Brother, to be born again you experience a handful of wonderful things:
- relationship with Jesus (yes, even if you sin)
- forgiveness of *all* sins when confessed to in prayer
- guidance through the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life, when we surrender to Him
- peace about anything, usually if we are strong in faith
Nobody is perfect. The one who sins the least is the one who still needs Jesus as Savior as much as the one who sins the most. We're on the same boat in that area.
As far as your dream goes, some have had such dreams. Check out this video:
Maybe these threads will help you also:
Tips on following Christ and growing in your walk with Him:
- read and study the Word as much as possible
- pray non-stop, no matter where you are and what your doing (even if your sinning, cry out to Him!)
- seek a bible-based local church or study group
Don't let fear nor doubt creep up on you. Jesus loves you no matter what you've done. The devil is also a lair, remember that. He
cannot speak truth, literally cannot. GOD tells the truth as is for He is the Truth. Keep in mind that we are a work in progress. Salvation is a maturity, life long process. Its a gift from GOD no matter how "good" we try to be.
I hope this helps. GOD Bless.