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Walk in Love

Sue J Love

Mar 27, 2015
The Lord Jesus led me to read Ephesians 5 (Select vv. ESV).

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. vv. 1-2

The goal of our salvation from sin is that we might be Christ-like, free from the control of sin over our lives, and free to walk in His holiness and righteousness, no longer to please ourselves, but to live to please God.

This should result, in our lives, in us walking in love – with love for God and love for our fellow humans. For, we are now servants of righteousness, under the ownership of Almighty God, in order that we might be his representatives on this earth, to the people of this earth, in demonstrating God’s love, his grace, and his mercy to all people.

But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Vv. 3-6

As the church, the body of Christ, sexual immorality or any of these other sins should not exist among us. It isn’t that we will never sin again, once we trust in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives, but that we should no longer make sin our practice. We must no longer be engaged in what we did before we met Christ, for Jesus set us free from the power of sin.

I am not saying, nonetheless, that we will be perfect overnight, otherwise the Bible would not teach that we are to daily be putting sin to death and daily taking up our cross and following Christ. The Christian life is a process, by the Spirit of God, of putting off sin and putting on his righteousness.

I am also not saying that it is not possible for a believer in Jesus Christ to fall back into sin at any point in his Christian walk, otherwise we would not have all these instructions in scripture to the church, warning against such things as this, and we would not have the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, five of which was to tell them how they were not walking fully in the light they had been given, and how they needed to repent of their sins or else face divine discipline and chastisement.

So, why such a strong warning to Christians? Because God hates sin, which is why Jesus died for us, because sin destroys us, as humans. Jesus died on a cross to deliver us out of such slavery to sin, so that we would no longer walk in it, but so we would walk in freedom, in the Spirit, and no longer live to gratify the sinful cravings of our flesh. So, this warning is for our good!

Also, we are being warned here, lest we get this idea that, now that we are “in Christ,” by faith in him, that it doesn’t matter if we continue in sinful practices because our sins are forgiven and heaven is guaranteed us. This dispels this notion, as do many other scriptures. If we claim faith in Jesus Christ, but we continue to walk (in lifestyle) in sin, willfully and defiantly, without conscience or true repentance, we will die in our sins, not have the hope of eternal life with God, so we need to take this seriously!

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Vv. 7-14a

Not only must we make certain, by God’s grace, and in his strength and power, that we are no longer walking in sin, but we must be very careful who we choose for our closest friends, companions and spouses. We must also be careful concerning what we watch and listen to on a daily basis. For, we can be influenced by others to do what we know is wrong, and to reject what we know is right, if we are in close relationship or communion with those who are walking in sin’s dark ways.

And, this includes being careful with regards to entertainment choices or even with regard to the desire to be entertained on a somewhat consistent basis. For what reason did Jesus save us? We are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and to be proclaiming the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light. We, as followers of Christ, should not be self-absorbed, but we should be sold out to Jesus Christ.

We should, by God’s grace, no longer walk in the ways in which we did before we met Jesus Christ as Savior of our lives. For, he died that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. He died to set us free from slavery to sin. Now we should walk, in lifestyle, in his light, in his truth, and in his ways of holiness and righteousness. And, we do this by daily putting sin to death and daily putting on Christ and his righteousness; by saying “NO” to sin and by walking in the light which he gives us, in his power and strength.

Instead of partaking in sinful practices, or even allowing ourselves to be entertained by others’ sinful practices, we should be in the habit of exposing them, but not for the purposes of gossip, and not to “out” someone out of spite or unforgiveness. We should be honest concerning our own failures, and share our testimonies of how Jesus set us free, and of how he is giving us all that we need to now live and walk in freedom and no longer in bondage.

But, we should also be teaching what is in accord with God’s word, exposing the lies of Satan and false doctrines and false grace gospels. We should be telling people about the lies which are being taught, and then be telling them what the truth is so that they can put off the lies and put on the truth.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Vv. 15-21

Not only must we be careful about how we are living, that we would walk in the light and not in the darkness, but we must be about encouraging and urging our brothers and sisters in Christ to also walk in the light and to reject what is of the darkness. For, we are all in a spiritual battle, and Satan is convincing so many Christians that they are free in Christ to live however they want and to still have heaven guaranteed them. But, the truth is that Jesus died to deliver us out of darkness and to bring us into his wonderful light, so we should walk in the light, and lead others to do the same.

