The bible says in Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
The Holy Spirit lives in us and therefore these grow and develop in us because of His residence in us and our daily obedience and death to self, He has more area to fill. (I hope i'm in the right kind of area with that inadequate definition of someone so awesome)
QUESTION 1) When Jesus was in the temple throwing out money lenders and merchants and he was angry, and when Jesus cried over Lazarus, and when Jesus was 'troubled and deeply distressed' (Mark 14:33), in the garden before his crucifixion, does this mean he did not have any fruit of the Spirit? (Gal 5:22)
I believe he always had fruit of the Spirit because he IS the Spirit and Jesus and God all in one, also that the Spirit descended on him like a dove.
QUESTION 2) So we can be emotional AND still have the friut of the Spirit growing in us?
The bible says "In your anger, sin not" (Ephesians 4:26) and also makes reference to us having all other emotions (it would be too long to post them all with scripture references here)
In other words, while you are angry dont sin....don't let the sun go down on your wrath (Ephesians 4:26)
So we are permitted to feel emotions and to express them without sinning. It doesn't mean that we do not have the fruits of the Spirit.
(I am so confused so please forgive me as i know this is a long thread)
I have experienced feeling cross about injustice and having to tell off my child without it disturbing my peace inside. I have also experienced feeling sad and distressed for the wars and famines that have awful consequences, while still having peace and joy inside because God is the only answer.
So my experience tells me what i am asking above is correct, but i know i cannot base truth on experience but i must base it on Gods word. That is why i'm asking questions 1 and 2.
How is it that christians (small c on purpose) can claim to have the fruit of the Spirit and yet leave arguments and unrest behind them. I would look at their lives and see peace? yes, they seem peaceful inside. Patience?...yes, they are always patient as far as i have seen. They have joy, they are self-controlled etc....and yet i get a bad feeling around them and their conversation although full of scripture, causes ill feeling and unrest. Offending and condemning all who are in relationship with them.
QUESTION 3) Do they really have the fruits of the Spirit?
QUESTION 4) How can it seem like they do, when they don't?
Matthew 7:16 says
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them.
QUESTION 5) Is this the same as 'fruit of the Spirit'? I don't think so. I think this is by what they leave behind, what they 'produce' in a way...?
I cannot find the scripture about "what causes fights and quarrels amongst you....etc" or that would be helpful i'm sure as well.
Am truly confused so any assistance would be greatly appreciated
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
The Holy Spirit lives in us and therefore these grow and develop in us because of His residence in us and our daily obedience and death to self, He has more area to fill. (I hope i'm in the right kind of area with that inadequate definition of someone so awesome)
QUESTION 1) When Jesus was in the temple throwing out money lenders and merchants and he was angry, and when Jesus cried over Lazarus, and when Jesus was 'troubled and deeply distressed' (Mark 14:33), in the garden before his crucifixion, does this mean he did not have any fruit of the Spirit? (Gal 5:22)
I believe he always had fruit of the Spirit because he IS the Spirit and Jesus and God all in one, also that the Spirit descended on him like a dove.
QUESTION 2) So we can be emotional AND still have the friut of the Spirit growing in us?
The bible says "In your anger, sin not" (Ephesians 4:26) and also makes reference to us having all other emotions (it would be too long to post them all with scripture references here)
In other words, while you are angry dont sin....don't let the sun go down on your wrath (Ephesians 4:26)
So we are permitted to feel emotions and to express them without sinning. It doesn't mean that we do not have the fruits of the Spirit.
(I am so confused so please forgive me as i know this is a long thread)
I have experienced feeling cross about injustice and having to tell off my child without it disturbing my peace inside. I have also experienced feeling sad and distressed for the wars and famines that have awful consequences, while still having peace and joy inside because God is the only answer.
So my experience tells me what i am asking above is correct, but i know i cannot base truth on experience but i must base it on Gods word. That is why i'm asking questions 1 and 2.
How is it that christians (small c on purpose) can claim to have the fruit of the Spirit and yet leave arguments and unrest behind them. I would look at their lives and see peace? yes, they seem peaceful inside. Patience?...yes, they are always patient as far as i have seen. They have joy, they are self-controlled etc....and yet i get a bad feeling around them and their conversation although full of scripture, causes ill feeling and unrest. Offending and condemning all who are in relationship with them.
QUESTION 3) Do they really have the fruits of the Spirit?
QUESTION 4) How can it seem like they do, when they don't?
Matthew 7:16 says
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them.
QUESTION 5) Is this the same as 'fruit of the Spirit'? I don't think so. I think this is by what they leave behind, what they 'produce' in a way...?
I cannot find the scripture about "what causes fights and quarrels amongst you....etc" or that would be helpful i'm sure as well.
Am truly confused so any assistance would be greatly appreciated