you. I always treated you nice, Then she admitted to me she trap me.:pensive: Still all my fauit. Never be alone with a women who is not your wife and if not married eat alone. or in a group, especially these days, men hit on men especially in the church!:eyes: You eat alone, the devil will trap you.

Christians do not pay attention to this:
King James Bible
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." PS. That go's for women too!:eyes:

MANY MANY, Christians pay no attention to GOD"S WORD regarding this! and our families are paying the cost!

While pastors and bible teachers are teaching how to speak in Tongues! and cast out demons and every body getting a divorce and remarrying in "JESUS NAME"!

Talking about "A GREAT FALLING AWAY" They have FELL DOWN and Cannot get back up! the only way they will get back up, "RESURRECTION" of the DEAD!

A little note, concerning me, GOD does not care how I feel, He does care and I understand, It is not about me, But it is about his Word. Either it is about him or about me. I am nothing but a piece of Clay molded being made into the image of HIS SON whom He loves, And I am thankful He chose me to be shape and being molded into the Image of His Only SON. because i could have been condemn to Eternal Death.
But he chose me before the foundation of the world and I am thankful, because i know i had nothing to do with my Salvation, per se The Bible.

I am thankful more than the mind can conceive or words could express.
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I can't take a life. In 1977 when I saw JESUS on that tree bleeding and dying and he said, calling me by name and said He died for me, And i replied No Lord please do not die for me. please LORD don't die for me. How could GOD Die in My PLACE I am the ONE thats is guilty. If I could have I would had stop him from dying in my place. I cried, I cried. After that, if was a long time before i could not step on a ant, I stop Hunting I could not kill.

If I was attacked i had in my mind I would not defend myself afraid that i might accidentally kill someone. I do believe i would not defend my own family, if i thought i might accidentally kill someone. When my dad was in the Hospital dying suffering, I would have taken His place to keep him from suffering, I have know suffering all my life. i am used to it and each round more powerful than before. i cannot kill nobody, When i had my last dog put to sleep to keep him from suffering i held him in my arms it tore me to pieces. Before Christ I could do anything but after Christ i cannot harm a bird.

I am a change man. i am change, my heart is different I have a heart after GOD! according to The BOOK, what is written in the BOOK! Not a GOD of MY IMAGINATION, or how I feel! "And he that is a friend of this world is a enemy of GOD!" and The Love of GOD is Not in them,

New King James Version
For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.:eyes:

American Standard Version
For godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation, a repentance which bringeth no regret: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

Berean Study Bible

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly sorrow brings death

New King James Version
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

American Standard Version

For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

GOD get me out of this place, Come QUICKLY!

When the time has Come when "Christians can pray for houses and lands and cars and jobs and things and Crooked Politicians And cannot ask you "GOD", to Put A LOVE IN THEIR own hearts for a unborn baby in their womb, or the power to lay hands on another to give them the LOVE TO LOVE THE UNLOVEABLE, either by rape or incest, and THEY ACT like you have not the POWER to Help them to LOVE and Cherish their own blood.
and they do not have the mind to pray for it. what kind people are these!! Christians calling themselve and denying THE POWER Of GOD!

Evil in the Last Days

"1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was"

"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Get me the heck out of here, meaning this world by The Coming of CHRIST!

And Jesus said AND HE MEANT IT!

New American Standard Bible
"And Jesus answered and said, “You unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.”

I have sit and listen to many in my day, it has gotten so bad coming from christians the world is acting way better than them! even The Atheist has more GOD in their baby toe than most Christians. today!

Now those who have follow us on "The REVELATION TRAIL" do you see "The Parallels" the "Biblical Motif" are Frightening.

5This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘This is Jerusalem; I have placed her at the center of the nations, with lands around her. 6But she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than the nations, and against My statutes more than the lands which surround her; for they have rejected My ordinances and have not walked [g]in My statutes.’ 7Therefore, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Because you have more turmoil than the nations that surround you and have not walked in My statutes, nor executed My ordinances, nor acted in accordance with the ordinances of the nationsaround you,’ 8therefore, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I, even I, am against you, and I will execute judgments among you in the sight of the nations. 9And because of all your abominations I will do among you what I have not done, and the like of which I will never do again. 10Therefore, fathers will eat their sons among you, and sons will eat their fathers; for I will execute judgments on you and scatter all your remnant to every wind. 11Therefore as I live,’ declares the Lord GOD, ‘Becauseyou have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations, I definitely will also withdraw and My eye will have no pity, and I also will not spare. 12A third of you will die by plague or perish by famine among you, a third will fall by the sword around you, and a third I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe a sword behind them.

