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Vaccination: The Spiritual Agenda
This post will weave a seemingly unrelated set of sequential information and biblical truth, leading to the ultimate point, which should reveal the spirit and purpose behind the vaccination scheme. It may be laborious for you at first, but if you follow one step at a time, you’ll see how magnificently the certainty unfolds.
The vaccination programs of the transnational drug corporations are global in scope. Thus, while this article was compiled on request specifically for those at New Zealand, its application is also global.
The site administrator (Chad) has given his approval of this post which contains active links.
1) Where and how did immunization originate?
A Dr. Herbert Shelton writes:
”The practice is so mixed up with religious superstitions of various peoples that its origin may be difficult for students of religious history to guess. In India, in Malaba and in other sections of the world, inoculation was mixed up with the worship of the smallpox goddess. Inoculation seems to have been nothing more than a superstitious rite designed to placate and appease the wrath of an irascible deity. People, who imagined all their sufferings were sent upon them because they had offended some of their gods or goddesses, originated the filthy rite to get the goddess into a good mood again.” (Shelton, Herbert, Vaccines and Serum Evils,
A Mr. Porter, who was English Ambassador to Constantinople in 1775, explains the religious practice in his region:
"It is the tradition and opinion of the country that a certain angel presides over this disease. That it is to bespeak his favour and evidence their confidence that the Georgians take a small portion of variolous matter, and, by means of scarification, introduce it between the thumb and fore finger of a sound person. The operation is supposed never to miss its effect. To secure beyond all uncertainty the good will of the angel, they hang up scarlet clothes about the bed, that being the favourite color of the celestial inhabitant they wish to propitiate.” (Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)
S. C. Dube (Indian Village, London: Routlege and Kegan Paul, 1955) says that in ancient times disease was
regarded as a punishment from the god and goddesses, or the work of evil sprites, or supernatural powers. People think that propitiation of the god or goddesses was the sure antidote against these diseases. Worship of the goddess is also connected with the smallpox and is organized annually in the South (of India, chiefly at Calcutta). The village community organizes this annual worship of Pochamma on Thursday or Saturday in the month of Shravan (July-August). The Muslims also participate in this festival but don’t participate in worship, as they don’t believe in the Hindu god, but were as afraid of the village gods and goddesses as the Hindus.
IImmunisation is a term used to describe the cutting of the flesh and the introduction of foreign matter, usually diseased, into the body to give the patient immunity from disease. Quite when and where the practice originated is uncertain, although many believe it commenced in India, where so many of our superstitions were birthed, and spread from there to Africa and the West.
Dr. Herbert Shelton continues:
”From time immemorial the Negroes and Arabs of Nubia practiced inoculation against smallpox. The Ashantees and the Moorish and Arab tribes in Northern Africa practiced arm-to-arm inoculation from ancient times. Savage tribes of the Upper Congo practiced it to prevent ‘syphilis.’ The Baris of Lado inoculated themselves over the left breast. The Negroes in Sengal inoculated their children on the arms. The Moors and Pouls of Senegambia practiced inoculation against pleuro-pneumonia. A practice of this kind was in vogue in Berne, Switzerland in the 18th century.
The first record of small pox seems to be in India, where also is the first record of inoculation, where the practice was in vogue over three thousand years ago. Dhanwantari, the Vedic father of medicine, and the earliest known Hindu physician, supposed to have lived around 1500 BC, is said to have been the first to practice inoculation and it is also stated that the Hindus employed a vaccine. For over a thousand years inoculation has been practiced in China.” (Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)
The origins of inoculation in Europe appear to stem from the year 1774, when an English farmer, Benjamin Jesty, vaccinated his wife and three children with matter taken from sores on cows suffering with cowpox. He used a darning needle to cut into the flesh and transfer pus from the sores of his diseased cows to his family. It was believed that those who were immune from cowpox would also be immune from the dreaded smallpox.