He Reached Down
An Original Work / February 3, 2014

Based off Psalm 18

How I love You, Lord, my Rock and my strength.
My God is my fortress; I hide in Him.
He is my shield and the horn of
My salvation, whom I praise.
I have found my refuge in Him.

He reached down from heaven and rescued me;
Drew me out of waters so deep, I’d sink.
He delivered me from Satan
And my slavery to sin;
Gave me hope of heaven with Him.

My God turned my darkness into His light;
Opened up my blinded eyes; gave me sight.
As for God, his way is perfect.
He gives strength to stand secure.
I have found my vict’ry in Him.

My Lord lives! Praise be to my Savior God,
Jesus Christ, who died on a cruel cross.
He is my Rock and the source
Of my salvation, whom I trust.
I will give praise always to Him.

Sunday, December 17, 2017, 6:11 a.m. – Thank you, Jesus, that you died to set us free from slavery to sin, and you live that we might live in you and walk in your righteousness and holiness all our days. Amen!
Sue I was thinking how the bible says we are children of the light, not the dark.
So we walk during the day, not the night when we cant see.

What I've noticed is that God does call us to walk while we have the light. Jesus taught during the day and only under cover of darkness was he betrayed.

I have a church sister, who in her former life used to party a lot and drink. This way of life often meant going out at night, drinking alcohol, staying up past midnight and getting sloshed, and hungover the next day. And this is normal for a lot of unbelievers to live this way.

However much the nightlife attracts people, and people think they can sin cos they are in darkness and nobody sees it cannot hold a candle to the light of day.

So, sometimes she is weak and asks if we can go out, because her family and relations is still in this drinking lifestyle. I will take her places where we just drink normal drinks and places that are safe, not bars. And have things to do during the day so at night she can have her beauty sleep, and not worry about whether shes going to make it home alive. We need to look out for our brothers and sisters so they will not fall in those traps.
Sue I was thinking how the bible says we are children of the light, not the dark.
So we walk during the day, not the night when we cant see.

What I've noticed is that God does call us to walk while we have the light. Jesus taught during the day and only under cover of darkness was he betrayed.

I have a church sister, who in her former life used to party a lot and drink. This way of life often meant going out at night, drinking alcohol, staying up past midnight and getting sloshed, and hungover the next day. And this is normal for a lot of unbelievers to live this way.

However much the nightlife attracts people, and people think they can sin cos they are in darkness and nobody sees it cannot hold a candle to the light of day.

So, sometimes she is weak and asks if we can go out, because her family and relations is still in this drinking lifestyle. I will take her places where we just drink normal drinks and places that are safe, not bars. And have things to do during the day so at night she can have her beauty sleep, and not worry about whether shes going to make it home alive. We need to look out for our brothers and sisters so they will not fall in those traps.

It is good for us to look out for one another and to encourage one another in the Lord. Amen! Thank you for sharing this @Lanolin .


Bless you ....><>


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Sometimes you may see a brother or sister, like the sheep, go astray and fall into a trap. You call fhem back rather than go there to rescue them lest you fall in the trap too. But its best you ask the shepherd to put in the rescue effort.

For some people they do not answer when you call them...does this mean they arent listening? Maybe they are trapped. But there are some instances when you may call and they will not answer and keep following their own way away from God. What do you do.

Well Jesus said I send you as sheep amongst wolves. We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

It is not the wandering sheeps fault they had been decieved and led astray but the rest of the flock need to make the effort to warn their fellows preferably BEFORE any calamity happens. While it is the shepherds job to look after everyone we need to do our bit and look out for each other too.
Sometimes you may see a brother or sister, like the sheep, go astray and fall into a trap. You call fhem back rather than go there to rescue them lest you fall in the trap too. But its best you ask the shepherd to put in the rescue effort.

For some people they do not answer when you call them...does this mean they arent listening? Maybe they are trapped. But there are some instances when you may call and they will not answer and keep following their own way away from God. What do you do.

