Brothers and sisters, consider the wall. There are two kinds of walls. THere is , first of all, a bearing wall. A bearing wall is a wall you cannot do without. A bearing wall is designed to bear the weight of the structure, THe wall with the window in it is a bearing wall because it holds up the weight of teh roof. But it cannot be a bearing wall unless it is inextricably fundamentally connected to the foundation. Now, if the wall that is around yrou life is not connected to teh foundation, it is not a bearing wall. If the walls around yoru life are not connected to the rock, it will not sustain the weight of yoru problems, your difficulties, yoru trials. You need to be connected to the rock. " For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:11. THere is a bearing wall.
THere is also this other wall of which ephesians 2:14-18 speaks. It is the middle wall. It is the interior wall. You can move that wall. and the building will stand. NOw, the problem with the interior wall is that we create them. We make up our own middle walls. And what is the middle wall? the middle wall is there because discrimanation is there. because hatred is there.
How are you going to have yoru walls broken down? THe wall is only broken down once you acknowledge your humanity, once you realize that you are no more than anyone else. Your wall comes down when you acknowledge that there is nothing to hide and no defense mechanism can secure you.
We need a word that will be redemptive. And the word is that God never leaves us with the middle walls in our lives, because of something that we put in every middle wall. Every middle wall in our lives has one thing in it. A DOOR! It is connected to your heart. But nobody will come burstiung in . nobody will break down yoru door. the Lock is not on the outside its on the inside. And Jesus says, " Here I am! I stand at the door and knowck: Revelation 3:20
THere is also this other wall of which ephesians 2:14-18 speaks. It is the middle wall. It is the interior wall. You can move that wall. and the building will stand. NOw, the problem with the interior wall is that we create them. We make up our own middle walls. And what is the middle wall? the middle wall is there because discrimanation is there. because hatred is there.
How are you going to have yoru walls broken down? THe wall is only broken down once you acknowledge your humanity, once you realize that you are no more than anyone else. Your wall comes down when you acknowledge that there is nothing to hide and no defense mechanism can secure you.
We need a word that will be redemptive. And the word is that God never leaves us with the middle walls in our lives, because of something that we put in every middle wall. Every middle wall in our lives has one thing in it. A DOOR! It is connected to your heart. But nobody will come burstiung in . nobody will break down yoru door. the Lock is not on the outside its on the inside. And Jesus says, " Here I am! I stand at the door and knowck: Revelation 3:20