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Wheat And Tares


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
The Wheat And Tares (Mt 13:24-30,36-43)


1. In "The Parable Of The Sower", we learned that not all people react to the Word of the kingdom in the same way
a. Some with hard hearts and dull ears would not even allow the Word time to germinate in their hearts
b. Others would receive the Word, but either persecution or things in this life would render them fruitless
c. Only those with good and noble hearts, who receive the Word with patience and keep it, will bear the intended fruit in their lives
-- Thus the "mysteries of the kingdom of heaven" will be received only by some, and not all

2. This truth was illustrated further when Jesus taught "The Parable Of The Wheat And Tares"...
a. Recorded only by Matthew, the parable itself is found in Mt 13:24-30 (READ)
b. Jesus' purpose is clearly to teach principles related to "the kingdom of heaven"
1) For he begins with "The kingdom of heaven is like..."
2) Therefore Jesus intends to reveal principles related to the "rule of God" as it would soon be manifested in the Person of His Son
3. Like "The Parable Of The Sower", this parable is one of the few in which we have Jesus' own explanation...
a. The explanation was given in response to the disciples' inquiry - Mt 13:36
b. And the explanation is found in Mt 13:37-43 (READ)
[In this study, we shall focus on Jesus' explanation of the parable, and then draw some truths from it...]



1. THE SOWER - "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man"
a. I.e., Christ, who in His preaching went about proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom - cf. Mt 4:23
b. Who is identified in Daniel's vision as one who received a kingdom - Dan 7:13-14
c. Who after His ascension claimed to have received such authority - Re 2:26-27; 3:21
2. THE FIELD - "The field is the world"
a. Into which the Son of Man came to sow the seed
b. Over which the Son of Man now exercises His authority, i.e., His kingship - cf. Mt 28:18; 1 Pe 3:22; Re 1:5
3. THE GOOD SEED (WHEAT) - "The good seeds are the sons of the kingdom"
a. Those who gladly own Jesus as their Lord and King, submitting to Him freely
b. I.e., His disciples, who observe all that He commands - cf. Mt 28:19-20
c. When we compare this with "The Parable Of The Sower", we come up with slightly mixed metaphors...
1) The disciples are those who constitute the "good soil", in which the seed has been sown (The Parable Of The Sower)
2) But in The Parable Of The Wheat And Tares, the disciples are the "good seed" themselves
d. Thus, when one receives the "seed" of the kingdom (the Word of God), they become "good seed" (a son of the kingdom)
4. THE TARES - "The tares are the sons of the wicked one"
a. Those later defined as they that..
1) Offend
2) Practice lawlessness - cf. Mt 13:41
b. Though within the realm of the Lord's reign (for the Lord will later gather them out of His kingdom), they clearly are not submitting to the Lord's authority!
c. Their actions reveal that they are really "sons of the wicked one"!
5. THE ENEMY - "The enemy who sowed them is the devil"
a. Who tried to tempt Christ and failed - cf. Mt 4:1-11
b. Who now tries to destroy the efforts of Christ to save souls and enlarge the influence of His kingly rule
6. THE HARVEST - "The harvest is the end of the age"
a. That "age" in which...
1) The gospel of the kingdom is being preached
2) People who receive the gospel can become the "sons of the kingdom"
-- I.e., the present gospel dispensation - cf. Co 1:13; Re 1:9
b. An "age" that will end with a great "harvest", identified elsewhere as the glorious coming and appearance of our Lord - cf. Mt 26:31-32; 1 Ti 6:14-15
7. THE REAPERS - "The reapers are the angels"
a. Angels will accompany Christ when He comes again - 2 Th 1:7-9
b. They will separate the wicked from among the just - cf. Mt 13:49
[Having identified the various elements of the parable...]


1. In verse 40...
a. The problem of the "tares" will not be fully addressed until the "harvest"
b. This is done out of consideration for the "good seed" (cf. Mt 13:29)
2. In verse 41...
a. It is at the end of the age that the Son of Man will finally resolve this problem
b. With His angels He will "gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness"
(i.e., the sons of the wicked one)
3. In verse 42...
a. Those so gathered out of His kingdom will properly dealt with!
b. Cast into "the furnace of fire", where there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth!"
4. In verse 43...
a. The blessedness of the "righteous" (the good seed, the sons of the kingdom) is described
b. After the harvest they will "shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father"!
[Jesus ends His explanation of the parable with the same admonition that followed the telling of The Parable Of The Sower:

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear" - Mt 13:9

Do we therefore hear what Jesus is saying? Or are we dull of hearing and hard of heart? For those willing to listen, there are several
truths to be gleaned from this parable as it relates to the kingdom of heaven, the church, and to our personal lives...]



