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Vaccination: The Spiritual Agenda

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Jan 6, 2012
Vaccination: The Spiritual Agenda

This post will weave a seemingly unrelated set of sequential information and biblical truth, leading to the ultimate point, which should reveal the spirit and purpose behind the vaccination scheme. It may be laborious for you at first, but if you follow one step at a time, you’ll see how magnificently the certainty unfolds.

The vaccination programs of the transnational drug corporations are global in scope. Thus, while this article was compiled on request specifically for those at New Zealand, its application is also global.

The site administrator (Chad) has given his approval of this post which contains active links.

1) Where and how did immunization originate?

A Dr. Herbert Shelton writes:

”The practice is so mixed up with religious superstitions of various peoples that its origin may be difficult for students of religious history to guess. In India, in Malaba and in other sections of the world, inoculation was mixed up with the worship of the smallpox goddess. Inoculation seems to have been nothing more than a superstitious rite designed to placate and appease the wrath of an irascible deity. People, who imagined all their sufferings were sent upon them because they had offended some of their gods or goddesses, originated the filthy rite to get the goddess into a good mood again.” (Shelton, Herbert, Vaccines and Serum Evils, http://www.whale.to/vaccines/shelton1.html)

A Mr. Porter, who was English Ambassador to Constantinople in 1775, explains the religious practice in his region:

"It is the tradition and opinion of the country that a certain angel presides over this disease. That it is to bespeak his favour and evidence their confidence that the Georgians take a small portion of variolous matter, and, by means of scarification, introduce it between the thumb and fore finger of a sound person. The operation is supposed never to miss its effect. To secure beyond all uncertainty the good will of the angel, they hang up scarlet clothes about the bed, that being the favourite color of the celestial inhabitant they wish to propitiate.” (Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)

S. C. Dube (Indian Village, London: Routlege and Kegan Paul, 1955) says that in ancient times disease was
regarded as a punishment from the god and goddesses, or the work of evil sprites, or supernatural powers. People think that propitiation of the god or goddesses was the sure antidote against these diseases. Worship of the goddess is also connected with the smallpox and is organized annually in the South (of India, chiefly at Calcutta). The village community organizes this annual worship of Pochamma on Thursday or Saturday in the month of Shravan (July-August). The Muslims also participate in this festival but don’t participate in worship, as they don’t believe in the Hindu god, but were as afraid of the village gods and goddesses as the Hindus.

IImmunisation is a term used to describe the cutting of the flesh and the introduction of foreign matter, usually diseased, into the body to give the patient immunity from disease. Quite when and where the practice originated is uncertain, although many believe it commenced in India, where so many of our superstitions were birthed, and spread from there to Africa and the West.

Dr. Herbert Shelton continues:

”From time immemorial the Negroes and Arabs of Nubia practiced inoculation against smallpox. The Ashantees and the Moorish and Arab tribes in Northern Africa practiced arm-to-arm inoculation from ancient times. Savage tribes of the Upper Congo practiced it to prevent ‘syphilis.’ The Baris of Lado inoculated themselves over the left breast. The Negroes in Sengal inoculated their children on the arms. The Moors and Pouls of Senegambia practiced inoculation against pleuro-pneumonia. A practice of this kind was in vogue in Berne, Switzerland in the 18th century.

The first record of small pox seems to be in India, where also is the first record of inoculation, where the practice was in vogue over three thousand years ago. Dhanwantari, the Vedic father of medicine, and the earliest known Hindu physician, supposed to have lived around 1500 BC, is said to have been the first to practice inoculation and it is also stated that the Hindus employed a vaccine. For over a thousand years inoculation has been practiced in China.”
(Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)

The origins of inoculation in Europe appear to stem from the year 1774, when an English farmer, Benjamin Jesty, vaccinated his wife and three children with matter taken from sores on cows suffering with cowpox. He used a darning needle to cut into the flesh and transfer pus from the sores of his diseased cows to his family. It was believed that those who were immune from cowpox would also be immune from the dreaded smallpox.

Notes of this bizarre experiment were taken by a doctor named Nash who subsequently died in 1785. Upon his demise, these notes passed to Mr. Thomas Nash, who was acquainted with Edward Jenner, the man traditionally given the credit for having ‘discovered’ vaccination. In 1789 Jenner inoculated his eighteen-month-old son with pus from swinepox lesions. This experiment was followed with other inoculations of other children and vaccination thus was born (vacca is Latin for ‘cow’).

An English writer, Arthur Wollaston Hutton MA, says of Jenner’s qualifications:

”But his professional acquirements were but slender; his medical degree was the outcome of no examination or scientific work, but merely a fee of fifteen guineas paid to the University of St. Andrews; while his other and more important distinction, his Fellowship in the Royal Society, was obtained by what even Dr. Norman Moore, his latest biographer and apologist, is constrained to admit was little else than a fraud.”

Dr. Joyce Marshall tells us:

”In England and Wales, free vaccination was provided for smallpox in 1840, made compulsory in 1853, and in 1867 orders were given to prosecute evaders, therefore, few escaped vaccination. Deaths from smallpox in England and Wales during 1857-59 were recorded at 14,244; in 1863-65, 20,059; and 1870-72, 44,840. Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began rapidly to increase.” (Marshall, Joyce ND, Ph.D., drjhm@naturopathic-resources.com

In spite of the clear implications of severe contrary reactions, the fact that the vaccines were doing nothing to halt smallpox, and that the vaccinations themselves appeared to have been responsible for the very hideous explosion of disease they were designed to prevent, Edward Jenner became canonized as the saviour of the human race. Today immunization rules supreme and has become medical and social lore to such a degree that even to question it raises the eyebrows of officialdom and even family at your presumed wretched mental predicament.

2) Unrighteous men worshipped the creature/creation rather than the Creator.

“They held the truth in unrighteousness. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Romans 1:18, 22, 23, 25).

One example of a four-footed beast they worshipped was the calf (golden calf: Exodus 32:4, 8, 19, 20, 24; Hosea 8:5, 6; two golden calves: I Kings 12:28, 32; II Kings 10:29; II Chronicles 13:8).

3) What is Satan’s natural countenance?

God told the prophet Ezekiel to “take up a lamentation” against the king of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:12), which meant he was to repeatedly utter the lament in public for all to hear. This was a common method of the prophets. In some cases, they would cry the same identical words every day for a year or more until everyone, whether they wanted to or not, had memorized it word-for-word. The lamentation denounced the king by comparing him to Lucifer (Satan) in both his pomp and power and his certain demise.

From that passage (Ezekiel 28:11-19), and several others, we learn the following facts about Satan:

* He was created by God and was originally perfect, beautiful and wise (Ezekiel 28:12, 15, 17).