13‘Then My anger will be spent and I will satisfy My wrath on them, and I will be appeased;
then they will know that I, the LORD, have spoken in My zeal, WHEN I HAVE SPENT MY WRATH UPON THEM.14Moreover, I will make you a site of ruins and a disgrace among the nations that surround you, in the sight of everyone who passes by. 15So [h]it will be a disgrace, an object of abuse, a warning, and an object of horror to the nations that surround you when I execute judgments against you in anger, wrath, and raging reprimands. I, the LORD, have spoken. 16When I send against them the https://biblehub.com/nasb_/ezekiel/5.htm#fndeadlyarrows of famine which [j]were for the destruction of those whom I will send to destroy you, then I will also intensify the famine upon you and break off your [k]provision of bread. 17I will send on you famine and vicious animals, and they will bereave you of children; plague and bloodshed also will pass through you, and I will bring the sword on you. I, the LORD, have spoken.’”
I understand "TWISTIE" But What is "GOD"THE FATHER is GOING to Do About The cries of THE BLOOD that cries from the GROUND. He will hear the blood cries, So What I am saying, Should those who Abort, "REPENT" and ask GOD to FORGIVE them. :pensive: or go on like nothing has not happen.

A long time ago, I got a girl pregnant, and she demanded that i marry her, and before that, she demanded that I go to bed with her, and she knew where I stood, i wanted, no children no wife, I told her, go as you please date who you please. I just wanted conversation and regular company. She admitted that she trap me. and now she is pregnant. If i do not marry her, she said i will "ABORT this child! I went into a "VIOLENT SHAKING" i could not stop shaking in total fear about what she was going to do! I remain silent, she planed everything at the last minute i heard a voice, loud and clear. i didn't not marry her, to late to abort, I paid child support and every thing she ask, And My daughter from her, became a "Medical DOCTOR" a "Obstetrician".:pensive:

I knew i could not marry her, It would have been a sin, 2 wrongs do not make a right. I Found out THE Hard way. I thank God it was a right decision. It was a hard one, and She said to me "I know you love me" but she said; she did not understand. And I broke off contact, My aunt did not, and i kept my payments up. Now I must leave that alone. I had to give that to "GOD" too.:pensive: and not my feelings, I had to TRUST HIM, and lean not upon my own understanding. Oh yes, it has pain too. But He is "GOD' and Not A man. "Do not be yoke tgether with a unbeliever." There is a deception in the church, that will trap a man. The devil's children wants a "GODLY MAN"!:sob: And she knows how to treat him! " I wanted a "woman from Timnah" a Philistine":sob: she pleases me well!

She did me in.:sob: she told me, You are my husband and GOD GAVE you TO ME! and Curse me out! You are mines! I was shaking!:sob: I was scared. she was pretty too! She was going to make me marry her!:sob: I had a nice talk with her, I told her I alway treated her nice and right and never lied to her about how i felt, and never wanted to marry anybody, and i wanted not children, if she wanted that, find, i have no problem with you dating other men, and I will not go to go to bed with you. I always treated you nice, Then she admitted to me she trap me.:pensive: Still all my fauit. Never be alone with a women who is not your wife and if not married eat alone. or in a group, especially these days, men hit on men especially in the church!:eyes: You eat alone, the devil will trap you.

Christians do not pay attention to this:
King James Bible
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." PS. That go's for women too!:eyes:

MANY MANY, Christians pay no attention to GOD"S WORD regarding this! and our families are paying the cost!

While pastors and bible teachers are teaching how to speak in Tongues! and cast out demons and every body getting a divorce and remarrying in "JESUS NAME"!

Talking about "A GREAT FALLING AWAY" They have FELL DOWN and Cannot get back up! the only way they will get back up, "RESURRECTION" of the DEAD!

A little note, concerning me, GOD does not care how I feel, He does care and I understand, It is not about me, But it is about his Word. Either it is about him or about me. I am nothing but a piece of Clay molded being made into the image of HIS SON whom He loves, And I am thankful He chose me to be shape and being molded into the Image of His Only SON. because i could have been condemn to Eternal Death.
But he chose me before the foundation of the world and I am thankful, because i know i had nothing to do with my Salvation, per se The Bible.

I am thankful more than the mind can conceive or words could express.
Should they repent if they r truly sorry what good is a I'm sorry n neva do it again is it if one keeps doing it ova n ova :confused:

Should they repent if they r truly sorry what good is a I'm sorry n neva do it again is it if one keeps doing it ova n ova :confused:

I do not know, It is all up to "GOD" who gives life. And we have nothing to say in it. I am only a witness to what he has done for me. Nothing more and nothing less, I am just a piece of clay. i do not make up HIs rules. I refuse to give "counsel in anything pertaining to GOD, Only thing i can say is what he has done for me. And what the BOOK say.

I know he will for give no matter how many times.:pensive: But that is up to Him.

The title of this Thread is nothing more than a "Question", In reality, my only concern is making sure My behind is covered, and do what He Has "COMMANDED" me to do. And I am not commanded to give counsel.:pensive:

King James Bible
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I know not what God wants, the other person to do, But I know, what he wants me to do, We have a personal relationship with GOD and we are never in the dark to what , he wants us to do! And we are commanded "DO Not GRIEVE The Spirit of GOD" and every child of God knows when they are Grieving The "HOLY SPIRIT of GOD". We do not have to learn or be taught that. When you start to do something that is not pleasing to GOD, right then you start grieving The SPIRIT, so you stop, and turn now!!!!! No questions ask. Is That simple.

"Obedience is Better than Sacrifice" I would never commit a "Sacrifice to ease my own pain and suffering" "WHAT greater love than to die for another" whether it is "Physically, Mentally or Spiritually":pensive: I have learn down through the years over 44 years to learn and "TRUST" GOD, Thur countless Failures and pain, betrayals, rejections, lied on and called everything but a Child of GOD, and to love them any way, not by my strength, but prayer to love them anyhow. when i could not form the words out of my own mouth. And thank GOD he gave me the strength to do it. But everybody seems to want "Revenge" and honor the bitterness that rises in their soul.:pensive: When a command have been given by our "GOD".

King James Bible Hebrews 12:15
"Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;"

When you take a life, either accidentally, intentionally, as a soldier in war time, or anytime, Something happens to your VERY SOUL! and words cannot repair the damage to your very soul. I don't care how many times you say "forgive me," that stuff will "HAUNT You" like a hunting dog Howling at the Moon! Now, we can believe those lies of counselors all we want, Those counselors are going to get a pay check , and go on a cruise. And you will be up, all night, having nightmares and dropping pills with sign effects!:pensive:

You better have that baby, and pray to GOD to LOVE it, like GOD Loved His SON! And Go to sleep, with that little baby in your arms.:eyes: That is what i would do! I do not want "Night mares" and popping no pills with side effects!

I rather get up and fix that bottle:eyes: and change that diaper! and teach that kid gospel songs and how to pray and say his or her "ABC"S"

If you think that demon is not coming after you, you got another thing coming, That demon coming, and he is bringing friends! You abort that baby that demon coming, and no pills can stop him! Neither can a counselor!

You can let those "DIME STORE COWBOYS" pastors and preachers feed you that hog wash if you want too!

Y'all do what you want to do! I am going tell my story and go to sleep and wake up and read the PSALMS 91 before i get started, My studies and meditations and after I PRAY IN THE MORNINGS. "HE THAT DWELLS IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH"

The Devil must have never, got a hold on y'all, He GOT "TALONS" that ANGEL will GRAB YOUR VERY SOUL! AND they are sharper than RAZONS:eyes::sob::sob:

Y'all think i am lying!!! Many have never met Him before, I have !

Many fight with the "FLESH" the "world" desirers, and little "demons". and they call those episodes encountering the devil.:sob:

But The DEVIL comes, when you are a THREAT. and you have open the gate, or feeding "The ELECT" of GOD. you are the threat. and only a DEVIL can handle you, By Permission, Because you have gotten off The PATH!:eyes:

New King James Version
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you,:eyes:that he may sift you as wheat.
I do not know, It is all up to "GOD" who gives life. And we have nothing to say in it. I am only a witness to what he has done for me. Nothing more and nothing less, I am just a piece of clay. i do not make up HIs rules. I refuse to give "counsel in anything pertaining to GOD, Only thing i can say is what he has done for me. And what the BOOK say.

I know he will for give no matter how many times.:pensive: But that is up to Him.

The title of this Thread is nothing more than a "Question", In reality, my only concern is making sure My behind is covered, and do what He Has "COMMANDED" me to do. And I am not commanded to give counsel.:pensive:

King James Bible
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I know not what God wants, the other person to do, But I know, what he wants me to do, We have a personal relationship with GOD and we are never in the dark to what , he wants us to do! And we are commanded "DO Not GRIEVE The Spirit of GOD" and every child of God knows when they are Grieving The "HOLY SPIRIT of GOD". We do not have to learn or be taught that. When you start to do something that is not pleasing to GOD, right then you start grieving The SPIRIT, so you stop, and turn now!!!!! No questions ask. Is That simple.

