Life - it's a wonderful thing.
The woman taking the fruit wasn't the first thing in creation that went "wrong".
Satan was cast out of heaven before he tempted the woman. At some unknown point in time (also possibly before the serpent tempted Eve) a third of the angels rebelled and left heaven.
When God was creating creation... 5 times He said "it is good". ( Gen 1:10; Gen 1:12; Gen 1:18; Gen 1:21; Gen 1:25; ) but before Adam and Eve were tempted.. He said it is NOT good. ( Gen 2:18; )
So I don't think Gen 3:6 was when it all fell apart. But then the question here is... did it really fall apart?
There are people who view God's sovereign nature differently.
Some think the god of this universe is just a minor demigod, in training so to speak... this god isn't really in control of everything, he may be in over his head.
At the opposite end of the spectrum - there are people who believe god is in control of everything, they believe he "has to be". They don't believe in free-will at all.
To them, everything thing that happens is a scripted movie. Many of these people that even when you sin, god made you sin, because after all, he is in control of everything.
This god decides who gets saved and who doesn't.
Then there are people such as myself who view God's sovereign nature a little higher than the two views above. God is God... no matter what.
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, 100% of all mankind on the Earth was in sin. Did God quit being God during this time? Of course not. It doesn't really matter what we do.
God is still God. God's sovereignty doesn't depend on us in any way. God put the tree (the knowledge of good and evil) in the garden. He knew it was possible the man and his wife could have eaten from it.
He even made the statement.. "if you eat from... you will surely die". It's that "IF" that gets some people.
Some of us have this view that we ( mankind ) is God's sole reason for existence. ... and yet God existed kajillions of millennia (that's a word I just made up, but you get the idea)
before mankind existed. God also has to deal with the angels. It's likely the angels existed before mankind. If you believe in an "old Earth" creation, then God had to deal
with dinosaurs, meteors, volcanoes, and lots of other things before He created man. But even if man didn't exist... God would still be God.
I have four biological children. (more step children) they are all grown up now. In fact I have some grandchildren.
When I found out my wife was pregnant, I hoped for the best. I hoped they would be healthy, of sound mind, and eventually come to know God/Jesus.
It didn't work out exactly as planned. All of them are healthy, but two of them are not walking with the Lord. I've found out over the years through trial and error
that I can't "make them" choose Jesus. It has to be their choice.
.. and maybe that was God's plan all along. To give us choice and see what we would choose. Him.. ( our creator ) or the world, sin, and eternal damnation.
God doesn't force anyone to come to Him. He invites us surely, but even then... we are never forced.
Men and women court each other... (do I dare use the word "date") they get to know each other, hoping for the best. Hoping to "choose" someone and fall in love with them.
(all marriages aren't "love based", but they should be). You can't make them choose you. It has to be their choice.
A famous old poem says... If you love someone set them free. If they come back, they're yours. If they don't.. they never were.
God wants to see who chooses Him. He wants to see who will love Him and be faithful to Him.
Some believe He already knows in advance... and it's possible that is true. But just because I knew what you were going to do, doesn't mean I'm the one who made you do it.
Did it all "fall apart".. or was this God's plan all along?