Sister Confused spirit, Not at all knowing just what you are having to deal with,I hope the Lord in me,will give you hope,with the words i have to say to you. Being young as you are has both its ups and its downs. When I was much younger such as yourself,I looked to relate to others in my OWN way! Doing all of this before ever knowing how to relate to Jesus in my own life. Feeling and emotion look to run my life,and like you perhaps, the feeling one gets from the Lord,is that I am not even worthy for him to hang around me! And those i once placed trust in, and thought they truly cared about me,were false,so now I was in a place where my own way is not even possible! So now what?
Is my lot in life to become a doormat for people to walk all over me now?? And how can I ever speak to someone again I can even hope to trust? This sister went on for quite a while in my life,because to be honest,I was to lazy to care anymore.Unlike you I am sure! Finally at age 22 after two ours in Vietnam my life truly hit bottom.I did not know it at the time sis,but I was finally in the right place for God to minister to me! And he did,teaching me once again from a starting position,what my life is, and why it is in the poor shape it is in!
To be rather blunt and to the point,here is what I learned.( psalm 118:8!) But YOU have to truly believe not only in me,but walk through my Spirit, so that you can once again function with others without any fear! For if you are not fixed,through my love, and power, then neither can that which is outside your control look to ever become in true balance in your own life! You also need support!
Find a church full of love,where everyone who has a need can depend upon another to help carry there load for as long as they may need it!( gal 6:1-5!!) This should be the mindset of all. next,Do not depart from my Word everyday in your life,and always pray daily!( 1 sam 12:23) Not just for yourself either!! But for others as well! Next do not allow your feeling or emotion to interfere with what I am looking to train you in,yes it will be tough, ( rom 12:1-2 VERSE 2!!) (You must renew you mind by my word and not yours anymore!)yes you will have to endure,but look at what you have already endured without me in your life!
I am not in you,to prolong your endurance I am in you to shorten it,so that from what you know I have done in your life,you can give hope,my hope!!( rom 15:13) to someone else's life! You have a purpose! But what can you give to someone when you hold nothing right now in your hands? SO??
What value does believing have without any action associated with it??Correct!! none! It is time to stop boo hoo crying,and get with it!! You will know, because you will see my fruit now in your life,in both mind and in you new words you speak!( You are now accountable!! In both words and deeds! So act accountable!( james 3:4-12!!) ( proverbs 18:21!!)
Your words matter now,about yourself as well as others! If you do not change your mindset,you will not change either!( col 3:2)( phil 4:6-9!!!!) This is your new mindset at all times, no matter what others say or do! I did not call you to be like everyone else, I called you to be a true believer in me!( john 6:28-29) You are an alien!( 1 peter 2:11-17) BE the light,and not part of the darkness!( matt 5:14-16) This you can only do by walking and being led by me,The Lord who loves you, no matter what you feel,or how you act! It is not because of fear that you change,but rather I change you because of your great LOVE for me!
And this you obtained because I first loved you so very much!( 1 john 4:17-19!!) This is being in the race sis,this is how God helped me become saved from my own self stupidity! To learn to always depend upon HIM, trust in HIM, look to HIM, in every area of your young and older life! If you will follow this for 30 days straight,you will see a great result sis! You will understand what truly is the breath and length and depth of God's love personal to you,so that you, through him, can offer this to another just like yourself who so needs HIM!
Your new foundation!!( eph 3:14-21!!!) From this foundation, psalm 40:1-3 took place in my life sis,and he will do the very same for yours as well! My prayers and God's own love abide everyday,and in every way for those who dare to believe! For you sis!( Isaiah 41:9-13!!) Jesus first words to me! I say this all to you sister in the greatest love I know how to!( john 13:34-35) I must admit when I first heard these things i got a bit upset!! LOL Because i knew God was speaking his truth to me! Anger can motivate,it can wake a person up,it did me sis,and not for the purpose of ever judging another! But rather being able now through his great love to give grace,and mercy,and kindness,because I will never ever forget just how great I needed this sis! Blessing always to you!( psalm 27:13!!)