"Obedience is Better than Sacrifice" I would never commit a "Sacrifice to ease my own pain and suffering" "WHAT greater love than to die for another" whether it is "Physically, Mentally or Spiritually":pensive: I have learn down through the years over 44 years to learn and "TRUST" GOD, Thur countless Failures and pain, betrayals, rejections, lied on and called everything but a Child of GOD, and to love them any way, not by my strength, but prayer to love them anyhow. when i could not form the words out of my own mouth. And thank GOD he gave me the strength to do it. But everybody seems to want "Revenge" and honor the bitterness that rises in their soul.:pensive: When a command have been given by our "GOD".

King James Bible Hebrews 12:15
"Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;"

When you take a life, either accidentally, intentionally, as a soldier in war time, or anytime, Something happens to your VERY SOUL! and words cannot repair the damage to your very soul. I don't care how many times you say "forgive me," that stuff will "HAUNT You" like a hunting dog Howling at the Moon! Now, we can believe those lies of counselors all we want, Those counselors are going to get a pay check , and go on a cruise. And you will be up, all night, having nightmares and dropping pills with sign effects!:pensive:

You better have that baby, and pray to GOD to LOVE it, like GOD Loved His SON! And Go to sleep, with that little baby in your arms.:eyes: That is what i would do! I do not want "Night mares" and popping no pills with side effects!

I rather get up and fix that bottle:eyes: and change that diaper! and teach that kid gospel songs and how to pray and say his or her "ABC"S"

If you think that demon is not coming after you, you got another thing coming, That demon coming, and he is bringing friends! You abort that baby that demon coming, and no pills can stop him! Neither can a counselor!

You can let those "DIME STORE COWBOYS" pastors and preachers feed you that hog wash if you want too!

Y'all do what you want to do! I am going tell my story and go to sleep and wake up and read the PSALMS 91 before i get started, My studies and meditations and after I PRAY IN THE MORNINGS. "HE THAT DWELLS IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH"

The Devil must have never, got a hold on y'all, He GOT "TALONS" that ANGEL will GRAB YOUR VERY SOUL! AND they are sharper than RAZONS:eyes::sob::sob:

Y'all think i am lying!!! Many have never met Him before, I have !

Many fight with the "FLESH" the "world" desirers, and little "demons". and they call those episodes encountering the devil.:sob:

But The DEVIL comes, when you are a THREAT. and you have open the gate, or feeding "The ELECT" of GOD. you are the threat. and only a DEVIL can handle you, By Permission, Because you have gotten off The PATH!:eyes:

New King James Version
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you,:eyes:that he may sift you as wheat.
I hear ya but as for me imma stay out n let YH do Tye judging in

I just can't see making a 9 yr old give birth to her rapist baby perhaps it's to see what one would do but me personally couldn't make a child have a child that's was not supposed to b

I've seen alot in my life including 9 yr old about to pop with a baby eva see the fear n sadness in the eyes of a little girl who belly is growing n they have no clue what's going on ?

Can u see YH so merciless that he would condemn one to hell for helping a child who was in distress n whose body was not developed enough to carry n birth the baby when its a death sentence for the child who is carrying a child?
What happens when the child dies giving birth to a child because one didn't help the child whom was carrying the baby

Like I said I'll let YH handle it

Idk all situations n I can't see their hearts

I know YH desires Mercy upon all else

Twistie, we must never and I say never, "Estimate The Power of GOD", or even view him as having a human heart. He is "GOD" and Not a mere word. :pensive: The reason he is not power. He hands out "power" HE is beyond "POWER" he gives it.

So lets take this small portion of statement you made, for a minute and look at it.

Twistie says:​

Your Quote:
1, "I've seen a lot in my life including 9 yr old about to pop with a baby eva see the fear n sadness in the eyes of a little girl who belly is growing n they have no clue what's going on ?*****PloughBoy says: {And I know that hurts, i can somewhat feel it, the pain of what you saw}:pensive: Does that brother me ? YES it bothers me! yes!}

2. Can u see YH so merciless that he would condemn one to hell for helping a child who was in distress n whose body was not developed enough to carry n birth the baby when its a death sentence for the child who is carrying a child?
What happens when the child dies giving birth to a child because one didn't help the child whom was carrying the baby"

PloughBoy says:
GOD is Not a Human being he does not think like a human, He uses "ANTHROPOMORPHIC " words to communicate with us. He is no way like us. we cannot compare us to Him. You can tell when you read "The BIBLE",that is why many true "ATHEIST " says "Christians 'have not read the BIBLE, because if they DID , NO way, would they TRUST of Believe in A GOD like this!!!! Even The DEVIL is Scared of GOD and JESUS CHRIST the SON OF GOD" For the DEMONS and THE DEVIl are "TERRIFIED OF GOD"!!! They are TERRIFIED!

