God often does not immediately answer us, but sometimes He does answer immediately. I do not know why this happens because I do not know the hearts, minds and faith of the people praying, nor do I know the miond of God. What I do know is that we should pray continuously with the expectation that He will answer simply because He says He will answer and because Jesus told His apostles "Whatso ever you ask my Heavenly Father for in My Name He will do.
A wise old preacher once told me "Pray until something happens." Another way of saying this is...Pray seriously and continuously to show your faith and perseverence to our Lord.
When God has put all the things in place that He knows are necessary for our answer, we will have our answer. If we pray and nothing happens and we become disheartened at the lack of an answer, where is out Faith? Where is our acceptance of God's will in our lives, even when the answer is not what we wanted?
God answers prayer. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!"
Don't stop praying until something happens.
I am convinced that if my parents had stopped praying the second week of my 105 degree temperature as I lay fighting Polio, I would be dead. But they did not stop they did not falter in their faith and God answered their prayers and the 3 of us kids were healed of Polio.
The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Don't stop praying until something happens and pray expecting and trusting God to answer
God richly bless you