* He is a cherub (Ezekiel 28:14).

* He was called a “son of God” (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7).

* He was created before the six days of creation recorded in Genesis 1 (Job 38:4-7).

* He was “anointed,” which is a term denoting the bestowment of a sacred trust (Ezekiel 28:14).

* He radiated “brightness,” which is a word found 22 times in the Holy Bible and is exclusively associated with the glory that radiates from a supreme potentate (Ezekiel 28:17).

* He was originally covered with precious stones, as were the high priests (Ezekiel 28:13).

* He had musical pipes in his body, which made him an organic musical instrument (Ezekiel 28:13).

* He was associated with a throne (Isaiah 14:13).

* He is the author and originator of sin, murder and lying (Ezekiel 28:15; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8).

His original sin involved merchandising (Ezekiel 28:16).

* His original assignment, before he sinned, was located on the earth, for he would “ascend into heaven,” “above the heights of the clouds,” but he shall be “cut down to the ground” and “brought down to hell” (Isaiah 14:12-15).
Further, Satan was “in Eden” before he sinned, which is a piece of geography on the earth where God later placed a garden in which he put Adam and Eve (Ezekiel 28:13).

Ezekiel, chapter one, records a vision given to the prophet. It contains a peculiar detail that, at first, seems to be irrelevant, but is given special attention by twice telling us the precise day and location of the vision he experienced (Ezekiel 1:1-3). Ezekiel said he was “among the captives by the river of Chebar” (Ezekiel 1:1, 3) where he sees what he calls “four living creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5). After describing their bodies, he tells us that “every one had four faces” (Ezekiel 1:6) i.e. each creature had four different faces. “As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 1:10).

Now here’s where we do a little detective work. Ten chapters later, he again refers to the living creatures with the four faces (Ezekiel 10:14-15) from the river of Chebar location (Ezekiel 10:20-22). However, this time, when he describes their faces, there is a difference. “And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 10:14).

In both descriptions, three of the faces (man, lion and eagle) are the same, but in the second instance, he associates a cherub’s face with the ox. So God has revealed to us that the face of a cherub appears as that of an ox.

Therefore, Lucifer (Satan), an anointed cherub, has a countenance as that of an ox. The form most often used by idol worshippers is that of an ox. Baal was worshipped in the form of an ox. When Satan inspires men to worship, it is in the form of an ox (or a serpent/dragon, Lucifer’s later image). (source: Mike Pearl, No Greater Joy Ministries,
http://nogreaterjoy.org/articles/angels-good-and-bad/ )

4) The merchants, the great men of the earth, practiced sorcery, a form of witchcraft.

Pharaoh called on his wise men, sorcerers and magicians (e.g. Jannes and Jambres - II Timothy 3:8), who did enchantments. They cast down their rods, and they became serpents (Exodus 7:10, 11).

Pharaoh’s magicians, with their enchantments, brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt (Exodus 8:7, 18).

Judgment was brought against the Babylonians because of the multitude of their sorceries, and for the great abundance of their enchantments (Isaiah 47:9, 12).

Men refused to repent of their sorceries (Revelation 9:21).

The Babylonian merchants were the great men of the earth, and by their sorceries were all nations deceived. They were also responsible for the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Revelation 18:23, 24).

witchcraft = a form of nature religion (creation worship); various kinds of magic practices

sorcery/sorcerer = from Greek pharmakeia = drug/druggist; pharmaceutical/pharmacist; magician; poisoner; witchcraft/witch

= astrologer; soothsayer

= charm (from Latin carmen = song); magic spell; hex; bewitchment

= ethnos, ethnic group (not a reference to geographical location)

Satan is also a
merchandiser (Ezekiel 28:16), a trafficker (Ezekiel 28:18). Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus in the wilderness:

“Again, the devil taketh [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8, 9).

The merchants, the kings of the earth, sell souls of men (Revelation 18:11-13). They also sell the persons of men (Ezekiel 27:8); person = Latin persona = status; reputation; an actor’s mask These rich men are deceitful; they buy the poor and needy and they use false balances, balances of deceit (Amos 8:4-6; Micah 6:10-12; Hosea 12:7). They love to oppress (Amos 2:6). Merchants and sellers violate the sabbath (Nehemiah 13:15-20). The deeds of the rich are wicked (Micah 2:1-9).

Merchants and thieves are spoken of interchangeably in The Holy Bible.

This is where many stumble with the reality that there is a counterfeit “authority” seeking our obeisance! Satan said, “I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14).

It is Satan’s “higher power” which is behind the merchants, the rich men of the earth, the present temporal “governing authorities.”

Satan is “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4), “this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4); there is no Godly ordination there.

5) Child sacrifice was an integral part of nature worship and fertility ritual.

Idolaters burned their children in fire; they caused their children to pass through the fire (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5; I Kings 11:5, 7, 33; II Kings 16:3; 17:31; 23:10, 13; Ezekiel 16:21; Jeremiah 32:35; Amos 5:26; Zephaniah 1:5; II Chronicles 28:3; 33:6; Acts 7:43).

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6) What is the New Zealand National Vaccination Schedule?

The New Zealand National Vaccination Schedule mandates a minimum of 15 injections of seven different vaccines for its citizens. (http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/...mmunisation/new-zealand-immunisation-schedule.)

7) What are the vaccine’s contents?

Product Data Sheets contain detailed prescribing information on a specific medicine. Pharmaceutical companies are required to prepare data sheets for all prescription medicines and restricted (pharmacist only) medicines in accordance with regulatory guidelines. Each data sheet is approved on the basis of the company declaring that the data sheet conforms with the specified requirements and accurately reflects the product approved for distribution in, for example, New Zealand. Data sheets are updated as required to include newly approved dose forms, strengths or indications, or to update warnings, adverse effects, contra-indications etc. as new safety information becomes available.

The plain fact is, vaccines kill and maim regularly, yet very little is publicly known about vaccine methodology or the substance of what is actually being injected in the human system during the inoculation.

Hepatitis B vaccine contains many toxic ingredients, including mercury (thiomersal), aluminum and formaldehyde. The pertussis or whooping cough vaccine contains the same ingredients. Other components found in common vaccines include parts of aborted human and animal fetuses, dog and monkey kidneys, ethyl-glycol and carbolic acid. These vaccines are then grown and strained through cultures. Cultures include chicken embryo, embryonic guinea-pig cells and, in the case of rubella, Hepatitis A and chicken pox, the dissected organs of aborted fetuses. (“US And Canada Aborted Fetal Vaccines In CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule Format,” http://www.cogforlife.org/fetalvaccines.htm.)