He knows, GOD knows the pain, at that moment he knows her fears the 9 year old, He knows, he knows the sadness in her eyes,, He knows that she does not know what is happening to her body. he knows, and every one of us who are "heirs" of SALVATION, GOD has assigned "HIS ANGELS" to forever to be with us, every moment in time. They are there even with the POWER of GOD! He is able, to help her, Through it all:pensive: yes he is, to help her "endure All of The PAINS", even though the child do not know it or have anyone to explain that to her. But I, PloughBoy knows this is "THE TRUTH" By LYING in The STREET DYING and CANNOT BREATH and ALL of MY CLOTHES torn off of ME I have been ran over By A CAR! and The ANGEL of GOD came AND RESCUE me and GAVE me Comfort. IN The STREET and how I saw Him cover me , as if it was a "INVISIBLE BLANKET" to the naked eye, Then I KNEW there IS A "GOD" I don't have to BELIEVE I KNOW! There is A GOD! I don't BELEIVE it, I KNOW there is A GOD!

When I called on that NAME while DYING IN THE STREET, HE CAME to MY RESCUE, And when he laid that blanket on me all pain went away. & 7 operations, The "Radiologist" told my Mother; "GOD is Trying to TALK that BOY" she told me when I woke up from operations, I had not One BONE broken in My Body. I told my Mother in that Bed, the only moving thing was my Lips! Mama , I am LISTENING TOO!:joy::joy::joy: from that day after 27 days in the hospital I start turning around, and married the 1st woman that said I DO!:joy: The car hit me traveling about 40 MPH and I was on My Motorcycle going in the Opposite direction ABOUT 40 MILES AN HOUR too, NEITHER ONE of us had applied the brakes Head on! i was a mess, they could not wait for the "RESCUE VEHICLE" to get me, they had to put me in a "Police Station wagon " they said i was not going to make it, I was "Conscious" every bit of the time.

And that is only one page in my book. When GOD had to rescue me!

Twistie Says:

2. Can u see YH so merciless that he would condemn one to hell for helping a child who was in distress n whose body was not developed enough to carry n birth the baby when its a death sentence for the child who is carrying a child?
What happens when the child dies giving birth to a child because one didn't help the child whom was carrying the baby"

Fast forward..ff on this one.

PloughBoy says:
I did not mention nothing about going to HELL for aborting. I said, the suffering and the nightmares and pills, because of "consciousness" the pain, the guilt that will come,, It is coming oh yes it is! and no preacher, pastor, counselor, nor how many people you feed or clothe on the streets, nor how many prayers we may pray and how many times we may ask for forgiveness, the Guilt will remain, as we grow, While we are here on EARTH! And can be forgiven, but we will still have those scars. Trying every thing, going to every church, all kinds of pills, all kinds of "COUNSELORS" trying to get relief. All kinds of Cherry picking Scriptures, in our pockets, on our Refrigerators, Stove tops, The Toilet Bowls, Our night stands, Our front door, back door, In Our cars, Trying to drown out that pain, that maybe i should not have done that, I wonder if the baby is in heaven. We are not sure. If we were sure we would have NO NEED to ask THAT QUESTION!

And if we are in doubt we will not ask that question.

Now the Bright side of not aborting,, no matter how Old the mother is! GOD is NOT DEAD!!!! if Mother mary was 12 when she had JESUS in a barn, without no medicine, doctors, pain relievers GOD IS ABLE to deliver a baby, If He GIVES LIFE! HE CAN DELIVER, WHY????????? Because "HE IS A DELIVER" and I KNOW IT! :eyes:
I do not believe, I KNOW IT, WHAT MY GOD is! I don't believe "I KNOW" that GOD IS GOD!:pensive:

American Standard Version
Jesus said unto her, I AM THE RESURRECTION, and the life: he that believeth on me, though he die, yet shall he live;

But Most Christians do not!
They Lie, they Do not BELIEVE!:pensive:
I told you "TWISTIE".........I am different.

I am PloughBoy, And I am "CARRYING The MAIL" GOD KNOWS! And Hallelujah>>>>>>> I am on 'THE REVELATION TRAIL" Hot Diggity DOG! Non stop clear into "GOD"S ETERNITY" where he has made us a HOME!

And i cannot understand why "Christians" thinks that dying is a "TERRIBLE THING" and living here is a good thing!

JESUS sure did not think it is a good place, and all of The Patriarchs and all of The PROPHETS of GOD" and The Bible Too! Think this place is A "TERRIBLE PLACE" and GOD The FATHER does Too! and He will destroy it for sure. ALL of it, and it will be no more or remembered, that it ever existed.:pensive:



I feel your pain.

