Sorry. I was looking for clarification. I love taking the scriptures that people post and reading in which context they are placed in. I've found previously unknown gems that way.. As I've said, the context in which you placed the situation was unlike that which I found by reading and wondered if I had missed something. Like I've said before, I am not as versed as some of you here and would like to get fix that. This is why I asked you what I did.
Prayer to me is not necessarily an organized event. To me,Talking to God is best done from the heart and only Jesus and God knows when this is done sincerely. I'm sure there are some out there who do so as an organized ritual, when in church or before bed, but does that make it more or less sincere?
I've spoken to God just driving down the road and that's with half my attention on the road ahead f me, but I know in my heart tat he is listening. Prayer is, to me a contract with your self that you need to keep God in your mind lest you not glorify him for what he has done for you.
Remember why Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the promised land, Such things happen to the great and the small and it is prayer that is our best defense against the self. It keeps us centered on the prize
Hello Brother! Awesome to read your words.
I will tell you that there is nothing to be sorry about! Nothing at all!
Took me a while to see devotionals as only a subset of a sermon that I could read anywhere. It also is something that provides a short rather than an in-depth look at a verse/event from scripture. That could start or end a day on the best of notes is also a plus! Of cause after prayer in the morning and before prayer in the evening
Charles Spurgeon has provided many gems from Holy Spirit insight that I have found uplifting. He was able to take one verse out of an event in scripture, and open it up in a way that brought new perspective to not only the event, but to other applications that believers like me could see within their own lives or the lives of others.That is one reason why I share them here at TJ.
Like this one devotional on Prayer! He's had many such as these. You see it as well in what you posted. You wrote "Prayer to me is not necessarily an organized event." fits perfectly into what is presented by him in this devotional. In his first paragraph he is able to show that spontaneous and one could say instinctual/a reflex to events in our lives will have prayers go out by us and by many, many people to a place where they can find safe harbor.
In other devotionals he'll write of continual prayer, prayer for others, self, church etc. Specific location for prayer he may also include, but from his other devotionals on prayer he does not limit it by placing it in a box by saying that church or organized prayer is the only method for it to be viable.
You touch on one location of which we share also in your post (while driving). I find myself doing this as well. I'm sure we're not the only ones either!
At times with a smile on my face, which I'm sure makes others who drive by and see me; wonder what's up with that fella and why's he looking so happy! But I've also have found myself with tears in my ears as well. Tears of joy, for the overwhelming thought that He is there with me. When this happens I do find myself moved to remind myself of where I'm at, and to not let my tears affect my driving!
I don't look at it as you might as a "contract with self as a reminder", but I would not exclude this either. With all being said and done, I can say I'm overjoyed that you have found "prayer" that truly is the front line of defense/offense for our lives, in your own and don't wait for tribulation to happen before using it. To me I'm talking to my God, my Father, Brother, Friend, and even to the one I Love Most. So, I'm sure we can see eye to eye that more prayer provides us an increased spiritual health, and offers without number numerous other benefits.
That is why just in the opening paragraph I was able to take many thoughts from reading and thinking about it, but found one thought particularly inspiring. Just imagining the number of prayers going to the Mercy Seat and each given attention by our God is mind numbing and what I like to call a "wow" moment! Alleluia! Is our God Awesome or what?
In closing, please remember brother that "Fixing on how well versed you are in comparison to others here" is truly relative. Believe it or not, I do not consider myself well versed at all. I give all the glory to God for any insight and revelation that my responses or postings may have. Always remember, your experiences, your testimony, you! are unique to God, to us here at TJ, and in the Body of Christ as a whole! For knowledge we all continue to study, read, pray to grow that we might show ourselves approved. Even Spurgeon had to learn how to walk, before he started to run.So, whether you are walking, running, or taking a rest. The path, and goal that we are heading to is the same brother and really awesome when its shared!
Love you!
Any thoughts on any of my postings are always welcomed! Just keep in mind I can be a bit wordy!!!!!!!!!