According to The New Zealand Herald, “Aborted New Zealand foetuses have become a sought-after product in a controversial international biotechnology market.” (The New Zealand Herald, “Government asked to sanction foetus sale,” May 24, 2003; http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=3503775.)
Merck & Co. Inc.’s Product Data Sheet for the M-M-R II® vaccine states that it is “propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts” - a reference to aborted human fetal tissue.
(http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/profs/Datasheet/m/MMRIIinj.pdf, “Actions” section, p. 8.)

The WI-38 “human diploid” cell culture was developed in July 1962 from an aborted twelve-week-old unborn Caucasian girl. “WI” is an acronym used by the Wistar Institute. WI-38 was the 38th cell line created by Wistar as part of an ongoing fetal tissue research program. The August 1969 issue of the American Journal of Diseases of Children indicates that WI-38 originates from a human female fetus voluntarily aborted in Sweden in the 1960’s. This fetus was reported to be chosen specifically for the purpose of vaccine production:

“This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families; that is, the maternal or paternal sides.” (“Gamma globulin prophylaxis; Inactivated rubella virus, Production and biologics control of live attenuated rubella virus vaccines,” Discussion on Session V, American Journal of Diseases of Children, vol. 118, no. 2, August 1969, pp. 377-378; http://www.cogforlife.org/AmJDisChildMcCarthyGard.pdf If necessary, left-click your cursor and pass it over the yellowed-out portion of the text.)

Also, MRC-5 was taken from the lung tissue of a fourteen-week-old aborted Caucasian baby boy. MRC is an acronym for Medical Research Council, a U. K. research center funded by British taxpayers. According to the Coriell Cell Repositories,

“The MRC-5 cell line was developed [by J. P. Jacobs] in September 1966 from the lung tissue taken from a 14-week fetus aborted for psychiatric reasons from a 27-year-old physically healthy woman.” (Coriell Cell Repositories. Also see J. P. Jacobs, C. M. Jones and J. P. Baille, “Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5,” Nature, vol. 227, no. 254, 7/11/70, pp. 168-170.)

Other citations directly from the manufacturer's Vaccine Package Inserts can be found at: http://www.cogforlife.org/packageinserts.htm.

While the manufacturers of the vaccines routinely claim that the cultures are derived from therapeutic abortions, this assertion is belied by the medical record quoted above. Moreover, in 1962, abortion was allowed in Sweden exclusively on “medical, humanitarian and eugenic grounds.” Thus, it is arguable that the WI-38 abortion was not only not therapeutic, but illegal as well. Likewise, the MRC-5 abortion occurred almost two years before the U. K. Parliament formally permitted abortions induced solely to preserve the “mental health” of the mother.

Note that although the abortions occurred in the 1960’s, the cells used to culture the vaccines are taken from this same tissue -- which, when not in use, is preserved in liquid nitrogen.

The human cell lines derived from these two abortions 40+ years ago are still being used in the production of vaccines today. Some people are confused because there are no new abortions involved in the production of these vaccines. But that does not change the fact that they are still using human cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue in the production of their vaccines.

Product Data Sheets for the seven vaccines on the New Zealand Immunisation Schedule can be found at:








8) Conclusion.

The practice of inoculation/vaccination is an ancient Indian tradition and was practiced in India before the West.

Vaccination is an ancient form of witchcraft associated with fertility ritual (which includes human sacrifice) and goddess worship.

The rich men of the earth, the trans-generational dynastic banking families (aka the global elite), are among the richest merchants on the planet. Their transnational drug corporations are responsible for the production of today’s vaccines. They are keenly aware that there is no profit in health; rather, the real blood money is in sickness and death.

Recall that “vaccination” is from the Latin vacca which means cow. Also recall that Satan’s natural countenance is that of an ox. Today we routinely hear phrases such as “holy cow!” and “sacred cow” and “bulls-eye!” Eastern religions hold the cow as sacred. Indeed, the cow (ox) remains sacred today in India and in many other countries. They are worshipping the devil.

The merchants wish to inject us with the tissues of various fetal animals and aborted human fetuses because vaccination is Satan worship, pagan blood ritual and a form of human sacrifice designed to appease Satan’s bloodlust, earn his favor, and covertly bring those who willingly accept the injections into spiritual (and physical) bondage.

Often, the mere name of a vaccine can be indicative of the spiritual agenda these merchants follow. For example, the first vaccine on the New Zealand National Vaccination Schedule is INFANRIX®-hexa, which is to be injected three times (at ages six weeks, three months, and five months). Let’s break down this trademark-registered drug into its three component parts.

Firstly, it’s no stretch to understand that the first five letters (INFAN) denote “infant.”

Secondly, the second three letters (RIX) are representative of the pronunciation of an ancient symbol, the physician’s “R[SUB]x[/SUB].” In Healing Without Medicine we find:

“In one aspect of modern medicine, Egyptian magic continues to be practiced to the present day. When the 20th-century doctor writes out a prescription, he prefaces it with the sign R[SUB]x[/SUB]. He may think this is an abbreviation of the Latin word recipe, but he will be wrong. It is a simplified form of the Egyptian hieroglyph for the Eye of Horus -- a symbol familiar as a jewel among the treasures of Tutankhamen.

“This symbol derives its power from the myth of death and resurrection of the god Osiris. The myth says that after Osiris had been treacherously murdered, his son Horus set out to avenge his death. In the course of the long struggle one of his eyes was plucked out. This was eventually restored by Thoth, the god of wisdom, and came to be linked with the art of healing. Roman physicians introduced Egyptian symbols into their prescriptions to impress their patients, and the eye of Horus was one…. Over the centuries the outline was modified until it became the simpler symbol we know today. Unwittingly, then, even the most orthodox of today’s doctors make use of a magic sign.” (Jeremy Kingston, Healing Without Medicine (Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1976), pp. 32-33.)

Thirdly, the suffix (-hexa) is self-explanatory. A hex is a magic charm; magic spell; curse; or enchantment.

Vaccines, including INFANRIX®-hexa, are a witch’s brew crafted with the specific spiritual purpose of spell casting. Witchcraft in the form of sorcery is invoked by the merchants, the rich men of the earth, when their vaccines are willingly received, in ignorance or otherwise. Acceptance of a vaccine from Satan’s agents is an open door which gives Satan the legal access he requires to establish and reinforce demonic strongholds. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

The following story illustrates the spiritual warfare aspect of the choices we make. Here is an amazing testimony from a sister:

This story is my testimony about how I finally woke up to the extremes of life, and how I finally grabbed hold of hungering for truth and wisdom. It took a big, bad angel to get my complete attention.