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Come let us reason together. Let each person decide in their own conscience before God. YHVH (who became incarnate in Christ) felt no remorse when he sent fire and brimstone down upon Sodom and Gomorrah killing every man, woman (even the pregnant ones), and child (which included born babies). Later He COMMANDS Joshua to annihilate EVERY man, woman, and child in a number of cities and yet YHVH considered none of this "murder". Are we made in His image? Did He not give us dominion and a will to choose? So when does one BECOME a human being? And if we kill is it always Murder?

So when this issue came about it was because woman (often forced by circumstances MEN oppressively and selfishly created) had been seeking this remedy for many many centuries, even women of God), and finally there was a nation and a generation wise enough to consider this matter. So here were the positions the people considered.

To begin with we had the originators of the case who were mostly godless women (some who lied to the court and misrepresented the cases they brought) and it was their opinion that id you did not want the baby you should be able to abort it whenever you want (and in their eugenics oriented mindset this included fully birthed babies).

But then we had a number of other groups who also came and argued their case. Many Christians and Jewish people (some Ministers and Rabbis) argued for the fetus not becoming "a living soul" hence a full fledged person, until they drew their first breath, pointing out that only on rare occasions did the Lord do a special work "in the womb" but for most, they were just the natural result of pro-creation not special creation.

Then we had another crowd who, based on science, insisted that an embryo/fetus does not become a "person" until the cells differentiate producing a sustainable human form. They argued that this is not a person until between 15 to 20 weeks (based on could this being survive unattached from the placenta) and it is called the "viability" option.

Then finally, we have the "at conception" crowd who believe the moment of conception (when still a Zygote/Embryo) it is a human being. Most (I said most not all) of these people were Catholic and Calvinist (both who held that a special godly person may be killed, as if God was incapable of preserving whosoever He wills).

I will watch with interest to see if anyone will consider all the positions. and THEN speak your heart, mind, and conscience.

So there you have the views argued. And as for the first point is killing life always murdering a human being? Is God then a murderer? Is taking a life (human or otherwise) always evil as some suppose? The Buddhists believe this, but what about us?
Come let us reason together. Let each person decide in their own conscience before God. YHVH (who became incarnate in Christ) felt no remorse when he sent fire and brimstone down upon Sodom and Gomorrah killing every man, woman (even the pregnant ones), and child (which included born babies). Later He COMMANDS Joshua to annihilate EVERY man, woman, and child in a number of cities and yet YHVH considered none of this "murder". Are we made in His image? Did He not give us dominion and a will to choose? So when does one BECOME a human being? And if we kill is it always Murder?

So when this issue came about it was because woman (often forced by circumstances MEN oppressively and selfishly created) had been seeking this remedy for many many centuries, even women of God), and finally there was a nation and a generation wise enough to consider this matter. So here were the positions the people considered.

To begin with we had the originators of the case who were mostly godless women (some who lied to the court and misrepresented the cases they brought) and it was their opinion that id you did not want the baby you should be able to abort it whenever you want (and in their eugenics oriented mindset this included fully birthed babies).

But then we had a number of other groups who also came and argued their case. Many Christians and Jewish people (some Ministers and Rabbis) argued for the fetus not becoming "a living soul" hence a full fledged person, until they drew their first breath, pointing out that only on rare occasions did the Lord do a special work "in the womb" but for most, they were just the natural result of pro-creation not special creation.

Then we had another crowd who, based on science, insisted that an embryo/fetus does not become a "person" until the cells differentiate producing a sustainable human form. They argued that this is not a person until between 15 to 20 weeks (based on could this being survive unattached from the placenta) and it is called the "viability" option.

Then finally, we have the "at conception" crowd who believe the moment of conception (when still a Zygote/Embryo) it is a human being. Most (I said most not all) of these people were Catholic and Calvinist (both who held that a special godly person may be killed, as if God was incapable of preserving whosoever He wills).

I will watch with interest to see if anyone will consider all the positions. and THEN speak your heart, mind, and conscience.

So there you have the views argued. And as for the first point is killing life always murdering a human being? Is God then a murderer? Is taking a life (human or otherwise) always evil as some suppose? The Buddhists believe this, but what about us?
I guess the bottom line is at what point we consider children a curse instead of a blessing.
When you believe the RC spin on original sin or you accept the false doctrine of absolute incapability known as total depravity.
I read original sin to mean we're born with a nature of wanting to do things our way. There are women and men who want the benefits, but not the liability and responsibility. We all want rights and freedoms, but the right to be a good role model with the freedom of a clean conscience never seems at the top of the list for some.
I guess the bottom line is at what point we consider children a curse instead of a blessing.
Sorry, i am not referring to what we think, Bottom Line, i am pointing to What "GOD" the Father not The Son of GOD going to do when HE Judge.:eyes: And He will judge everything what we do and what we have thought. The Giver of ALL life.:eyes: For nothing cannot live unless GOD gives it Life, Even The Bug in The MUD> must get Life from GOD> Life is not independent by itself. But many people think so. Because they have a "Finite Mind". and God Communicates in His Book with "Anthropomorphic" words.