Well Jesus said I send you as sheep amongst wolves. We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

It is not the wandering sheeps fault they had been decieved and led astray but the rest of the flock need to make the effort to warn their fellows preferably BEFORE any calamity happens. While it is the shepherds job to look after everyone we need to do our bit and look out for each other too.

Lanolin, I agree with everything you said except for the first sentence of your last paragraph. If we are a wandering sheep, it is our fault. The Bible holds us responsible. Especially since we are his sheep, we should know better. So, if we wander away, we do so out of our own choosing, because we have the Holy Spirit to prompt us and to speak to us, and we have the Word of God to teach us, so if we stray from the truth, and we are deceived as to what is truth, not all truth, mind you, but the basics of the faith regarding sin and repentance, then it is our fault, for we knew better.

Even those who are not saved and who have rejected the Lord are responsible. And, it is their fault for not believing (See: Rom. 1).
The Lord Jesus led me to read Ephesians 5 (Select vv. ESV).

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. vv. 1-2

The goal of our salvation from sin is that we might be Christ-like, free from the control of sin over our lives, and free to walk in His holiness and righteousness, no longer to please ourselves, but to live to please God.

This should result, in our lives, in us walking in love – with love for God and love for our fellow humans. For, we are now servants of righteousness, under the ownership of Almighty God, in order that we might be his representatives on this earth, to the people of this earth, in demonstrating God’s love, his grace, and his mercy to all people.

But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Vv. 3-6

As the church, the body of Christ, sexual immorality or any of these other sins should not exist among us. It isn’t that we will never sin again, once we trust in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives, but that we should no longer make sin our practice. We must no longer be engaged in what we did before we met Christ, for Jesus set us free from the power of sin.

I am not saying, nonetheless, that we will be perfect overnight, otherwise the Bible would not teach that we are to daily be putting sin to death and daily taking up our cross and following Christ. The Christian life is a process, by the Spirit of God, of putting off sin and putting on his righteousness.

I am also not saying that it is not possible for a believer in Jesus Christ to fall back into sin at any point in his Christian walk, otherwise we would not have all these instructions in scripture to the church, warning against such things as this, and we would not have the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, five of which was to tell them how they were not walking fully in the light they had been given, and how they needed to repent of their sins or else face divine discipline and chastisement.

So, why such a strong warning to Christians? Because God hates sin, which is why Jesus died for us, because sin destroys us, as humans. Jesus died on a cross to deliver us out of such slavery to sin, so that we would no longer walk in it, but so we would walk in freedom, in the Spirit, and no longer live to gratify the sinful cravings of our flesh. So, this warning is for our good!

Also, we are being warned here, lest we get this idea that, now that we are “in Christ,” by faith in him, that it doesn’t matter if we continue in sinful practices because our sins are forgiven and heaven is guaranteed us. This dispels this notion, as do many other scriptures. If we claim faith in Jesus Christ, but we continue to walk (in lifestyle) in sin, willfully and defiantly, without conscience or true repentance, we will die in our sins, not have the hope of eternal life with God, so we need to take this seriously!

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Vv. 7-14a

Not only must we make certain, by God’s grace, and in his strength and power, that we are no longer walking in sin, but we must be very careful who we choose for our closest friends, companions and spouses. We must also be careful concerning what we watch and listen to on a daily basis. For, we can be influenced by others to do what we know is wrong, and to reject what we know is right, if we are in close relationship or communion with those who are walking in sin’s dark ways.

And, this includes being careful with regards to entertainment choices or even with regard to the desire to be entertained on a somewhat consistent basis. For what reason did Jesus save us? We are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and to be proclaiming the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light. We, as followers of Christ, should not be self-absorbed, but we should be sold out to Jesus Christ.

We should, by God’s grace, no longer walk in the ways in which we did before we met Jesus Christ as Savior of our lives. For, he died that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. He died to set us free from slavery to sin. Now we should walk, in lifestyle, in his light, in his truth, and in his ways of holiness and righteousness. And, we do this by daily putting sin to death and daily putting on Christ and his righteousness; by saying “NO” to sin and by walking in the light which he gives us, in his power and strength.

Instead of partaking in sinful practices, or even allowing ourselves to be entertained by others’ sinful practices, we should be in the habit of exposing them, but not for the purposes of gossip, and not to “out” someone out of spite or unforgiveness. We should be honest concerning our own failures, and share our testimonies of how Jesus set us free, and of how he is giving us all that we need to now live and walk in freedom and no longer in bondage.

But, we should also be teaching what is in accord with God’s word, exposing the lies of Satan and false doctrines and false grace gospels. We should be telling people about the lies which are being taught, and then be telling them what the truth is so that they can put off the lies and put on the truth.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Vv. 15-21

Not only must we be careful about how we are living, that we would walk in the light and not in the darkness, but we must be about encouraging and urging our brothers and sisters in Christ to also walk in the light and to reject what is of the darkness. For, we are all in a spiritual battle, and Satan is convincing so many Christians that they are free in Christ to live however they want and to still have heaven guaranteed them. But, the truth is that Jesus died to deliver us out of darkness and to bring us into his wonderful light, so we should walk in the light, and lead others to do the same.

He Reached Down
An Original Work / February 3, 2014

Based off Psalm 18

How I love You, Lord, my Rock and my strength.
My God is my fortress; I hide in Him.
He is my shield and the horn of
My salvation, whom I praise.
I have found my refuge in Him.

He reached down from heaven and rescued me;
Drew me out of waters so deep, I’d sink.
He delivered me from Satan
And my slavery to sin;
Gave me hope of heaven with Him.

My God turned my darkness into His light;
Opened up my blinded eyes; gave me sight.
As for God, his way is perfect.
He gives strength to stand secure.
I have found my vict’ry in Him.

My Lord lives! Praise be to my Savior God,
Jesus Christ, who died on a cruel cross.
He is my Rock and the source
Of my salvation, whom I trust.
I will give praise always to Him.

Sunday, December 17, 2017, 6:11 a.m. – Thank you, Jesus, that you died to set us free from slavery to sin, and you live that we might live in you and walk in your righteousness and holiness all our days. Amen!
Very good post...But.....LOL The big but.......Not clearly mentioned here is.....Walk in Love....Jesus is LOVE Jesus is the Word...Walk in the WORD! Jesus is Christ. Christ is not Jesus' last name...It means 'The anointed one, and His anointing'. So....Walk in the WORD....and in the anointing of Jesus wherewith we are also anointed.
Very good post...But.....LOL The big but.......Not clearly mentioned here is.....Walk in Love....Jesus is LOVE Jesus is the Word...Walk in the WORD! Jesus is Christ. Christ is not Jesus' last name...It means 'The anointed one, and His anointing'. So....Walk in the WORD....and in the anointing of Jesus wherewith we are also anointed.

Thanks, Bendito. All glory to God! I appreciate what you have shared here. I agree! Thanks for responding.
Lanolin, I agree with everything you said except for the first sentence of your last paragraph. If we are a wandering sheep, it is our fault. The Bible holds us responsible. Especially since we are his sheep, we should know better. So, if we wander away, we do so out of our own choosing, because we have the Holy Spirit to prompt us and to speak to us, and we have the Word of God to teach us, so if we stray from the truth, and we are deceived as to what is truth, not all truth, mind you, but the basics of the faith regarding sin and repentance, then it is our fault, for we knew better.

Even those who are not saved and who have rejected the Lord are responsible. And, it is their fault for not believing (See: Rom. 1).
So...the sheep that are wandering were not listening to Jesus? Just let them go? Ok.

So was I wasting my time trying to call them?

We should always stick close to Jesus. I was just thinking in terms of this lady I know shes a widowed christian and her son has wandered away. I suppose to her her son is always her baby but hes probably a grown man and should know better. He got into drugs. Is it wrong for her to just let him go and not go after him. She did ask us to pray for him.

Would that mean he is a sheep or am I just assuming. I mean he is her son. I suppose that doesnt mean he knows Jesus though. Another lady, her daughter was raised in the faith and was all involved in church etc ao she knew Jesus, but now shes in a lesbian relationship. Do we treat her as a sheep gone astray or a goat we let go?

Can sheep be deceived? I think they can...by wolves.

Otherwise if they dont know the basics...have no idea about repentence and faith are they goats?
So...the sheep that are wandering were not listening to Jesus? Just let them go? Ok.