1. Why does Christ suffer so long with the wicked around us?
2. Why does He not come in judgment against the "sons of the wicked one?"
3. Perhaps to give "you" (a son of the kingdom) a time to grow!
a. In the parable, it was out of concern for the "wheat" that the "tares" were allowed to remain - Mt 13:29
b. As Peter indicated, it is the Lord's longsuffering that prompts any seeming delay in His coming - cf. 2 Pe 3:9
-- So while Christ is certainly desirous that "all" men come to repentance, He has a special interest in those "sons of the kingdom" who are still growing!


1. Some have sought to use this parable to say that church discipline should not be carried out
2. Yet that would go contrary to the teachings of Jesus Himself, and that of His apostles
a. Jesus taught there would be times for church discipline - Mt 18:15-17
b. Paul instructed the churches in Corinth and Thessalonica concerning the need and methodology of church discipline - 1 Co 5:1-13; 2 Th 3:6-15
3. The point of this parable is that Jesus Himself will not do anything visible until the end of the age when He comes with His angels
4. Those in the church, however, have a personal responsibility to withdraw from those brethren who refuse to repent of sin


1. In verse 41, the Son of Man will "gather out of His kingdom", so the kingdom is in existence prior to the end of the age when the Son of Man comes with His angels
2. In verse 43, it is after the harvest that the righteous "will shine forth in the kingdom of their Father"
3. As taught by Paul, Christ rules now and will turn the kingdom over to His Father when He comes again - cf. 1 Co 15:23-26
a. He is not coming to establish a kingdom (contra the premillenialist)
b. He is coming to deliver a kingdom back to His Father!

1. Note that the angels will gather certain ones "out of His kingdom - Mt 13:41
2. Those ones who were "in the kingdom" are then "cast into the furnace" - Mt 13:42
3. Who would these be?
a. Those who "offend" (cause others to stumble)
1) Against which Jesus warned His disciples - Mt 18:6-7
2) Against which Paul warned the Christians at Corinth and Rome - 1 Co 8:11-13;10:31-11:1; Ro 16:17-18 (cf.14:13,19-21)
b. Those who "practice lawlessness" (do things without authority)
1) Remember the warnings of Jesus and John - Mt 7:21-23;2 Jn 9
2) The way to avoid lawlessness is given in Co 3:17
4. Because of the very real danger of not "entering our heavenly rest", we find warnings to persevere - cf. He 3:12-14; 4:1-2,


1. We saw where those "that offend" and who "practice lawlessness" would...
a. Be cast into the "furnace of fire"
b. Experience "wailing and gnashing of teeth"
2. This punishment of the wicked is a recurring theme in several of the parables...
a. The Parable Of The Dragnet - cf. Mt 13:49-50
b. The Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant - cf. Mt 18:34-35
3. And as described in the Judgment Scene, Jesus talks of a place prepared for the wicked - cf. Mt 25:41, 45-46
4. Thus a proper proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom must of necessity include a warning to those who do not receive the


1. Indeed, this very parable is a warning to all not to allow themselves to be influenced by the wicked one!
a. As Peter wrote, our adversary is very much seeking to destroy us! - 1 Pe 5:8
b. But if we can allow the word of God to abide in us, we can overcome the wicked one - cf. 1 Jn 2:14
2. We learn from this parable, then, that the kingdom of heaven...
a. Will spread as people become "sons of the kingdom" (by heeding the Son of Man)
b. Will not preclude the efforts and influence of the devil (so expect to see some "tares")
c. Though inaugurated with the Son of Man's first coming (especially with His ascension to the right hand of God and the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost - Acts 2), the kingdom of heaven will not be fully culminated until...
1) The Son of Man returns with His angels
2) He gathers all things out of His kingdom that offend and practice lawlessness
3) And delivers the kingdom to God (cf. 1 Co 15:24)
3. At that time...
a. We will have an abundant entrance "into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" - cf. 2 Pe 1:11
b. "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father" - Mt 13:43
Dear friend, is not that your desire? Then remember what Jesus said...