The cell does not move unless "GOD gives it life. The plant that comes out of The Ground cannot Grow, unless at that time GOD gives it The Life, to BUD. And after it Buds, GOD has to tell it to Grow and how much how wide and how deep. Life is not independent of Itself. I do not care what people think, the scientist says, the pastor proclaims or the prophet , Life comes from GOD and we cannot understand it, Only By "FAITH"!

What ever, little thing that wiggles around in its mama belly is Life!:eyes: Judgment day is Not Court date!:eyes: Slip around here, many will not be worry about being Held in Contempt of Court.

So far, I got a lot to worry about that deserved death, but not that one. I know i am guilty of many things, even by being born and conceive in sin. My chest is not going be sticking out.:sob: Like I belong in His Kingdom. Not me. And i don't have to look up a scripture I got it all in me. So where anyone feels like they want to quote don't bother it is in me and not on a piece paper. I am telling you the Truth.:pensive:

[NASB 1977
"in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart, and knows all things."
New Living Translation
"Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything."]

Here is a illustration:
"But the tax collector stood at a distance, unwilling even to lift up his eyes to heaven. Instead, he beat his breast and said,‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man, rather than the Pharisee, went home justified. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”…"

Isaiah 66:2 Now God is talking.
Has not My hand made all these things? And so they came into being," declares the LORD. "This is the one I will esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, Who Trembles At My Word. "not to a man But GOD" We do not bow down to a man! But they try to make make us shine their shoes.

And i told him, in many prayers, put the fear of GOD in Me, "that i might not sin against you" because if you don't, and i am luging this body around. And i know what it wants to do. And it sure do not want to serve you. I know my body.:sob: And keep my feet out of slippery places and far away fro big leggy women. When i read that over 40 years ago; "take everything to GOD and Prayer" I took it all! and kept taking it.

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

Psalm 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts gain rich understanding. His praise endures forever!

For since 1977 his fear has not fail me. I have slip a couple of times by listening to christians. Born again ones.:sob: That Lion beside the road will not get me again.:sob: I am going to go in a corner and sit down and look out of the window.:sob: And i ain't having lunch, dinner, or prayer breakfast with y'all!:sob: And you be wondering where those foreign unholy thoughts coming from.:sob:

I wish my Mama was here, we would be laughing. Me and my mother would be laughing so hard we be crying. I cannot wait to see her, I got a lot to tell her.:sob:

They may be going to counseling because many will say they feel guilty, and have sleepless nights and Nightmares. And the counselors and the pastor and his wife and other holy member,:= that is the devil messing with you! They are right!:eyes:

God told You also, before you do:

26“Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger, 27AND do not give the devil a foothold.
That means before not after.

2 Wrongs Do Not Make A Right!:eyes: The old folks had Horse sense and no "greek sense" and they Talked to mules!:sob: And their Rolls where Plowed straight.:eyes:

New International Version
This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; Ask For The Ancient Paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, And You Will Find Rest For Your Souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.':pensive:

And the prophecy has come to pass, The Great Falling Away of God's Children from his Word is here in a free fall may i say, until He returns to rule them with a "IRON ROD" He has to rule his own people with a "IRON ROD".

Even in HADES, GOD the FATHER had to put a Great Gulf Between His own Children to keep them from Going against HIS own Will. Because they would betray Him even after he has saved them from Eternal Damnation. :pensive: You talking about grace, it is running for sinner still.

NASB 1977
‘And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, in order that those who wish to come over from here to you may not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.’

Some will still have a desired to go against GOD's will in hades and betray him even after he has saved us. in the name of compassion for others. We are a mess.:pensive:
And many do not see it yet, and feel the disgust. about our own selves, about the garment that still stain us and betray us, even to our own selves.

Not until or if it will happen to many "Born from ABOVE" Creatures, while they are here, If the The Light of the Gospel shines into that corner of That life outside of Christ be revealed to them, It will Horrify them. Many years ago i heard about it. Then in The mid 1980's, then my day came that Christ reveal my life outside of Christ. Then I understood , why they said ,many cannot endure "The Truth', many might die from fright and some lose their minds. and I understood after I saw the TRUTH> about mankind and why They are committed to The Lake Burning with BrimStone and FIRE, But somehow by the grace of GOD i Survived.:pensive: There is something far worst than "The Dark Night of The Soul" No books can writing about "The Dark night of the Soul" and I forgot the name of The "Revealing what man is or Had become" when he fell in the garden. It was more than he just broke the rule.

