(Revelation 5:1).
1. Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with “7 Seals”.
Now there is writings on both sides and most likely the scroll was made of “Papyrus” or maybe if possible on both sides “Parchment”. So also this could be considered. I wonder what is written on that scroll.
LOL, how do you know, do you have HD“Zoom in X-ray spiritual vision” and if you do. Could you please tell us what Language the words are written in. And since the writings are on both sides of the scroll, it must have a cover page, so you cannot see what is written on the outside
Page where the 7 Seals are stamped.
Okay folks -- chapter 6 starts with the Lamb opening one of the seals -- and a series of different color of horses are revealed in the next 4 seals and the 5th seal is presented in vs 9 and the 6th seal in vs 12. With That 6th seal begins a great earthquake -- the sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair, the moon becomes like blood. vs 13 the stars of heaven fall to the earth , as a fig tree drops its late figs, when it is shaken by a mighty wind. So the people would be familiar with figs falling off a fig tree in a strong wind. And the stars falling to earth is like that. A lot more is happening in the 6th seal. vs 17 -- the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand.?"
Honestly -- are we told what is written on the scroll?
A seal is a seal the scroll cannot be open until the seals has been broken. There are seven seals on the document. Then the document has to be unrolled to see what is written in the scroll.
When each seal is broken in the book of Revelation something takes place, you cannot still see what is written in the scroll until the scroll seals has been broken. And then you read what is in the scroll.