Notes of this bizarre experiment were taken by a doctor named Nash who subsequently died in 1785. Upon his demise, these notes passed to Mr. Thomas Nash, who was acquainted with Edward Jenner, the man traditionally given the credit for having ‘discovered’ vaccination. In 1789 Jenner inoculated his eighteen-month-old son with pus from swinepox lesions. This experiment was followed with other inoculations of other children and vaccination thus was born (vacca is Latin for ‘cow’).
An English writer, Arthur Wollaston Hutton MA, says of Jenner’s qualifications:
”But his professional acquirements were but slender; his medical degree was the outcome of no examination or scientific work, but merely a fee of fifteen guineas paid to the University of St. Andrews; while his other and more important distinction, his Fellowship in the Royal Society, was obtained by what even Dr. Norman Moore, his latest biographer and apologist, is constrained to admit was little else than a fraud.”
Dr. Joyce Marshall tells us:
”In England and Wales, free vaccination was provided for smallpox in 1840, made compulsory in 1853, and in 1867 orders were given to prosecute evaders, therefore, few escaped vaccination. Deaths from smallpox in England and Wales during 1857-59 were recorded at 14,244; in 1863-65, 20,059; and 1870-72, 44,840. Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began rapidly to increase.” (Marshall, Joyce ND, Ph.D.,
In spite of the clear implications of severe contrary reactions, the fact that the vaccines were doing nothing to halt smallpox, and that the vaccinations themselves appeared to have been responsible for the very hideous explosion of disease they were designed to prevent, Edward Jenner became canonized as the saviour of the human race. Today immunization rules supreme and has become medical and social lore to such a degree that even to question it raises the eyebrows of officialdom and even family at your presumed wretched mental predicament.
2) Unrighteous men worshipped the creature/creation rather than the Creator.
“They held the truth in unrighteousness. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Romans 1:18, 22, 23, 25).
One example of a four-footed beast they worshipped was the calf (golden calf: Exodus 32:4, 8, 19, 20, 24; Hosea 8:5, 6; two golden calves: I Kings 12:28, 32; II Kings 10:29; II Chronicles 13:8).
3) What is Satan’s natural countenance?
God told the prophet Ezekiel to “take up a lamentation” against the king of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:12), which meant he was to repeatedly utter the lament in public for all to hear. This was a common method of the prophets. In some cases, they would cry the same identical words every day for a year or more until everyone, whether they wanted to or not, had memorized it word-for-word. The lamentation denounced the king by comparing him to Lucifer (Satan) in both his pomp and power and his certain demise.
From that passage (Ezekiel 28:11-19), and several others, we learn the following facts about Satan:
* He was created by God and was originally perfect, beautiful and wise (Ezekiel 28:12, 15, 17).
* He is a cherub (Ezekiel 28:14).
* He was called a “son of God” (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7).
* He was created before the six days of creation recorded in Genesis 1 (Job 38:4-7).
* He was “anointed,” which is a term denoting the bestowment of a sacred trust (Ezekiel 28:14).
* He radiated “brightness,” which is a word found 22 times in the Holy Bible and is exclusively associated with the glory that radiates from a supreme potentate (Ezekiel 28:17).
* He was originally covered with precious stones, as were the high priests (Ezekiel 28:13).
* He had musical pipes in his body, which made him an organic musical instrument (Ezekiel 28:13).
* He was associated with a throne (Isaiah 14:13).
* He is the author and originator of sin, murder and lying (Ezekiel 28:15; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8).
* His original sin involved merchandising (Ezekiel 28:16).
* His original assignment, before he sinned, was located on the earth, for he would “ascend into heaven,” “above the heights of the clouds,” but he shall be “cut down to the ground” and “brought down to hell” (Isaiah 14:12-15).
Further, Satan was “in Eden” before he sinned, which is a piece of geography on the earth where God later placed a garden in which he put Adam and Eve (Ezekiel 28:13).
