Lying in bed this afternoon, I had time to reflect on the past 4 weeks. The title of an old pop song came into my head - 'What a difference a day makes', but I changed the word day to month - 'What a difference a month makes'.
I reflected on where I was 4 weeks ago. I was in fact still lying in the same bed, but things had changed significantly since then.
Four weeks ago today, I had made many phone calls trying to find out the precise details of how to kill myself. Nobody would tell me. I was very angry and frustrated. Quite simply, I didn't want to try to kill myself and get it wrong and yet nobody would give me the relevant information that I needed to 'get it right'.
I had reached the end of my tether. There was no hope left in my life and no quality of life either. It would be better, I decided, to kill myself rather than to carry on this painful existence. The doctors had already told me that there was nothing more that they could do for me, so I decided that I might as well put myself out of this horrible misery that they called life.
The only problem was that I still wanted to get my suicide 'right'. Having decided that the internet was now my only hope of finding the answer to my suicide predicament, I logged-on and went to 'Google' and entered the appropriate words for searching.
To my dying day, I will never be able to explain how my search ended up at 'Talk Jesus' - but it did!
What I found there was a piece of writing called 'The Father's love letter'. For me that piece of writing offered me some kind of hope that I was desperate to have. It offered me the opportunity to have a relationship with Almighty God - Now how awesome is that???!!! - but more significantly, it was a personal relationship between God and myself.
Now that kind of offer is mind-blowing!!!
I had nothing to offer God and yet he was desiring a personal relationship with me. WOW!
He knew me so well that he knew the number of hairs on my head. (Matthew 10 :29-31) WOW!
He had chosen me. (Ephesians 1 : 11-12) WOW!
His opinion of me was that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) WOW!
It just went on and on offering me love and hope.
How could I refuse such an offer? - and accept it, I did!!!!!!!

As I was lying in bed this afternoon and thinking, I reflected on the past 4 weeks.
What had I experienced?
What had I learnt?
How had I changed?
What had I experienced?
Quite a few miracles, salvation, God's love, hope, forgiveness and peace.
What had I learnt?
That God loves me soooooooo much and was willing to let his son die for me so that he could have an eternal relationship with me.
That God loves me through other people.
That the Bible is God's love letter to me.
How had I changed?
I was no longer planning my suicide and yesterday, I had begun the process of forgiving my abusers.
I started off by saying that this afternoon, I had been reminded of a song title - 'What a difference a day makes'.
Well, how about ...?
What a difference God makes!
What a difference love makes!
What a difference hope makes!
What a difference peaces makes!
What a difference forgiveness makes!
What a difference ...
I reflected on where I was 4 weeks ago. I was in fact still lying in the same bed, but things had changed significantly since then.
Four weeks ago today, I had made many phone calls trying to find out the precise details of how to kill myself. Nobody would tell me. I was very angry and frustrated. Quite simply, I didn't want to try to kill myself and get it wrong and yet nobody would give me the relevant information that I needed to 'get it right'.
I had reached the end of my tether. There was no hope left in my life and no quality of life either. It would be better, I decided, to kill myself rather than to carry on this painful existence. The doctors had already told me that there was nothing more that they could do for me, so I decided that I might as well put myself out of this horrible misery that they called life.
The only problem was that I still wanted to get my suicide 'right'. Having decided that the internet was now my only hope of finding the answer to my suicide predicament, I logged-on and went to 'Google' and entered the appropriate words for searching.
To my dying day, I will never be able to explain how my search ended up at 'Talk Jesus' - but it did!
What I found there was a piece of writing called 'The Father's love letter'. For me that piece of writing offered me some kind of hope that I was desperate to have. It offered me the opportunity to have a relationship with Almighty God - Now how awesome is that???!!! - but more significantly, it was a personal relationship between God and myself.
Now that kind of offer is mind-blowing!!!
I had nothing to offer God and yet he was desiring a personal relationship with me. WOW!
He knew me so well that he knew the number of hairs on my head. (Matthew 10 :29-31) WOW!
He had chosen me. (Ephesians 1 : 11-12) WOW!
His opinion of me was that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) WOW!
It just went on and on offering me love and hope.
How could I refuse such an offer? - and accept it, I did!!!!!!!
As I was lying in bed this afternoon and thinking, I reflected on the past 4 weeks.
What had I experienced?
What had I learnt?
How had I changed?
What had I experienced?
Quite a few miracles, salvation, God's love, hope, forgiveness and peace.
What had I learnt?
That God loves me soooooooo much and was willing to let his son die for me so that he could have an eternal relationship with me.
That God loves me through other people.
That the Bible is God's love letter to me.
How had I changed?
I was no longer planning my suicide and yesterday, I had begun the process of forgiving my abusers.
I started off by saying that this afternoon, I had been reminded of a song title - 'What a difference a day makes'.
Well, how about ...?
What a difference God makes!
What a difference love makes!
What a difference hope makes!
What a difference peaces makes!
What a difference forgiveness makes!
What a difference ...