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What is : The Preaching Of The Cross


Sep 6, 2021
The Apostle Paul wrote. " Christ sent me not to water baptize, but to Preach the Gospel".

So, "the Gospel" is..."the preaching of the Cross".

The NT says..>>"its pleased God by the foolishness of preaching , to save them that "BELIEVE"....

To "be saved" is to be "made righteous"= which is to have become born again by the Spirit of God, into the Spirit of God.....which is to become "in Christ" (Christ is God), and "One with God".

The NT teaches that .. "As Jesus IS....so ARE the Born again, in THIS World"..

See that? That is all the born again, right now.....have become Spiritually = "AS Jesus IS"....

How is He? He is RIGHTEOUS, HOLY, and Perfect.

So, lets go deeper...

What is the issue that God Himself had to resolve as a love gift to you, so that you can become His "bride" and "church" and "temple of the Holy Spirit"?

God had to resolve what is keeping you apart from Him, and will continue to, unless He resolves it for you. That is your SIN.

The problem is......God is Holy and you have no righteousness, because you have sinned and sinned and sinned some more.

So, God, has to resolve your unrighteousness (sin) for you, so that you can become righteous, and this is to become SPIRITUALLY = "born again".
Reader, you can't take care of your sins.
God has to take care of them for you..
This is God as Christ on the Cross.....doing that, 2000 yrs ago.

Reader, when a person becomes "born again", which is to become a "new creation" "In Christ "..."One with God", then this is a SPIRITUAL Birth that happens on the inside of your body where your Spirit lives, and when this happens to you, you are "SAVED", you are "REDEEMED", and you are "made righteous" by the blood of Jesus.
Now... see the part of you that has become so when you are born again? Its not your body, and its not your mind...its your SPIRIT that becomes the "new creation". "In Christ".

How does God do it ?
Well, He came here as the "2nd Adam"...Jesus The Christ, and He lived a sinless life, and He offers this sinless life, that is righteous, in place of your sinful life of unrighteousness.
The NT explains this as God, as Christ "becoming sin".....
See that? That is God, as Christ on the Cross, becoming the sin of the world, on behalf of every person, as : "the gift of Righteousness".
And this perfect sinless life, that the 2nd Adam lived, becomes God's sin offering to Himself for all your sin, so that this can be resolved for all eternity, as you then as a """" born again new creation in Christ""" = have become that perfect righteous life that Jesus lived and then died to offer to you as "the gift of righteousness"...
Reader....This is "the preaching of the Cross" and "the Gift of Salvation".
See that righteous life that God lived as Jesus? ????
He offers it to you as a Gift.
"The GIFT of Salvation".... and if you will come to the Cross, and BELIEVE that God has done this for you....that Christ has accomplished this for you, then you are hearing the preaching of the Cross that i am sharing right now.... and if you believe or have already believed "by faith" you are now receiving God's very righteousness, or have received it "by faith".... as "the gift of salvation"...and "the Gift of Righteousness".
This "Gift of Salvation".. is given to "as many as believe".. and "all who will call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved"... "As many as believe in Me, i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish". "I am the Way to the Father an no person comes to the Father but by ME". John 14:6

See all that?
That is "the preaching of the Cross".

Reader, if you are not saved.......then If you will BELIEVE this Gospel, then God will give you the "new birth", which is literally the life that He lived, as Christ, this sinless life.. IT becomes yours as if you lived it.., and all your sin is now laid on Christ, is forgiven, and God by the Holy Spirit, performs a birth of your Spirit, a renewing, a regeneration of your Spirit, so that you become "ONE with God", "in Christ".... born again...."made righteous".

Jesus said....>"you must be born again".