Ezekiel, chapter one, records a vision given to the prophet. It contains a peculiar detail that, at first, seems to be irrelevant, but is given special attention by twice telling us the precise day and location of the vision he experienced (Ezekiel 1:1-3). Ezekiel said he was “among the captives by the river of Chebar” (Ezekiel 1:1, 3) where he sees what he calls “four living creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5). After describing their bodies, he tells us that “every one had four faces” (Ezekiel 1:6) i.e. each creature had four different faces. “As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 1:10).
Now here’s where we do a little detective work. Ten chapters later, he again refers to the living creatures with the four faces (Ezekiel 10:14-15) from the river of Chebar location (Ezekiel 10:20-22). However, this time, when he describes their faces, there is a difference. “And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 10:14).
In both descriptions, three of the faces (man, lion and eagle) are the same, but in the second instance, he associates a cherub’s face with the ox. So God has revealed to us that the face of a cherub appears as that of an ox.
Therefore, Lucifer (Satan), an anointed cherub, has a countenance as that of an ox. The form most often used by idol worshippers is that of an ox. Baal was worshipped in the form of an ox. When Satan inspires men to worship, it is in the form of an ox (or a serpent/dragon, Lucifer’s later image). (source: Mike Pearl, No Greater Joy Ministries, )
4) The merchants, the great men of the earth, practiced sorcery, a form of witchcraft.
Pharaoh called on his wise men, sorcerers and magicians (e.g. Jannes and Jambres - II Timothy 3:8), who did enchantments. They cast down their rods, and they became serpents (Exodus 7:10, 11).
Pharaoh’s magicians, with their enchantments, brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt (Exodus 8:7, 18).
Judgment was brought against the Babylonians because of the multitude of their sorceries, and for the great abundance of their enchantments (Isaiah 47:9, 12).
Men refused to repent of their sorceries (Revelation 9:21).
The Babylonian merchants were the great men of the earth, and by their sorceries were all nations deceived. They were also responsible for the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Revelation 18:23, 24).
witchcraft = a form of nature religion (creation worship); various kinds of magic practices
sorcery/sorcerer = from Greek pharmakeia = drug/druggist; pharmaceutical/pharmacist; magician; poisoner; witchcraft/witch
magician = astrologer; soothsayer
enchantment = charm (from Latin carmen = song); magic spell; hex; bewitchment
nation = ethnos, ethnic group (not a reference to geographical location)
Satan is also a merchandiser (Ezekiel 28:16), a trafficker (Ezekiel 28:18). Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus in the wilderness:
“Again, the devil taketh [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8, 9).
The merchants, the kings of the earth, sell souls of men (Revelation 18:11-13). They also sell the persons of men (Ezekiel 27:8); person = Latin persona = status; reputation; an actor’s mask These rich men are deceitful; they buy the poor and needy and they use false balances, balances of deceit (Amos 8:4-6; Micah 6:10-12; Hosea 12:7). They love to oppress (Amos 2:6). Merchants and sellers violate the sabbath (Nehemiah 13:15-20). The deeds of the rich are wicked (Micah 2:1-9).
Merchants and thieves are spoken of interchangeably in The Holy Bible.
This is where many stumble with the reality that there is a counterfeit “authority” seeking our obeisance! Satan said, “I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14).
It is Satan’s “higher power” which is behind the merchants, the rich men of the earth, the present temporal “governing authorities.”
Satan is “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4), “this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4); there is no Godly ordination there.
5) Child sacrifice was an integral part of nature worship and fertility ritual.
Idolaters burned their children in fire; they caused their children to pass through the fire (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5; I Kings 11:5, 7, 33; II Kings 16:3; 17:31; 23:10, 13; Ezekiel 16:21; Jeremiah 32:35; Amos 5:26; Zephaniah 1:5; II Chronicles 28:3; 33:6; Acts 7:43).
