Brother Christbased. You ask a question that has taken so many years of training in Holy Spirit ( 1 john 2:27) I know only in part.( 1 Cor 13:11-13) Please do remember these scriptures.For it is only!! by abiding in God's Own Word does any of us begin to even know in part! I speak only for me brother,as to how this was done by Jesus in me.step 1. BALANCE!!! Balance is obtained in Christ Jesus, when one understands how much time they need to spend in Christ Jesus! The balance of your time spent is so very important! ( proverbs 11:1-2!!) Pride comes when we ever think we can spend so little time in our balance to the Word,and to prayer.
For the true friend of Christ Jesus always stays with him. Does not matter if you are at the mall,at a store, at play, or at your jobsite. You mind is being renewed!( rom 12:1-2) Now your words and actions matter! As a child, we first learn this through our Jesus in us. For without a balance in ourselves, we can have no balance in our flesh at all! The flesh can speak!!! It tells you things as our Lord sure can! Like for example. On Saturday you had to get up very early, to join some friends on a picnic,but on Sunday,the flesh tells you that you are just to tired to go to Church this Sunday,remember you need your rest,and sunday is a rest day!! LOL SO?? How is ones balance?
They can get up early to be with friends, but are to tired to be with relatives to hear the Word of God? See the point brother? 2. It takes discipline! It takes courage! Please look at ( 1 cor 9:23-27!!) then read the 4 chapters of 2 Tim! it is all here my brother! The question is not whether we read the Word or not!The question is are we willing to apply the Word to our life? Do we make excuses?Well this brother or this sister who is older in Christ does not do these things!!YEA!! And look at where they are at to! Where is there balance? We do these things brother not to point at others!
We do these things because our Love for all Jesus has done for us, is so real and true to us! We do these things because we care! Not forced,but rather because we LOVE our Lord! I know good brother you both Love the Lord,and wish to please him in everyway! ( rom 13:11-14) Rom 14:4-12!!!! Here is a scripture that will always keep our balance! We do not look to others belief or faith,we measure our faith by the Abiding of the very Word that has set us free!For John 8:32 has no merit without verse 31!! We can have no truth unless we abide in Jesus, which also means his very Word he gave us to abide in!
In this my brother, you will be off of the starting blocks, and truly into the race set before all of us! If a brother of sister shall stumble and fall,we do not press ahead,we stop and go pick him, or her up!( matt 18:11-14) We become doers of the word, and not hearers only!( james 1:22) Jesus promises you this!!( Phil 1:6!) This is no longer based upon your feeling and emotion,we have them, but not to believe in them! We believe in that which cannot be seen! For in these things my good brother in christ lies the eternal!( 2 cor 4:1-18!!)Take note of verse 18! Do we have weakness?SURE!!! And Jesus has an answer to this in our lives as well! ( 2 cor 12:9-10!) Notice Paul got his answer in the chapter before!!( 1 cor 11:23-30!!) All this was, is a confimation to each of our own faith!
To stay established in Christ Jesus ,we all must first learn how to! We are all a work in progress my brother! But we do not stop,we press forward in our Jesus! For to follow after Jesus is not looking behind ourselves,but rather forward to where he is,so are we! Valleys are made low,when we in Christ look always to him, who lifts us like eagles over them! ( isaiah 43:19, Isaiah 40:28-31!!)Always the word my brother!! ALWAYS!!!! the abiding of God's own Word,created!!!! For God's own KINGS KIDS!!
TO both follow!! and show!! For in this my brother is the true light of love,LOVE which gives grace and mercy, the same we so needed!! For the light of the world is Jesus is us! A city on a hill has no light upon it, until the children of God present this light upon that hill!!( matt 5:13-16!!) The purpose?? For the Lord who has loved us so totaly!! TO BE SEEN!!!!! IN US!!! HIS CHILDREN!! ( col 2:6-7) ( col 3:14-17!) The more we stay in God's word the more balanced we become! And the more balanced we become,the more of the part we do learn,we can walk in!! amen! To the GLORY!!! of our Jesus whom we serve! The first scripture Jesus showed me, I show you!! ( isaiah 41:9-13!!) this changed my life brother! A little side note.I have no fear brother!! fear was sorly tested in my life many times to both have it, and keep it! I could never have done this on my own dear brother!I had to learn how NEVER!!! to have it! Fear always seeks!Like a roaring lion!( 1 peter 5:8-11!) The enemy always!! always!!!! Looks to bring this Goliath to our faith!( 1 sam 17!!) In Christ only can he always!! always!!! be defeated!
The will of God is to always stay thankful!!( 1 thess 5:18) so stay thankful! And love is prefected in both staying thankful and!! casting all fear away!( 1 john 4:17-19) Fear can be beaten!But so few wish to have the balance to do it! We are those few!!So we can always be HIS LIGHT!!! Part of the narrow road,is leading a free from fear life!This can only be done when we abide in God's Word for our lives!! Jesus himself was an example for us!! Look at matt 4, where no less then 3 times did Jesus himself use the very Word to overcome the devil himself! Are we any better then Jesus??? LOL I sure am not!
I know this! If you follow what I am saying,you indeed will become a true child of God! AN OVERCOMER!!!! Many people look at revelations is a cetrain deals with an antichrist,and other things,but the central theme of revelations is not all the bad!!But rather in overcoming!!! Check out all of these verse for proof! Rev 2:7,11,17,26 rev 3:5,12,21.Rev 21:7!! This is a direct result of what happens when we truly abide in HIS WORD! NO FEAR!! ONLY an establishment in Christ Jesus himself! ( eph 1:11-14!!!) We are already sealed!! WE are already seated with him in the heavenly places!!!!( eph 2:6-10!!) We have a place already in our Jesus bro!!( john 14:2-3!!)What fear shall we have??? LOL NONE!!! Because Jesus already paid the full price for each of us who does what???amen!!! there is one requirment for the believer!!! TO BELIEVE!!