The Death Angel

Most people that hear this story think it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. It happened more than thirty-five years ago. I was just a young wife when the Death Angel visited, but I am convinced today, as I was then, that this truly happened just as I relate it.

I lived in a small community of mostly young military couples. All of the young families were expecting, or had a baby or two already. The girl directly across the street was nineteen years old and was married to a soldier of the same age who was training to go to Vietnam. Her baby was born a few days before mine. One cold morning she came over to tell me the military authorities had called her, reminding her that the Health Department had issued a requirement that babies two-and-a-half months should start on their vaccinations. This was a new mandate, starting the baby shots earlier than ever before. Somewhere I had read that there were problems with these vaccinations, especially for such young babies, but who was I to question the Department of Health? Besides, the shots were free and we could afford that! My best friend, Carla, who lived next door, also had a two-month-old son, but when I invited her to ride along, she wasn’t interested in getting her baby a shot. Mrs. Soldier Girl and I took our babies and stood in the cold in a line outside a small trailer that served as the local Health Department, waiting for our babies to get their shots. We chatted and visited with not a care in the world except to stay warm. I think back to that day and ask myself, how were we to know what was to come? Then I wondered, why didn’t we take the time to ask questions, demand information, or seek out advice? I know the answer. We were young; we believed that everyone else knew better than we did. Until that moment neither of us had ever been put in a position to know just how terribly a thing can go wrong due to a lack of knowledge.

Mrs. Soldier Girl called that evening to ask if my baby had a big red hot spot where the shot was administered. He did. Both of the babies had high fevers. I knew it was going to be a long night. As I rocked my son, trying to soothe him, I began to wonder why Carla had resisted getting her son a shot, and I sincerely wished I had listened to her when she tried to explain to me what she had read concerning the shots. Finally, the medicine I gave my son caused him to sleep. It was cold in our old farm house, so I nestled my baby boy up to my body and fell asleep. He cried off and on all night.

I awoke sometime in the predawn hours, the blackest part of the night. Other than my newborn’s soft groans and my husband’s light snores, the night was deathly quiet, like when there is a heavy snow that blankets the sound. I couldn’t say why, but I lay tense and fearful, waiting...for what, I knew not. I was afraid. I moved ever so gently to lay my hand on my son’s head. It was burning hot. I moved my head to his tiny chest and heard a strange rasping sound. Profound terror gripped me, causing my whole body to sweat. Then, as if I could see the shadowy figure, I knew that the Death Angel stood there at the end of the bed. My body was rigid, my mouth dry; I tried to control my breathing, but could manage only great gasps. I reasoned with myself that I was just an emotional female, and that nothing was really there. Yet conviction held ground in my mind and soul...I knew what I knew, and I knew that the Death Angel had come to our house.

I gave up trying to convince myself that it wasn’t real, and I began to pray as I have never prayed before. I pulled my baby up tight to my chest, defying the figure at the foot of the bed that dared to enter this room. Time passed as I begged God’s mercy. I began to pray aloud, getting louder and more insistent as my panic grew. Finally I jerked the covers off Mike and shouted, “Wake up now and pray. The Death Angel is in this room! Pray for our son!” My startled husband sat up, confused and alarmed. Then he grabbed the covers away from me, mumbling that I had lost my mind. I jerked his covers off and smacked him on the back as I screeched, “Get up and pray for your son!” By this time he was awake and truly concerned for my sanity. He tried to comfort me, but I cared nothing for comfort; I only wanted to hear him pray, asking God for mercy and commanding the Death Angel to leave the room. I told my husband what to pray. He reminded me that I could pray just like he could pray, so why did I wake him up? But he was my spiritual head and I knew that now was the time for the top command to pray. Thoroughly chilled, he grabbed the covers to lie back down but this time his normally obedient wife shouted, “You will never sleep again until you pray for our son!”

He turned over and tried to se me through the darkness, trying to perceive what had provoked such a passion. What I was doing was so out of character that he was genuinely mystified and somewhat intrigued. He wondered if maybe I was right, that the Death Angel was indeed standing right there in the room. I am not a “spiritually sensitive” type -- ready to lead him into all truth. He has always been the spiritual leader of our home, by anyone’s standard. I could sense that he had made a decision. He reached over me and laid his hand on our son’s head. He prayed. As he prayed, I sensed the Death Angel leave the room. For the first time in several minutes, the constriction in my chest released; I could breathe again. Our baby fell into an exhausted slumber. We lay there wide awake, man and wife in the dark, staring at the ceiling, whispering about what had just happened. He believed me. We watched the early morning light slowly begin to lighten our bedroom.

Suddenly red and yellow lights darted across our ceiling. I sat up and pushed the curtain open, peering across the street. The cold thin window pane frosted over and I rubbed it clean to see better. Then I saw the ambulance. It was parked across the street at Mrs. Soldier Girl’s house. I still remember the feeling of profound relief that enveloped me. I still remember the shame that followed. My son was spared...but her son was taken? I watched as a police car arrived. Why police?

We quickly dressed. Mike rushed over to see what was wrong, and was told the following story:

All night the baby had cried. The young parents only had a couple of nights left together before the soldier was shipped out to war. When they awoke in the morning the baby was no longer breathing. At first the poor stricken couple was charged with neglect because the authorities assumed the baby died of cold. Later it was determined that it was the common three-month “Crib Death” that had taken the child. No one dared blame the vaccination that our babies had been given the day before.

Did I learn anything? That night changed my life. Never again did I stand in line like a dumb sheep waiting to receive what “professionals” said I needed. I learned that “professionals” were people who were just following orders from people whose only goal is to make a buck. It is true they might have gone to school a few extra years and learned a different vocabulary; but they were not my baby’s mom, and they couldn’t make wise decisions for him. Time has strengthened my resolve. The older and more “professional” I get, the less I respect “professionalism” as the voice of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Now, no matter what the issue, before I submitted, I would LEARN everything I could possibly know for the sake of my children’s health and my family’s well-being. The door was open. I started to learn...really learn.

