You said,
"Why did God who had everything or could have everything create such a creature as man and place him on this earth? He knew we would fall. He knew we would fail. He knew we would destroy the earth and eachother. He knew we would hate and kill and destroy! Why did He give us a free will? And lets not forget this question... Why does He allow such bad things to happen?"
The answers are contained within the scripture.
When God created us, He said it was good. No sin, no death existed.
This creation was an act of pure love. It was not God's desire that we
fell. It was not God's will that sin entered the world thru Adam and Eve.
Of course He knew we would fail, that's why He sent His Son. Yet again, perfect love in action. What a shocking history mankind has had. Reject God and we end up just like satan, pyschopathic, destroyers of worlds.
God is soveriegn, He has given satan and man some latitude in evil.
But, this latitude is restricted in many respects.