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Training Our Children


Feb 22, 2007
Training Our Children

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Children need to know right from wrong, and the best place to learn it is at home. If they don't learn it there, they may end up without any moral and spiritual anchor.

Children also want their parents to care enough for them to be strict. Parents who refuse to discipline their children are actually sending a signal, saying they don't care what happens to them. The Bible says, "He who loves him disciplines him promptly" (Prov. 13:24).

The Bible also says to train our children in God's ways "precept upon precept, line upon line...here a little, there a little (Is. 28:10). In other words, when a child is about to become a teenager, we can't suddenly say, "I've ignored it so far, but now I'll cram religion and morals into my child." It must start the very moment he or she has any understanding.

But what we do is as important as what we say, for children usually acquire their parents' characteristics and habits. What are our children (and grandchildren) learning from us?

Billy Graham
Thank you rizen1, currently I do have the huge problem of letting go of the oh so grown-up, but lost in direction and not wanting any more theory advice daughter of mine. . .
I feel like the lost son story . . .but i really hate whats awaiting her once she makes those "This will make me surely happy" decisions

Im open for advice and ask for prayersupport whoever gets touched reading this for our daughter and our family right now :love: Thanks TJ fam :love: