Hi Josephine
Everything written above by our loving brothers and sisters in Christ must be a big help to you, may our Lord truly Bless you in your walk with Him. That is exactly what it is.
When you came to Christ and repented of your sins, you chose to cloak yourself with Christ, His Spirit is in you, He loves you, as you walk with Him don't forget He is walking with you. How wonderful is that.
Your old self has been crucified, it has gone, you are a new creation, a new being, a new Josephine. You have a flesh body, but Jesus abides in your heart, you have been grafted into the vine, the original root stock, you are His.
So what is the difference, simple really, we no longer belong to sin, the world and the devil, we belong to God, we have the Holy Spirit in our heart, we rejoice and give thanks.
We are saved, we are His, we are His disciples, so we are to do what disciples do, they follow Jesus, they learn from Him daily, they try be like Him, repenting when we fail, what ever we do we should first ask ourself, what would Jesus do, what would Jesus say. The answers are all in The Word.
I believe as we grow in faith, taking up our cross daily and following Him, trying to be like Him, the Holy Spirit will guide us, prompt us and speak to us. We are in the World sister, but we do not belong to the world, we belong to Jesus, we come to the Father through Him, we give Him the Glory, He gives us the Blessings.
I also believe life is a prayer, what ever we do and see, needs our prayers, it may be seeing a couple struggling, a child hurting, it may be person in an accident, it may be reading the news, watch the news, etc, etc, every day something happens before our eyes, a prayer is to be lifted in Jesus Name.
You are on the right path sister, that wonderful narrow road, we do not see the sheep following each other to the slaughter on the wide road, we see what God has created on this lovely narrow road, the birds, the bees, the flowers the trees, we rejoice and give thanks because that is our expected service, we help where we can, we love as He loves, the Spirit guides us, all the days of our life.
Jesus loves you sister, we do too.
In His love