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." - Jn 3:5

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Dear Chad , thank you for sharing

Mathew 13: 29&30
29 "But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.
30 ‘Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."’"

verse 29 & 30 often reminds me of how God is slow to anger

Joel 2:13
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.


Dear Chad , thank you for sharing

Mathew 13: 29&30
29 "But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.
30 ‘Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."’"

verse 29 & 30 often reminds me of how God is slow to anger

Joel 2:13
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.


If tares are sons of devil,will they not eat up the food and water ?
Will God not look after His own.

Here's something I was given about Wheat and Tares.

Wheat And Tares (Tares=pink)
What is the difference?
One is convicted in the Presence of God
The other is defensive
As a result, one knows God & is known by Him
The other does not know God, nor is known by Him
Both may look the same*-- have similar-looking talk, works
Both think they talk to God, hear from God, are empowered by Him
One draws men to God
The other draws men to himself
One is life-giving food
The other is counterfeit
One is constantly being corrected, & grows spiritually & in humility
The other is being fed intellectually &/or emotionally, & grows in hardness (spiritual pride)
One is convicted of the same sins he sees in others
The other is thankful he is not like those he considers his spiritual inferiors
One repents at the most gentle rebuke of the Holy Spirit
The other requires bold hard correction, & is still likely to reject it
One knows he is not worthy of Salvation
The other bases his worthiness upon his religious activity (he thinks) FOR God
Since he does not have to DO to maintain his illusion of worth, one is at rest -- whether openly serving, or inwardly communing
The other must be religiously busy to keep alive his sense of value & safety before God
The scary thing is that both 'know' that they are right with God
Until they meet Him face to face*--
One is confirmed, having the same spirit
The other is rejected, having been deceived by a religious spirit
Both may teach & "believe" the same doctrines
But one is a tare & the other wheat
One admits he has no right to be there except by the blood of Christ
The other tries, unsuccessfully, to defend himself by his record of works
One spends eternity in the Presence of God
The other spends eternity in the presence of his god

Which are you?
If you think you cannot be deceived, then you already are
Can, & do you receive correction by the Holy Spirit through "unworthy" vessels?
Do you defend yourself against your own conscience (what is left of it) by remembering/relating your "good works?"
Are you easily 'insulted' when doubted or accused of wrong?
Or thankful for an opportunity to possibly draw closer to God?
You know which best describes you.....
So you really know whether you are wheat or tare.....
You cannot change your own nature.....
Only One can, & you have to give your permission.
All of us start out in life as Tares
Some become wheat & continue as wheat
Others become wheat & turn back from the Way
They may, or may not, keep mostly the same "beliefs"
But are on a different road, going a different direction
And ending up in a different place......
Not every one who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father, who is in heaven.* "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'
And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'** Matt. 7:21-3
Matt. 10:34-9
Matt. 16:23-6
I Cor. 1 - 4
In the parable or illustration of the "wheat and weeds"(tares, King James Bible) at Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus likens the "kingdom of the heavens" to a "man that sowed fine seed in his field" and which was later 'oversowed with weeds in among the wheat' by an "enemy", providing an explanation at verses 36-43. In the parable or illustration of the "wheat and weeds", Jesus expected a change regarding the true religion he established in regard to the "kingdom".

In this illustration, he says that following the sowing of the "fine seed", the "sons of the kingdom"(Matt 13:38), by the "Son of man" Jesus Christ over 3 1/2 years (Matt 13:37), he then says that "while men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds (Greek zizanion, tares, King James Bible, "sons of the wicked one", Matt 13:38) in among the wheat, and left."(Matt 13:25)

Jesus most likely referred to the poisonous bearded darnel (Lolium temulentum), which it's poisonous properties are believed to stem from a fungus growing within it's seeds and closely resembles wheat until maturity. At this time, it can readily be distinguished from wheat by it's smaller black seeds. This, together with the fact that the roots of these "weeds" become entwined with the wheat, would make it most inadvisable to pull up the "weeds" at an early stage.

Thus, in giving direction to the "slaves of the household", the "master" told them to let both the "wheat" and "weeds" grow together, "that by no chance while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them."(Matt 13:29,30) Thus, a considerable period of time would pass until it was time to ' collect the weeds '.