This post will weave a seemingly unrelated set of sequential information and biblical truth, leading to the ultimate point, which should reveal the spirit and purpose behind the vaccination scheme. It may be laborious for you at first, but if you follow one step at a time, you’ll see how magnificently the certainty unfolds.
The vaccination programs of the transnational drug corporations are global in scope. Thus, while this article was compiled on request specifically for those at New Zealand, its application is also global.
The site administrator (Chad) has given his approval of this post which contains active links.
1) Where and how did immunization originate?
A Dr. Herbert Shelton writes:
”The practice is so mixed up with religious superstitions of various peoples that its origin may be difficult for students of religious history to guess. In India, in Malaba and in other sections of the world, inoculation was mixed up with the worship of the smallpox goddess. Inoculation seems to have been nothing more than a superstitious rite designed to placate and appease the wrath of an irascible deity. People, who imagined all their sufferings were sent upon them because they had offended some of their gods or goddesses, originated the filthy rite to get the goddess into a good mood again.” (Shelton, Herbert, Vaccines and Serum Evils,
A Mr. Porter, who was English Ambassador to Constantinople in 1775, explains the religious practice in his region:
"It is the tradition and opinion of the country that a certain angel presides over this disease. That it is to bespeak his favour and evidence their confidence that the Georgians take a small portion of variolous matter, and, by means of scarification, introduce it between the thumb and fore finger of a sound person. The operation is supposed never to miss its effect. To secure beyond all uncertainty the good will of the angel, they hang up scarlet clothes about the bed, that being the favourite color of the celestial inhabitant they wish to propitiate.” (Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)
S. C. Dube (Indian Village, London: Routlege and Kegan Paul, 1955) says that in ancient times disease was
regarded as a punishment from the god and goddesses, or the work of evil sprites, or supernatural powers. People think that propitiation of the god or goddesses was the sure antidote against these diseases. Worship of the goddess is also connected with the smallpox and is organized annually in the South (of India, chiefly at Calcutta). The village community organizes this annual worship of Pochamma on Thursday or Saturday in the month of Shravan (July-August). The Muslims also participate in this festival but don’t participate in worship, as they don’t believe in the Hindu god, but were as afraid of the village gods and goddesses as the Hindus.
IImmunisation is a term used to describe the cutting of the flesh and the introduction of foreign matter, usually diseased, into the body to give the patient immunity from disease. Quite when and where the practice originated is uncertain, although many believe it commenced in India, where so many of our superstitions were birthed, and spread from there to Africa and the West.
Dr. Herbert Shelton continues:
”From time immemorial the Negroes and Arabs of Nubia practiced inoculation against smallpox. The Ashantees and the Moorish and Arab tribes in Northern Africa practiced arm-to-arm inoculation from ancient times. Savage tribes of the Upper Congo practiced it to prevent ‘syphilis.’ The Baris of Lado inoculated themselves over the left breast. The Negroes in Sengal inoculated their children on the arms. The Moors and Pouls of Senegambia practiced inoculation against pleuro-pneumonia. A practice of this kind was in vogue in Berne, Switzerland in the 18th century.
The first record of small pox seems to be in India, where also is the first record of inoculation, where the practice was in vogue over three thousand years ago. Dhanwantari, the Vedic father of medicine, and the earliest known Hindu physician, supposed to have lived around 1500 BC, is said to have been the first to practice inoculation and it is also stated that the Hindus employed a vaccine. For over a thousand years inoculation has been practiced in China.” (Gentleman’s Magazine, October 1755)
The origins of inoculation in Europe appear to stem from the year 1774, when an English farmer, Benjamin Jesty, vaccinated his wife and three children with matter taken from sores on cows suffering with cowpox. He used a darning needle to cut into the flesh and transfer pus from the sores of his diseased cows to his family. It was believed that those who were immune from cowpox would also be immune from the dreaded smallpox.
