Defense of Catholic doctrine
In regard to the presented question concerning the Church’s position on AIDS (in Africa),
It must be said, that regardless of the place in question, such an instance is quite unfortunate.
and the Church’s concern undoubtedly reaches out to those affected.
However, it is not so much AIDS that is the main point in this question, but rather; what is the Church’s position regarding the use of contraception to stop the spread of AIDS, or contraception for the sake of contraception? The latter instance being answered should suffice to resolve its position regarding the first.
The Church has taught consistently from the beginning that the use of contraceptives is a grave
evil and that its use can never be justified, for it is in direct opposition to natural law which
is inseparable from the eternal law which is one with the very nature of God Himself.
Man, in accordance with his reason must act according to his nature in fulfilling the end for
which he was created. Man must not be dominated by his passions but must act according
to reason which must overrule his lower appetites, and Catholics must conform their conscience,
by reason of being divinely instituted, to the mind of the Church. “He who rejects you rejects Me,
and he who rejects Me, rejects the One who sent me.” And so it is, if we do not adhere to
Christ’s Church, we cannot adhere to Christ Himself, for they are inseperable.
Even with the intent to protect oneself from a disease, one cannot commit an act that is
intrinsically evil. The principle of double effect has no ground on the issue of contraceptives
under any circumstance whatsoever, for it is in direct opposition to the very nature of the
marital act. It is thus, a matter of grave sin for one to make use of the marital act, while rejecting
the very purpose for which it was created which is procreation.
In light of this does the moral issue stand firm and immutable. It is therefore also a matter of grave
sin for any to use the sexual faculties outside of the bonds of marriage; This would include, by the
very nature of marriage, homosexuality, for it is in direct opposition to the primary purpose of the
marital act. This would also include even within marriage, acts contrary to the primary purpose.
For those who do not marry, must live in accordance with the laws of The Church which are the
Laws of God, by practicing purity and maintaining a life of chastity, for, as said, only in the bonds
of marriage Is a couple free to act in accordance with the married state. And since marriage by
its very nature can only be between a man and a woman, The Church, by divine authority, has
always infallibly condemned the idea of (homosexual marriage). For exact explanations on this
matter, see Catechism of the Catholic Church, or go to for writings of Fathers
of the Church, or go to
[edited by Yeshua: links used only with permission] for a article on:
The Church's Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition - March 4, 2005
JMJ A.Zapata