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- Sep 6, 2021
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When you are dealing with a "predestined elect" heretic....the thing you have to realize is that they are theologically confused as well as deeply deceived.
So, that is the worst case scenario.
For example, a believer can be "fallen from Grace" , as Paul explains in Galatians.......and that means they are deceived. However, They dont really have a theology issue that is confusing them, they have a "bewitched" issue, as Paul explains that becomes their confused theology.
They are "in the flesh", as Paul explains , having no longer correct faith.....And this happens, because they become self righteous, and the term i use for them is......they've become a "self saver".
See that?
They stopped trusting in Christ to KEEP them saved, and are now trying to do it by 'SELF"......"self saving". "self effort". "works and commandment keeping"..........all of this, as its all the same deception that that have.........its always the same mind blindness that has become their broken faith.
Now the Predestined elect heretic, they are both mind blinded by the devil, and they are theologically confused to the max.
Reader.... here i is how you teach try to help them.... You first have to understand their theological confusion, and its very simple..
They do not understand what the "conformed"......... is literally talking about, when they read...>"predestined to be conformed"...
This the entire cause of their theological and mental breakdown...... See, they do not understand that the "predestination", has a resolve...a resolution.........Its : "to be conformed".
So, that is where they lost the track and came apart theologically and never went back.
Let me show you how to help them..
You teach them that to be born again, starts a process, that has a final ending, destination, and : "conforming".
This process is pre-determined to happen to every born again person., just as God created it to happen.
See, God created Salvation as a process that has a beginning and a final result.
This process of "born again", and becoming a "new creation", is designed to end a believer up "conformed into the image of Christ".
See that?
That is what is "predestined"............ Its that all believers, (elect) born again, are predestined to end up......"conformed into the image of Christ".
See Reader, what is pre-determined is what the process is going to resolve into ....... that is the "pre-destination".
So, what God did, is create a spiritual process, that is Salvation, that has a completed ending that is PRE-DETERMINED to happen to every Born again person.
This process that starts with the new birth, ends with the "conforming into the Image of Jesus"....and that is what is "pre-destined"., and this simple theology is completely twisted and subverted by heretics who belong to the Hyper Calvinist "pre-destined elect" cult.
These deceived people even teach that God created Evil, as if the Devil does not even exist.
Beware of them Believers.... as if they brainwash you, its almost impossible to escape their cult .
When you are dealing with a "predestined elect" heretic....the thing you have to realize is that they are theologically confused as well as deeply deceived.
So, that is the worst case scenario.
For example, a believer can be "fallen from Grace" , as Paul explains in Galatians.......and that means they are deceived. However, They dont really have a theology issue that is confusing them, they have a "bewitched" issue, as Paul explains that becomes their confused theology.
They are "in the flesh", as Paul explains , having no longer correct faith.....And this happens, because they become self righteous, and the term i use for them is......they've become a "self saver".
See that?
They stopped trusting in Christ to KEEP them saved, and are now trying to do it by 'SELF"......"self saving". "self effort". "works and commandment keeping"..........all of this, as its all the same deception that that have.........its always the same mind blindness that has become their broken faith.
Now the Predestined elect heretic, they are both mind blinded by the devil, and they are theologically confused to the max.
Reader.... here i is how you teach try to help them.... You first have to understand their theological confusion, and its very simple..
They do not understand what the "conformed"......... is literally talking about, when they read...>"predestined to be conformed"...
This the entire cause of their theological and mental breakdown...... See, they do not understand that the "predestination", has a resolve...a resolution.........Its : "to be conformed".
So, that is where they lost the track and came apart theologically and never went back.
Let me show you how to help them..
You teach them that to be born again, starts a process, that has a final ending, destination, and : "conforming".
This process is pre-determined to happen to every born again person., just as God created it to happen.
See, God created Salvation as a process that has a beginning and a final result.
This process of "born again", and becoming a "new creation", is designed to end a believer up "conformed into the image of Christ".
See that?
That is what is "predestined"............ Its that all believers, (elect) born again, are predestined to end up......"conformed into the image of Christ".
See Reader, what is pre-determined is what the process is going to resolve into ....... that is the "pre-destination".
So, what God did, is create a spiritual process, that is Salvation, that has a completed ending that is PRE-DETERMINED to happen to every Born again person.
This process that starts with the new birth, ends with the "conforming into the Image of Jesus"....and that is what is "pre-destined"., and this simple theology is completely twisted and subverted by heretics who belong to the Hyper Calvinist "pre-destined elect" cult.
These deceived people even teach that God created Evil, as if the Devil does not even exist.
Beware of them Believers.... as if they brainwash you, its almost impossible to escape their cult .