Notes of this bizarre experiment were taken by a doctor named Nash who subsequently died in 1785. Upon his demise, these notes passed to Mr. Thomas Nash, who was acquainted with Edward Jenner, the man traditionally given the credit for having ‘discovered’ vaccination. In 1789 Jenner inoculated his eighteen-month-old son with pus from swinepox lesions. This experiment was followed with other inoculations of other children and vaccination thus was born (vacca is Latin for ‘cow’).
An English writer, Arthur Wollaston Hutton MA, says of Jenner’s qualifications:
”But his professional acquirements were but slender; his medical degree was the outcome of no examination or scientific work, but merely a fee of fifteen guineas paid to the University of St. Andrews; while his other and more important distinction, his Fellowship in the Royal Society, was obtained by what even Dr. Norman Moore, his latest biographer and apologist, is constrained to admit was little else than a fraud.”
Dr. Joyce Marshall tells us:
”In England and Wales, free vaccination was provided for smallpox in 1840, made compulsory in 1853, and in 1867 orders were given to prosecute evaders, therefore, few escaped vaccination. Deaths from smallpox in England and Wales during 1857-59 were recorded at 14,244; in 1863-65, 20,059; and 1870-72, 44,840. Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began rapidly to increase.” (Marshall, Joyce ND, Ph.D.,
In spite of the clear implications of severe contrary reactions, the fact that the vaccines were doing nothing to halt smallpox, and that the vaccinations themselves appeared to have been responsible for the very hideous explosion of disease they were designed to prevent, Edward Jenner became canonized as the saviour of the human race. Today immunization rules supreme and has become medical and social lore to such a degree that even to question it raises the eyebrows of officialdom and even family at your presumed wretched mental predicament.
2) Unrighteous men worshipped the creature/creation rather than the Creator.
“They held the truth in unrighteousness. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Romans 1:18, 22, 23, 25).
One example of a four-footed beast they worshipped was the calf (golden calf: Exodus 32:4, 8, 19, 20, 24; Hosea 8:5, 6; two golden calves: I Kings 12:28, 32; II Kings 10:29; II Chronicles 13:8).
3) What is Satan’s natural countenance?
God told the prophet Ezekiel to “take up a lamentation” against the king of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:12), which meant he was to repeatedly utter the lament in public for all to hear. This was a common method of the prophets. In some cases, they would cry the same identical words every day for a year or more until everyone, whether they wanted to or not, had memorized it word-for-word. The lamentation denounced the king by comparing him to Lucifer (Satan) in both his pomp and power and his certain demise.
From that passage (Ezekiel 28:11-19), and several others, we learn the following facts about Satan:
* He was created by God and was originally perfect, beautiful and wise (Ezekiel 28:12, 15, 17).
* He is a cherub (Ezekiel 28:14).
* He was called a “son of God” (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7).
* He was created before the six days of creation recorded in Genesis 1 (Job 38:4-7).
* He was “anointed,” which is a term denoting the bestowment of a sacred trust (Ezekiel 28:14).
* He radiated “brightness,” which is a word found 22 times in the Holy Bible and is exclusively associated with the glory that radiates from a supreme potentate (Ezekiel 28:17).
* He was originally covered with precious stones, as were the high priests (Ezekiel 28:13).
* He had musical pipes in his body, which made him an organic musical instrument (Ezekiel 28:13).
* He was associated with a throne (Isaiah 14:13).
* He is the author and originator of sin, murder and lying (Ezekiel 28:15; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8).
* His original sin involved merchandising (Ezekiel 28:16).
* His original assignment, before he sinned, was located on the earth, for he would “ascend into heaven,” “above the heights of the clouds,” but he shall be “cut down to the ground” and “brought down to hell” (Isaiah 14:12-15).
Further, Satan was “in Eden” before he sinned, which is a piece of geography on the earth where God later placed a garden in which he put Adam and Eve (Ezekiel 28:13).