Source: Michael and Debi Pearl, Preparing To Be A Help Meet (Pleasantville, TN: No Greater Joy Ministries Inc., 2010), pp. 85-88.
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I wanted to write on this subject a few years ago and have not as yet
I would probably take a different line from yours here but it would no dounbt compliment it in that the message is that vaccinations are evil things and the system that peddles them is not what we think it is
most would say you and I are crazy
that's OK
I did years of research and have not yet ever seen any honest and true evidence that it is a good thing for society
much like the so called evidence for evolution!!
the books are twisted the facts are hid behind a multitude of figures that most people can not be bothered with
which is the idea
people are too busy and that is the benefit the pharmcuetical companies have
they use fear with propaganda and it is a social fear with reall opposition
some goverments even bribe their citizens to get jabbed

what is saddest is that Christians do not want to know and do not want to consider and do not want to find out anything and sadly are duped as with everyone else
it is a sinister and dirty enemy
he hasn't changed and will not

unfortunately the children suffer as innocent victims who have no voice and trust their well meaning but scared and fearful parents/guardians
saying this gets people angry but that is not my intention
sometimes we have to say things as they are and the truth of a matter is often very offensive and challenging

I do not think it will ever stop as it is far too deeply ingrained into everypeoples minds and cultures
and for Christians it is not even on the agenda

Lord have mercy
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what is saddest is that Christians do not want to know and do not want to consider and do not want to find out anything and sadly are duped as with everyone else
it is a sinister and dirty enemy...

Let’s take a look at the dynamic behind that Satanic bondage.

Some things we cannot change; some things we can change. Ignorance of the consequences of vaccination is one thing we can change.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. (Phil. 4:8-9 KJB).

If there ever was opposition to that which is 'true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy,' vaccination clearly qualifies.

So why is it so difficult for people to say 'no' to injections of, for example, aborted fetal tissue and toxic ingredients?

When you think about it, this is the belief you are given, without you being much aware of it, when you go out and vaccinate your children: "If you don't vaccinate with our safe vaccine, and your child dies from one of the dangerous vaccine-preventable diseases then you will have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life, and we will keep reminding you how irresponsible you were." And vaccination, you believe, will insure you against any future guilt. You don't want to look into the vaccine dangers as you think they protect from dangerous diseases and the risk benefit ratio is worth it. So don't worry yourself unnecessarily, just do as you are told, trust Authority.

It’s an authority ploy - replacing God with Authority. The Cult of Pain (with its disease, fear, and death), meshes with Psycopathy and its “experts;” this is the Pathocracy.

First seize power, then replace Truth and Thinking with Authority. Vaccination baptizes you into the Cult of Authority, as anyone who vaccinates their children is covertly worshiping the medical authority (aka the Church of Allopathy), hook line and sinker, and by default, the Cult of Authority. Then, 26% of the population, known as Authoritarian followers (its trait: trust untrustworthy authorities), will follow you whatever you do or say (e.g. Blair was voted in on 26%). You already have the perpetrators, the Psychopaths and Authoritarian leaders, and they number about 4 %. Then you have all the people earning a very good living from the likes of Allopathy Inc. The more Atheism you can make, all the better, and you create covert pseudo-Gods for them such as The Church of Allopathy.

You can see how they flog Authority when needed (this is called Lying with the Truth), when they round up a collection of 'Authorities' to declare MMR safe: "I should say that the recommendations on measles mumps and rubella that the Government are following are supported by the World Health Organisation, the British Medical Association, the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Royal College of Nursing, and the Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association." -- Tony Blair, Dec, 18, 2001.

Authority Ploy is used all the time and never fails, from the lone “expert” (pharma shill) wheeled on to shoot down non-corporate patentable alternative medicine and their supporters, such as Prince Charles, to the big multiple cannon when needed. The idea that one of the above groups would speak out against vaccination is as likely as the cow jumping over the moon -- backwards -- and is as silly as all the car and road makers getting together and saying it would be a good idea to cut back on the railways and build more roads. They all sing from the same hymn sheet. You don't get to head up these outfits unless you are one of them, and no one is going to kill their career (and immigrate to Australia) by singing another song. Notice here how Authority Ploy has fooled this (Ignorance Is Strength) 'journo': "the list of organisations backing MMR is impressive - all the royal colleges, the Department of Health and the vast majority of doctors and nurses.
" (The Telegraph, Feb. 12, 2006). Works well, doesn't it?

Authority isn’t Truth...

Truth is Authority.

In George Orwell's 1984, one of EngSoc's three "truths" was "Ignorance Is Strength." Have you ever noticed how ignorant people have a great deal of strength in their convictions? Not being able to think is, at least subconsciously, terrifying. Unable to arrive at ideas and understandings on one's own, every idea must be held onto like a life preserver in the sea beside a sinking ship. Every idea is as important as every other idea because there is no mechanism to judge between them. "Authority" (the Church-School-State Establishment) is strengthened by ignorance as well. The ignorant must rely on Authority for opinions. This keeps Authority on top. The "conspiracy" has a vested interest in maintaining this druggie-like dependence on Authority. It is a very short "hokey-pokey" little step from authoritarianism to totalitarianism.

It amazes me, though, that so many people will only listen to such information if it is delivered by a medical doctor or group. If a non-medical health practitioner, or an informed layperson, tells them something, they disregard it, no matter how much evidence is presented as proof. If, on the other hand, a medical doctor proclaims something, they accept it without question. This is mind control.

In a friend’s recent vaccine damage case, the lawyer she was working with sent a letter to an American who had done a lot of research into vaccines, asking him if he could give her a list of experts with eminent CV’s and status who were held in high esteem. Words to that effect, anyway. The reply stated that he could give her a list of "experts" who, until they voiced a contrary opinion, were considered the creme de la creme, but that unfortunately, as soon as they opened their mouths, were no longer acceptable.

In other words, acceptable experts are manufactured from the "club of believers" only.

This is the key to how the "club of believers" deals with controversy. Whatever the subject, they first try to divert attention from it by highlighting anything else of use. Using the MMR vaccine and autism as a hypothetical example, if you did a word analysis from the first reported connection till now, you would find something similar to this: Someone publishes an article saying MMR might be causing big problems. The "club" goes into damage control and says "there is no evidence", demands a meeting with the heretic, reviews the evidence, and pronounces that their experts disagree. But they have a problem because they have no scientific evidence to back their opinion. So the "club" scurries everywhere to find facts to fit the rebuttal, and "retrospective" articles start appearing which say "they have found no evidence" which according to them, refutes so-and-so’s hypothesis. (Note that the controversial information is always "anecdotal" or a "hypothesis", whereas the "club’s" rebuttal is always "evidence".) Then the "club" meets, usually excluding the heretic, to produce a consensus statement. "Fact" is not available, so a majority opinion from several doctors is crafted to create "rule by numbers" or "weight of authority" in order to submerge the dissenting individual. The corporate consensus statement might read, "It was generally accepted by… that Bloggs is out of line.” They often quote studies, which interestingly, when you go and read them, show that they didn’t study that specific aspect. But most people, especially the media, just accept references and rarely bother to check them out to see if they say what they are alleged to. Within a short space of time, review articles of retrospective articles, and consensus opinion written by other enthusiastic "club" members elsewhere in the world appear, saying that "It is now well established" that the theory of X nutter is bunk. Then someone in CDC writes that so many hundred people have now written articles saying that MMR is wonderful, they must all be right (never mind the absence of science), which dribbles down to lesser mortals, such as New Zealand media and doctors who, with total commitment to the cause say that, of course, "It is now self-evident" that MMR is safe.