So was I wasting my time trying to call them?

We should always stick close to Jesus. I was just thinking in terms of this lady I know shes a widowed christian and her son has wandered away. I suppose to her her son is always her baby but hes probably a grown man and should know better. He got into drugs. Is it wrong for her to just let him go and not go after him. She did ask us to pray for him.

Would that mean he is a sheep or am I just assuming. I mean he is her son. I suppose that doesnt mean he knows Jesus though. Another lady, her daughter was raised in the faith and was all involved in church etc ao she knew Jesus, but now shes in a lesbian relationship. Do we treat her as a sheep gone astray or a goat we let go?

Can sheep be deceived? I think they can...by wolves.

Otherwise if they dont know the basics...have no idea about repentence and faith are they goats?

Lanolin, I did not say to let them go or to not go after them. I was referring to the first half of that sentence where you said it was not their fault that they were deceived and led astray and that they wandered off. That was the whole of what I was saying to you in my remarks. Certainly we go after them, but to say it isn't their fault that they were deceived I can't agree with, and that is the point of what I was trying to communicate. I guess I should have said "the first half of your sentence," for I see now you had two thoughts expressed there. Sorry for the confusion.
Lanolin, I did not say to let them go or to not go after them. I was referring to the first half of that sentence where you said it was not their fault that they were deceived and led astray and that they wandered off. That was the whole of what I was saying to you in my remarks. Certainly we go after them, but to say it isn't their fault that they were deceived I can't agree with, and that is the point of what I was trying to communicate. I guess I should have said "the first half of your sentence," for I see now you had two thoughts expressed there. Sorry for the confusion.

I will need to think about that one. Certainly people can be foolish, and not everyone is wise to begin with. But we can ask for wisdom. Eves naivete, or was it doubt that was her downfall when she was decieved. She even insisted to the snake and repeated what she thought God had said to Adam.

She was wanting the fruit to make her wise but it was the wrong fruit. Whose fault was that her for trusting the serpent I suppose but she actually didnt know he would lie to her did she? Of all the animals God created how was she to know this one would lie to her...she had no concept of it and took things at face value.

While eve wasnt technically a baby, she thought like a child. Have you ever been tricked before..is it your fault that you didnt know any better. Well once you know the devils wiles you wouldnt fall for it again but the first time, would you say it was your fault...?

Satan can always say I didnt force you to believe me. Like the date rapist could say to his victim well you didnt say no.

I will need to think about that one. Certainly people can be foolish, and not everyone is wise to begin with. But we can ask for wisdom. Eves naivete, or was it doubt that was her downfall when she was decieved. She even insisted to the snake and repeated what she thought God had said to Adam.

She was wanting the fruit to make her wise but it was the wrong fruit. Whose fault was that her for trusting the serpent I suppose but she actually didnt know he would lie to her did she? Of all the animals God created how was she to know this one would lie to her...she had no concept of it and took things at face value.

While eve wasnt technically a baby, she thought like a child. Have you ever been tricked before..is it your fault that you didnt know any better. Well once you know the devils wiles you wouldnt fall for it again but the first time, would you say it was your fault...?

Satan can always say I didnt force you to believe me. Like the date rapist could say to his victim well you didnt say no.

Adam and Eve knew that what they were doing was wrong. Yes, Eve was deceived by Satan, but she knew that God told them not to eat of the fruit of that tree. Her lust for what she wanted deceived her, and so she ate. Adam knew, too, that it was wrong, but he followed his lust. And, he ate. And, the Bible said they both sinned against God.

When we desire what God has told us we can't have, we are vulnerable to being deceived. And, we can listen to the lies instead of the truth because we desire what is wrong. God held them accountable for their sin. Eve blamed the serpent, but it was she who sinned against God. And, Adam blamed Eve, but he was held accountable for his sin. He wasn't deceived. He did it with eyes opened, it would appear.

But, can we be deceived about things about which we have no knowledge? Yes. We trust that our teachers in school told us the truth about history, for instance, but, perhaps, everything we learned wasn't true, but we trusted it was true because we learned it in school. Our news media tells us things that are not true, but because it is on TV, and we see it with our eyes, we assume it is true, and thus we can be deceived into believing lies because we have no knowledge as to whether or not what we are being told is true or false.

