Dearest Brothers & Sisters in the Lord,
A friend of mine called me tonight (12:12 A.M.) and asked me to pray with him for a man named Ken Little-Paetz. He is a demonologist and witch.
An assoiciate of my friends met him at some meeting and they became friends. He witnessed to him and asked if he wanted to know Jesus. Ken said that he did not believe in Jesus, but he only believed in his power demons and the devil.
Since I came out of witchcraft myself, my friend said that the Lord asked him to call me so that we could agree in prayer for the salvation of Ken.
I told him that we needed to first pray for the Lords's protection over him becasue the enemy would love to see him dead before loosing him to come to Christ. It was a good prayer. We have already Thanked and Praised the Lord for this man Ken and claimed him for the kingdom of God.
Long story short...Would you all join your voices with our in a prayer of salvation and spiritual warfare. I would ask however that those who are unfamiliar with spiritual warfare of this nature to pray with someone who is.
Someone that is in as deeply in witchcraft and the occult as this man Ken is the warfare can get very intense.
I thank you all for your prayers. I look forward to celebrating with you over our Fathers new addition to the family of Christ.
Here's to the VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Christ,