In other words, they are sucked in by mountains of articles written by people with letters after their names, which mean nothing apart from extending their list of published articles. However, this is the key to what is now called "risk management".

We would say that the solution of vaccination is simple, direct and wrong. It is simple, because it involves no real preventive medicine, or any effort to deal with a complex problem primarily consisting of factors such as socio-economic problems, diet, immune system problems etc. It is direct, because vaccines are easy, visible (directly into the arm), and give a very photogenic opportunity for doctors and politicians to say they are "doing something". The fallacy of Authority kicks in to dismiss any argument by ordinary people, who just might be able to see the wood for the trees. And when you point out that it is primarily fully vaccinated individuals right now succumbing to whooping cough, the experts run convoluted miles to explain how people who say that have misread the statistics.

Vaccination as a solution is wrong, because it is a medico-political fly-swat for a problem that is not simple, and those who are its greatest protagonists refuse to face, understand, look at or study the flip side of the coin; that is, the very real damage that vaccines can, and do, cause. In their minds, their personal opinion is all, their maths is all, and the coin is glued to the table so tightly that they are pathologically unable to see the other side. They give lip service to side effects, by using the minimisation strategy – a little word called "BUT"…. "Oh yes, it can happen, BUT it is so rare, one in a million (a mythical statistic pulled out of the air, for which there is no scientific justification). Yes, it can happen BUT it is usually coincidental." The "BUT" list is endless, the excuses mindboggling.

We detail a sequence familiar to all of us who have learned to smell a rat a mile off:

Note the following list of strategies used by scientists when faced with data which do not fit their preconceived theories:

- Flat denial
- Scepticism about the source of the item
- Ascription of an ulterior motive to the source
- Isolation of the item from its context
- Minimalisation of the importance of the item
- Interpretation of the item to suit one’s purpose
- Misunderstanding of the item
- Thinking away or just forgetting the item.

well written @lawrenceb

the scenario you wrote of in denying and excusing and flat out dealing with the 'problem' of someonee raising truth is almost identical to the way Jesus was dealt with and then later Paul and no doubt many or most martyrs since

those who know the Scriptures will see this if they read again what you have written in your last reply
it is obvious and if I didn't know you were referring to vaccinations I could have been listening to an average sermon on how the 'authorities' rejected and planned and reasoned amongst themselves as to how to silence the 'imposter' who challenged their false authority - anti-authority

a problem faced is that it is the people who also reject anything that might rock their boat of desperation mingled with fear and confusion and excused with well meaning wishes because of it, cry so loudly. "crucify him!" with the 'authority' spurring them on
AND the people keep bowing to the naked empress and allowing the sacrifices to continue

in other words:
the masses partake and they give their authority and power to the enemy
so the enemy appears to be so strong
but in fact the enemy is the peoples creation

the pride of many is the core of this 'authority'
following the crowds to keep face
doing as others do
until it hits them or someone dear to them

and the victims?
if they have a voice they are so drained so quickly by not only a damaged life or one lost too soon but also of the opposition and cruelty of the 'authority' and related interest media and scared friends
and they can not stand too strongly for long, such is the opposition and so deep the pain from deception
silence! they are ordered
and often in subtle ways with pathetic excuses from those who 'know' because they are 'doctors'
most of whom are mere agents for pharma companies prescribing as per instruction

but alas
the show must go on
we have more important things to worry about
a hungry mob are satisfied to get enough to get through the day and too weary to raise trouble in case the next day's ration is cut off in punishment

the cost of admitting wrong is too high and the fleash of man would spare none if the truth was revealed and the whole medical profession would be turned out
and then what?
no - men like lies as they please their comforts and tickle their egos and if need be keep them fed and housed

life is in the blood
why inject disease into that life that we all hold so sacred
darkness is preferred to light as light exposes the error of our ways
Bil Gates is funding ($10 billion) vaccines to further the global depopulation agenda.
life is in the blood
why inject disease into that life that we all hold so sacred
darkness is preferred to light as light exposes the error of our ways

Vaccines are not injected into the bloodstream but into the muscle, under the skin, given via the mouth or up the nose. The body then produces anti-bodies which enter the bloodstream via the lymphatic system. Vaccines allow the creation of memory cells, so that if the body encounters the same disease in future it will react strongly and quickly.
In other words, the vaccine does nothing except pre-program or train your body to recognize and fight a certain disease. Your body's immune system is still doing all the work as God designed it to do.

The proof is in the evidence - vaccines work. They have greatly reduced and even eradicated certain diseases (e.g. polio).

If a person does not vaccinate their baby, and this baby gets sick from a vaccine-preventable disease and dies or suffers long-term disability.. what is the difference between this person and a person who aborts their baby? In other words, anti-vaccine campaigners cannot say they are pro-life.
The proof is in the evidence - vaccines work. They have greatly reduced and even eradicated certain diseases (e.g. polio).

What primary documentation do you have to support your opinion?

If a person does not vaccinate their baby, and this baby gets sick from a vaccine-preventable disease and dies or suffers long-term disability..

Documentation, please.

anti-vaccine campaigners cannot say they are pro-life.

Then neither can those who use birth control pills.
What primary documentation do you have to support your opinion?

Documentation, please.

Then neither can those who use birth control pills.

After vaccination is introduced the number of cases drops significantly or is completely eliminated (e.g. polio, or measles). The proof is before our eyes and in society. There are so many case studies and publications on the subject over the past decades, a position of denial is untenable.

Preventing life beginning is not the same as destroying life. Life does not begin until the egg is fertilized, so your birth control argument makes no sense.

But to deny vaccination to your baby or toddler for a preventable illness, and have them die, what do you call that? It's in the same category as parents who deny their children medical care because they believe in 'faith healing'. People have been charged for negligent homocide over that.

Mandatory vaccination is a good thing, it protects children and teenagers, and it protects society in general.


Re: "
Thirdly, the suffix (-hexa) is self-explanatory. A hex is a magic charm; magic spell; curse; or enchantment."

You claim that suffix hexa means hex, witches charm or spell.
No, hexa means SIX , as in HEXAGON - a polygon with 6 sides, or HEXAdecimal, or HEXAmethyl

It is INFRANRIX-hexa because it is used to treat SIX diseases.