But, when we wander off from God, and we are his sheep, and we do what we know is wrong, and we stray from his commands, we sin against God, so it is our fault. Many people allow themselves to be deceived because they want to do what they know is wrong, and they even deceive themselves with their own lies. And, Romans 1 tells us that all people have had God revealed to them, for God made himself known to them through his created works, but they chose to believe the lie rather than follow the truth. They chose deception. And, so they are without excuse.
Adam and Eve knew that what they were doing was wrong. Yes, Eve was deceived by Satan, but she knew that God told them not to eat of the fruit of that tree. Her lust for what she wanted deceived her, and so she ate. Adam knew, too, that it was wrong, but he followed his lust. And, he ate. And, the Bible said they both sinned against God.

When we desire what God has told us we can't have, we are vulnerable to being deceived. And, we can listen to the lies instead of the truth because we desire what is wrong. God held them accountable for their sin. Eve blamed the serpent, but it was she who sinned against God. And, Adam blamed Eve, but he was held accountable for his sin. He wasn't deceived. He did it with eyes opened, it would appear.

But, can we be deceived about things about which we have no knowledge? Yes. We trust that our teachers in school told us the truth about history, for instance, but, perhaps, everything we learned wasn't true, but we trusted it was true because we learned it in school. Our news media tells us things that are not true, but because it is on TV, and we see it with our eyes, we assume it is true, and thus we can be deceived into believing lies because we have no knowledge as to whether or not what we are being told is true or false.

But, when we wander off from God, and we are his sheep, and we do what we know is wrong, and we stray from his commands, we sin against God, so it is our fault. Many people allow themselves to be deceived because they want to do what they know is wrong, and they even deceive themselves with their own lies. And, Romans 1 tells us that all people have had God revealed to them, for God made himself known to them through his created works, but they chose to believe the lie rather than follow the truth. They chose deception. And, so they are without excuse.
Ok well just wondering in case of some people I know who wandered off from God or whether its just they had no knowledge. I mean the son thats on drugs was that he chose to cos it was the lust if wanting them or was he tricked into taking them. Or was it both.

The daughter that turned lesbian is this because someone preyed on her or is it her fault for giving in. Or both.

Did their parents fail to warn them or were there children responsible for their wrongdoing. Some parents let their children do whatever, but I dont think these parents did that...so maybe its their childrens fault. So if so...what are they meant to do get them back. Or have they lost them?

Your other example school and tv. Which tells people lies..is it the lust of wanting to fit in with the world whether its school or tv. Because people can choose to watch tv or not.however, if its on and the family is watching it, and the children are exposed to it can it be said the children are choosing to watch it. Do children actually have a choice?
School however...some people cant choose what school they go to as its compulsory. Children really have no choice or say in the school they go to its up to the parents.

Will God judge them if they didnt go to a christian school and didnt have christian teachers for example. Some people dont even have a copy of the bible. They dont have knowledge. So they may not even know what they are doing is wrong.

Ok with eve, God hadnt commanded her like He did with Adam because she wasnt even created yet when God warned adam about the tree.

Eve trusted what adam has said. She also trusted what the serpent said as she didnt know any different..he caused her to doubt because .eve actually hadnt heard it from God himself only from Adam.

Am not saying eve wasnt responisble or didnt have lust or whatever but Adam was the one with the knowledge and he was the one who knew what God had said. Eve had only heard it second hand. Adams punishment was actually greater than eves in this case. Eve was deceived, Adam wasnt.

God put his rescue and redemption plan through eve, not adam. I just think reading the account in genesis there is a difference between the way adam deliberately sinned and eve was led astray. Eve was vulnerable...why? Also it wasnt just adam and eve that were punished..the serpent was punished as well.
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Sorry I just want to add sue you said when we desire what is wrong...
Well what did Eve desire? It says in the genesis account she wanted to be wise. Is this a wrong desire? Well no it cant be said that it is because Proverbs tells us to get wisdom.

What was wrong was she was choosing from the wrong tree. There were two trees in the midst of the garden...eve was not deliberately choosing to die. She could have picked from the tree of life if the serpent had not beguiled her.