King James Bible
And needed not that any should testify of man: For he knew what was in man.

New King James Version
and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.

New American Standard Bible
and because He did not need anyone to testify about mankind, for He Himself knew what was in mankind.:eyes:

King James Bible
But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

NASB 1977
But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men,

[ Jesus knew what men were and what was in them and he did not trust humanity} they had to become a "NEW CREATURE"! they were DANGEROUS!:eyes: They would kill GOD if they had a chance and knowing who he is.

and they still will.:eyes::sob: I aint' bringing a snake "A VIPER" home with me. And sure I ain't bring wolf home either! And close your eyes and Go to sleep!

And you wonder why a person will abort, Or government will spend $22 Million dollar for a one Fighter jet to kill a man? Or a $20 million dollar boat to sink another boat. and send thousands of men to die for a piece of dirt. that he do not own.:eyes:

For "Nero" was known as the "BEAST" in ROME. and They are erasing and a rewriting that history about Him. and his daddies and Mama's., And the whole world is in the dark what he, the devil is doing right before our faces.! Prophecy is here and Christianity is laying down in the street deceived and being deceived. Before the year is out not realize the papers have already been signed. And Stamp! All of the major religions has come together under one roof! When you look at it today, it has done years back. It is etched in stone and Prophesied.

Now watch, they are going to start saying something like this: "We got to do something" Not realizing it is a done DEAL. Authorized by The Collected Churches of the west, except for "The Russian Orthodox Christian Church"! I have never saw or heard of anything like this in my life, except when "Hitler" round up those churches into the "STATE CHURCHES" and start handing those "pay checks to the christian churches and pastors in Germany"

I have never heard of seen anything like it, Except when the quote came: "they don't want land they want cake"
or with a results of Marie Antoinette in Spain, quote; "let them eat cake'


If you think that "Jeremiah's and Ezekiel days was something, With those "Babylonians" ruling the world, and The Jewish people talking about what they were going to do., you have read nothing yet. The books is about to be rewritten again. I been watching this stuff for years. you will not be able to trust no body!

Especially a lot of christians have come to find out you can lie, and not suffer form the "Ananias and Sapphira Syndrome":sob:.

I cannot believe the stuff i am hearing and seeing in christianity, Same sex attractions, is nothing compared to the stuff i am hearing and seeing, At least the the same sex attraction are Practicing a whole lot of LOVE. But these others ones has written a new Chapter. In board day light.

Ok i am done, I going watch this stuff. I ain't worried, i got a seat i been watching for years. I see what is going to happen. it has been happening, for a good while now.

You enjoy your day, "Joel Osteen" said the other day, God got something good coming for you get ready.:eyes: I going to see what it is.

But we know, "ALL Things Work together...ff."

New York 7 inches
Earthquake in that other country 6.2 Mexico
Earthquake hits Cianjur, Java, Indonesia
Earthquake Malta

Note: California anyday they say.

God said: the Earth will spew you out. He is not lying, The Earth obeys GOD, man don't don't.

It is about "Obedience". if you don't I will. No body quotes that. they skip over verses like that. I pay attention to a lot of things.

So let us do out own will:eyes: And he will do His own Will, Meaning not the Son But "THE FATHER" The FATHER does not obey The SON.

But many think they are the same. But when that day come, we all are going to know the difference between the 2. And there will not be any mistakes. or confusions between the 2.

Like when the Father spoke, the Bible said the Disciples were "TERRIFIED" and Jesus told them don't be afraid. Yeh right., and i wonder how well they took that.:sob:

Repent Assumptions? For those who do not understand "​

Assumption sins"​

The sin of Assumption

"Scripture clearly warns us not to make assumptions or judgments on what we see
. Making assumptions also causes us to jump to conclusions before knowing the whole story."

The whole story:
God's story, Jesus story, The victims story, The babies story, the mothers story, The one performing the procedure.

The Christian story, all parties. not referring to the unregenerate.
I read original sin to mean we're born with a nature of wanting to do things our way. There are women and men who want the benefits, but not the liability and responsibility. We all want rights and freedoms, but the right to be a good role model with the freedom of a clean conscience never seems at the top of the list for some.

Well what the RC doctrine of original sin says is we are all guilty and condemned when born because of Adam's sin, so unless we are Baptized (by them, as a newborn), if we died, we would go straight to Hell. Only in many places in the Bible (which their people could not read during the dark ages) we learn that a child is NOT held responsible for their parents sin and vice versa. The soul that sins...it shall die.