Hexa is the greek word for number 6.
Hex (as in a charm or spell) comes from the German word Hexe, meaning a witch.

The credibility of your entire post is questionable, considering the presence of such basic errors.

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Of course, the word "hex" can be and is utilized for a variety of purposes...

After vaccination is introduced the number of cases drops significantly or is completely eliminated (e.g. polio, or measles). The proof is before our eyes and in society. There are so many case studies and publications on the subject over the past decades, a position of denial is untenable.

As I've stated, you don't have any documentation; you merely invoke Authority Ploy, based in the enemy's fear.

Preventing life beginning is not the same as destroying life. Life does not begin until the egg is fertilized, so your birth control argument makes no sense.

The ***** is alive; the egg is alive. Your comment is a faux pas.

But to deny vaccination to your baby or toddler for a preventable illness, and have them die, what do you call that? It's in the same category as parents who deny their children medical care because they believe in 'faith healing'. People have been charged for negligent homocide over that.

As I've stated, you don't have any documentation; you merely invoke Authority Ploy, based in the enemy's fear.

Mandatory vaccination is a good thing, it protects children and teenagers, and it protects society in general.

As I've stated, you don't have any documentation; you merely invoke Authority Ploy, based in the enemy's fear.

Conversely, here again is primary documentation from the merchants themselves that their vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue:
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Of course, the word "hex" can be and is utilized for a variety of purposes...

As I've stated, you don't have any documentation; you merely invoke Authority Ploy, based in the enemy's fear.

The ***** is alive; the egg is alive. Your comment is a faux pas.

This is basic language - the words hex and hexa are two different words. The word is hexa next to the vaccine, not hex, because it is used to treat SIX diseases, not because it has anything to do with witchcraft.
You are claiming that hexa means hex which is completely false and illogical.
Please check any dictionary.

Cells dying is not abortion lol... do you seriously believe that everytime a ***** dies it is an abortion? lol.
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The word is hexa next to the vaccine, not hex, because it is used to treat SIX diseases, not because it has anything to do with witchcraft.
You are claiming that hexa means hex which is completely false and illogical.

I've provided evidence; you've provided rhetoric.

Preventing life beginning is not the same as destroying life.

Tell that to the Lord who tells us that the fruit of the womb is a reward, who commands us to multiply and to increase and who promises us blessings when we be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and bring forth abundantly and become a multitude of people:

And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. Gen 1:22

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen 1:28

Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. Gen 8:17

And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:1

And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. Gen 9:7

And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people; Gen 28:3

And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land. Gen 35:11-12

And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. Gen 41:52

Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table. Psa 128:3

And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. Jer 23:3

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Psa 127:3-5

Both "preventing life" and "destroying life" are sins.
Conversely, here again is primary documentation from the merchants themselves that their vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue:

Lawrenceb, that is not primary documentation that the vaccines themselves contain aborted human fetal tissue. This only shows that the human tissue is used to culture the vaccine. The vaccine itself contains NO aborted human fetal tissue. Perhaps you need to look up the difference between cell and tissue.

I should add that the WI-38 came from ONE aborted human fetus 30 or more years ago, and the fetus was not aborted for the purpose of making the vaccine. No other aborted fetus's have been required since, as the cells reproduce themselves and they reuse this culture over and over keeping it in storage for decades.
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I've provided evidence; you've provided rhetoric.

You have not provided any evidence for this so far. Evidence would be a dictionary definition showing that the word hexa means the same as hex, that is, witchcraft spells. Please provide your dictionary reference that proves hexa means witchcraft and not the number 6 (as in hexagon, hexadecimal) etc. I wait with eagerness for your proof.
I should add that the WI-38 came from ONE aborted human fetus 30 or more years ago, and the fetus was not aborted for the purpose of making the vaccine.

This has already been covered in my OP:

The WI-38 “human diploid” cell culture was developed in July 1962 from an aborted twelve-week-old unborn Caucasian girl. “WI” is an acronym used by the Wistar Institute. WI-38 was the 38th cell line created by Wistar as part of an ongoing fetal tissue research program. The August 1969 issue of the "American Journal of Diseases of Children" indicates that WI-38 originates from a human female fetus voluntarily aborted in Sweden in the 1960’s. This fetus was reported to be chosen specifically for the purpose of vaccine production:

This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families; that is, the maternal or paternal sides. (“Gamma globulin prophylaxis; Inactivated rubella virus, Production and biologics control of live attenuated rubella virus vaccines,” Discussion on Session V, American Journal of Diseases of Children, vol. 118, no. 2, August 1969, pp. 377-378.) Read it again for youself here--> http://www.cogforlife.org/AmJDisChildMcCarthyGard.pdf

. No other aborted fetus's have been required since, as the cells reproduce themselves and they reuse this culture over and over keeping it in storage for decades

Indeed, they continue to use tissue from the same aborted fetal baby.

Athough the abortions occurred in the 1960’s, the cells used to culture the vaccines are taken from this same tissue -- which, when not in use, is preserved in liquid nitrogen.

The human cell lines derived from these two abortions 40+ years ago are still being used in the production of vaccines today. Some people are confused because there are no new abortions involved in the production of these vaccines. But that does not change the fact that they are still using human cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue in the production of their vaccines.

I think we're about done here, James1523. The enemy's tactic is well worn - a barrage of ever-changing hit-and-run moves, always avoiding the light and any scrutiny which could result in a revelation of the truth. I've already shown you via The Word of God that both "preventing life" and "destroying life" are sins, yet you remain silent on your faux pas.

Finally, we'll pick ONE "new" item from your bag here:

Lawrenceb, that is not primary documentation that the vaccines themselves contain aborted human fetal tissue. This only shows that the human tissue is used to culture the vaccine. The vaccine itself contains NO aborted human fetal tissue.

That aborted human fetal DNA is found in vaccines, is not in dispute. You need to come up to speed so an intelligent discussion can proceed. You can google "aborted fetal DNA" and have a party. The battle is raging on many fronts.

In the meantime, the OP stands on its own as a great source of primary documentation on the spiritual agenda of vaccination.

I'd be honored to dialogue with you on this, but you'd have to be willing to perform due diligence. Rhetoric and protestations hold no import in this battle.