Ezekiel, chapter one, records a vision given to the prophet. It contains a peculiar detail that, at first, seems to be irrelevant, but is given special attention by twice telling us the precise day and location of the vision he experienced (Ezekiel 1:1-3). Ezekiel said he was “among the captives by the river of Chebar” (Ezekiel 1:1, 3) where he sees what he calls “four living creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5). After describing their bodies, he tells us that “every one had four faces” (Ezekiel 1:6) i.e. each creature had four different faces. “As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 1:10).
Now here’s where we do a little detective work. Ten chapters later, he again refers to the living creatures with the four faces (Ezekiel 10:14-15) from the river of Chebar location (Ezekiel 10:20-22). However, this time, when he describes their faces, there is a difference. “And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle” (Ezekiel 10:14).
In both descriptions, three of the faces (man, lion and eagle) are the same, but in the second instance, he associates a cherub’s face with the ox. So God has revealed to us that the face of a cherub appears as that of an ox.
Therefore, Lucifer (Satan), an anointed cherub, has a countenance as that of an ox. The form most often used by idol worshippers is that of an ox. Baal was worshipped in the form of an ox. When Satan inspires men to worship, it is in the form of an ox (or a serpent/dragon, Lucifer’s later image). (source: Mike Pearl, No Greater Joy Ministries, )
4) The merchants, the great men of the earth, practiced sorcery, a form of witchcraft.
Pharaoh called on his wise men, sorcerers and magicians (e.g. Jannes and Jambres - II Timothy 3:8), who did enchantments. They cast down their rods, and they became serpents (Exodus 7:10, 11).
Pharaoh’s magicians, with their enchantments, brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt (Exodus 8:7, 18).
Judgment was brought against the Babylonians because of the multitude of their sorceries, and for the great abundance of their enchantments (Isaiah 47:9, 12).
Men refused to repent of their sorceries (Revelation 9:21).
The Babylonian merchants were the great men of the earth, and by their sorceries were all nations deceived. They were also responsible for the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Revelation 18:23, 24).
witchcraft = a form of nature religion (creation worship); various kinds of magic practices
sorcery/sorcerer = from Greek pharmakeia = drug/druggist; pharmaceutical/pharmacist; magician; poisoner; witchcraft/witch
magician = astrologer; soothsayer
enchantment = charm (from Latin carmen = song); magic spell; hex; bewitchment
nation = ethnos, ethnic group (not a reference to geographical location)
Satan is also a merchandiser (Ezekiel 28:16), a trafficker (Ezekiel 28:18). Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus in the wilderness:
“Again, the devil taketh [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8, 9).
The merchants, the kings of the earth, sell souls of men (Revelation 18:11-13). They also sell the persons of men (Ezekiel 27:8); person = Latin persona = status; reputation; an actor’s mask These rich men are deceitful; they buy the poor and needy and they use false balances, balances of deceit (Amos 8:4-6; Micah 6:10-12; Hosea 12:7). They love to oppress (Amos 2:6). Merchants and sellers violate the sabbath (Nehemiah 13:15-20). The deeds of the rich are wicked (Micah 2:1-9).
Merchants and thieves are spoken of interchangeably in The Holy Bible.
This is where many stumble with the reality that there is a counterfeit “authority” seeking our obeisance! Satan said, “I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14).
It is Satan’s “higher power” which is behind the merchants, the rich men of the earth, the present temporal “governing authorities.”
Satan is “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4), “this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4); there is no Godly ordination there.
5) Child sacrifice was an integral part of nature worship and fertility ritual.
Idolaters burned their children in fire; they caused their children to pass through the fire (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5; I Kings 11:5, 7, 33; II Kings 16:3; 17:31; 23:10, 13; Ezekiel 16:21; Jeremiah 32:35; Amos 5:26; Zephaniah 1:5; II Chronicles 28:3; 33:6; Acts 7:43).
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