The "enemy" that sowed "weeds" in among the "wheat", Jesus identifies as "the Devil". Thus Satan, after Jesus had laid out principles and laws of the "kingdom" while on the earth, began to infiltrate the "kingdom" not long after Jesus death, using "weeds" or "sons of the wicked one." How ?

Some twenty years later, in about 56 C.E., the apostle Paul, in giving parting counsel to the older men from Ephesus, said: "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves."(Acts 20:29,30)

Hence, not long after, and from within the the Christian congregation, there arose men, "weeds" or "tares", who began to speak "twisted things", distorting the teachings of Jesus Christ. These professed to follow Jesus, but instead were counterfeit Christians that began to grow within the congregation that Jesus had established, even while the apostles were alive. There were thus an apostasizing or veering away from the laws or governing guidelines of the kingdom that Jesus established.

Some eight years later, the apostle Peter wrote to fellow Christians, in about the year 64 C.E., that "there came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owners that brought them,...Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. Also, with coventousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words."(2 Pet 2:1-3)

Hence, the "weeds" or counterfeit Christians, were starting to steadily grow, altering the "truths" of the kingdom that Jesus gave, being corrupted.

Peter, was warning true Christians that there would be a "falling away" or apostasizing (Greek a·po·sta·si´a, literally "to stand away from", and has the sense of "desertion, abandonment or rebellion." [Ac 21:21] ), of the true teachings of the Bible. From within the Christian congregation would this occur, for both Paul said that "from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things", and Peter said that "false teachers (will be) among you" that will "quietly bring in destructive sects".

Especially following the death of the last apostle, John, in about 100 C.E., did this "falling away" or apostasizing begin to flourish, as Jesus said, "while men (the apostles) were sleeping". There was now practically no one to restrain or hold back this wave of apostasy.

The apostle John, in about 96 C.E., wrote: "Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour."(1 John 2:18) Hence, at that "last hour", true Christianity was being overtaken by the "antichrists"(meaning "against [or instead of] Christ)", "weeds", counterfeit Christians.

How did this apostasy, this rebellion, develop? At 2 Thessalonians 2:6, Paul wrote, regarding his day, about “the thing that acts as a restraint” on the "weeds". What was that? It was the restraining force of the apostles. Their presence, with their powerful gifts bestowed by holy spirit, prevented apostasy from then becoming an epidemic. (Acts 2:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12:28) But when the apostles had died, by about the end of the first century, the restraining brakes were removed.

Within a period of less than 300 years from the time that Jesus established the Christian congregation in 33 C.E., the wheat field of Christianity had been overrun with the "weeds" of apostate or counterfeit Christians to the point where Constantine the Great (himself incriminated in the murder of no less than seven close friends and relatives) figured in events that led to the development of a state religion disguised as "Christianity", with the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. Hence, there arose an apostate Christianity, one that is corrupted.(Matt 13:33), now called Christendom.

Thus, from the beginning of the second century until about the start of the twentieth century, the "weeds" or counterfeit Christians were growing unchecked. Jesus said that the "wheat" (sons of the kingdom or true Christians) and the "weeds" (counterfeit Christians) would grow side by side until the "harvest", our time period. At this time of the "harvest", the "wheat" and "weeds" would then be clearly recognizable.

During the "last days", our time period now, angels will ' collect the weeds and burn them with fire ' (Matt 13:39,40), during which "the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father."(Matt 13:43)

Hence, true Christianity has once again flourished in these "last days", even though "weeds", counterfeit Christians in the thousands of religious "branches" of Christendom, are still abounding until God's time to have these "collected and burned with fire" during the "conclusion of a system of things".(Matt 13:40, "end of the world", King James Bible)

Thus, Jesus fully expected true Christianity that he established to be corrupted over the course of two thousand years. We are now living during the "harvest" or "conclusion of a system of things", whereby the "tares"or "weeds", counterfeit Christianity is now clearly distinguishable from true Christianity that has been reestablished in these "last days", in which "the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun."(Matt 13:43)
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solomon built the temple at 2 chron 3:1

2chron3:1 Then Solomon began to build the house of The LORD at jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the thresingfloor of Ornan the jebusite.

read more about this place to thresh wheat in 2sam24 and in 1chron21. if i am not mistaken thats a place to seperate wheat and tares.

i havent studied that so dont hold me to it if i am wrong about threshingfloors being a place to seperate wheat and tares.