Have a good day.
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This has already been covered in my OP:

The WI-38 “human diploid” cell culture was developed in July 1962 from an aborted twelve-week-old unborn Caucasian girl. “WI” is an acronym used by the Wistar Institute. WI-38 was the 38th cell line created by Wistar as part of an ongoing fetal tissue research program. The August 1969 issue of the "American Journal of Diseases of Children" indicates that WI-38 originates from a human female fetus voluntarily aborted in Sweden in the 1960’s. This fetus was reported to be chosen specifically for the purpose of vaccine production:

This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families; that is, the maternal or paternal sides. (“Gamma globulin prophylaxis; Inactivated rubella virus, Production and biologics control of live attenuated rubella virus vaccines,” Discussion on Session V, American Journal of Diseases of Children, vol. 118, no. 2, August 1969, pp. 377-378.) Read it again for youself here--> http://www.cogforlife.org/AmJDisChildMcCarthyGard.pdf

Indeed, they continue to use tissue from the same aborted fetal baby.

Athough the abortions occurred in the 1960’s, the cells used to culture the vaccines are taken from this same tissue -- which, when not in use, is preserved in liquid nitrogen.

The human cell lines derived from these two abortions 40+ years ago are still being used in the production of vaccines today. Some people are confused because there are no new abortions involved in the production of these vaccines. But that does not change the fact that they are still using human cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue in the production of their vaccines.

I think we're about done here, James1523. The enemy's tactic is well worn - a barrage of ever-changing hit-and-run moves, always avoiding the light and any scrutiny which could result in a revelation of the truth. I've already shown you via The Word of God that both "preventing life" and "destroying life" are sins, yet you remain silent on your faux pas.

Finally, we'll pick ONE "new" item from your bag here:

That aborted human fetal DNA is found in vaccines, is not in dispute. You need to come up to speed so an intelligent discussion can proceed. You can google "aborted fetal DNA" and have a party. The battle is raging on many fronts.

In the meantime, the OP stands on its own as a great source of primary documentation on the spiritual agenda of vaccination.

I'd be honored to dialogue with you on this, but you'd have to be willing to perform due diligence. Rhetoric and protestations hold no import in this battle.

Have a good day.

Lawrenceb, you have claimed that fetal tissue was in the vaccines, but it would help if you read and understand your own posts:
You wrote:
"But that does not change the fact that they are still using human cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue in the production of their vaccines."

As it is says, they use the cell lines derived from human tissue, Lawrenceb, there is not actual tissue in the vaccines.

Cell, DNA and tissue are not the same things Lawrenceb, this is high school biology class 101.
You wrongly claimed that the words hex and hexa mean the same thing, which they certainly do not, this is high school english class 101.
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Human DNA From Aborted Fetuses Is In Vaccines

My apologies for the extended absence. Thank you all for the emails and pm's. Here is requested info:

According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, these vaccines contain aborted human fetus cells:

  • Polio Vaccines, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel—all by Sanofi
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccines

MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V all Merck vaccines, Priorix and Erolalix by GlaxoSmithKline.

  • Varicella Vaccines for Chickenpox or Shingles

Verivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, and Zostavax all by Merck, Varilix by GSK.

  • Hepatitis Vaccines

Vaqta by Merck.
Havrix and Twinrix by GSK.
Avaxim and Vivaxim by Sanofi.
Epaxal by Crucell/Berna.

  • Rabies Vaccine

Imovax by Sanofi.

There are two primary cell cultures that have been growing in labs for more than 35 years and have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines:

1. WI-38: Originating in the U.S. in 1961, this line came from the lung cells of an intentionally aborted female human fetus of 3 months gestation.

2. MRC-5: Originating in the U.K. in 1966, this line was derived from the lung cells of an intentionally aborted 14-week-old male human fetus.

In a recent study by the Journal of Immunotoxicology entitled "Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes–A review," the report even goes so far as to say that this can be linked to the spike in rates of autism:

“The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence. An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue (Merck and Co., Inc.,2001; Breuer, 2003).... these data support the hypothesis that residual human DNA in some vaccines might cause autism.” (page 3)

See also: Human DNA From Aborted Fetuses Are In Vaccines

A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has led to a question of whether there is a correlation between the abrupt rise in American autism rates with the introduction of fetal cells for use in vaccines (1988). This correlation has prompted researchers to ask the question about how aborted fetal DNA could be causing, or contributing to, the development of autism disorders in children. That study is here.

Which vaccines have been found to contain aborted fetal tissue? Chicken pox vaccine is not the only vaccine manufactured in this way. According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), the following 24 vaccines are produced using cells from aborted fetuses and/or contain DNA, proteins, or related cellular debris from cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses:

24 vaccines containing aborted human fetal DNA

And finally, a Study Confirms Autism Boom - Correlates with Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines.

Thank you, rizen1, for the backup!

Did you know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is actively funding research, to the tune of $10 billion, into advanced contraceptive methods that could render individuals infertile?

Whatever pretexts further their depopulation agenda, will be exploited. In this instance (there are others), it's the CO[SUB]2[/SUB] bogeyman:

a three-minute video

Moving on, right from the horses mouth, Bill Gates states that "vaccines reduce population growth." Few can now deny what anti-vaccine advocates have been saying for years, specifically that vaccines directly and negatively impact fertility. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will only be too willing to oblige future generations.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is committing 10 billion dollars over the next ten years to make it the most aggressive decade ever to roll out new vaccines to poor nations around the world. The commitment will also effectively create widespread fertility problems across vaccinated populations.

Almost three years ago Bill Gates told a TED conference, an organization which is sponsored by one of the largest toxic waste polluters on the planet, that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures in order to solve global warming and lower CO[SUB]2 [/SUB]emissions. Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services [abortion], we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.”

In the video below, Bill Gates states at 0:11:

"Over this decade, we believe unbelievable progress can be made both inventing new vaccines and making sure they get to all the children that need them."

At 0:20 he continues:

"We could cut the number of children who die every year from about 9 million to half of that if we have success on it."

Now here is the statement straight from the source which should not leave any doubts on the intention of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Listen carefully at 0:28:

"The benefits are in terms of reducing sickness, reducing the population growth. It really allows a society to take care of itself once you've made that intervention."

a short video: sterile people can't reproduce

Now why would Bill Gates state that vaccines could cut the number of children who die every year in half and then also state literally a few breaths later in the same segment, that vaccines could reduce population growth? Are those two not contradictory? If vaccines were to cut the number of child deaths in half, then this would only increase population growth since these children would presumably then grow to become fertile adults. Ahhhh...do you see the problem? The only way they could not become fertile adults is if the vaccines were to make them infertile. Then it wouldn't matter how many children were saved since they could not reproduce, hence the assertion of reducing population growth. See how it all works?
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Psalm 118:8

@rizen1 @lawrenceb

Thanks for that information

People sadly believe the lies the government and powers that be feed into them

They inject fear and false hope

And con them into thinking vaccination is safe bating them with monetry bribes.....For example, here in Australia additional child care benefit is paid to those who are up to date with vaccination.

Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
Psalm 40:4
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