Hey guys! I don't mean to offend anybody by this but I just want to share God's blessings to you.What's in a name? Well, it's very important. For what you call yourself it will happen to you. For example, I was an itchy and irratable person, not anymore ha. That's why I call sign here as "gentle" because that's God's will for me and that is what I am , and wants to be. I want blessings in my life that's why I speak and think blessings to me. In Numbers 14:23 it says that God will do to us what we fear or in other translations he will do to us what he heard us say. That's why when somebody asks how I am, I always reply, Fine, blessed by the Lord living in a prosperous life. Even though I'm going through difficult times. Because that's what I want to happen in my life. In names for example it has meanings. If your name has a negative meaning, you can ask others to call you by a blessed name.Look at Jesus' disciples, He changed their names as a new person and a blessings.
God bless us guys. Peace is with us.
God bless us guys. Peace is with us.