this is just a little intro to me. I'm a 20yr old uni student who accepted Christ 18months ago as a result of the witnessing of several friends and the mission week organised by the cu at my uni. I suffer from major depression and right now am in a very bad patch. Atm i can't pray or read my bible or find strengh in praising God. I am walking in the darkness but through these last few weeks even though i have doubted my salvation i have never doubted Gods existance or his soverignity or the power he has to save. I can't see where i am or where i'm going cos lifes so dark right now but i'm still going somewhere.
Hi bluehorse, Welcome to TalkJesus. You couldn't have come to a better place. You are not in your own suffering from depression and anxiety here, there are others here who either have had or now have experienced both. Any time you need just put a request in the prayer forum, and when folks read it they will pray for you. :shade: sunshine307
Hi Bluehorse and welcome to Talk Jesus. I know you will find many here to share with and pray with. As sunshine said many here have the same problem and are ready and willing to encourage and pray for you.
Hello blue horse welcome to Talk Jesus. You have found a safe haven community with a large crowd of believers who will help you and lift you up in prayer. God brought you here without a coincidence.
where we are nurtured and challenged in our journey of faith. We welcome all people to join us in worship and prayer, and in joyful service to the community that we are here.
We invite all people to become part of our Talk-JESUS family. We are a warm and accepting community which actively welcomes newcomers, provides hospitality to visitors, seeks to help all become involved in our fellowship, and responds with Christ’s love to their pastoral needs.
We are a congregation that reaches outward into the community around us and inward into our own congregation in the name of Christ to offer assistance and/or direction to those who are less fortunate than ourselves, especially children in need.
Come and join us now in Christ's Warmth, Acceptance, & Caring! AMEN
In of JESUS the Christ, Our LORD, theONLY begotten Son of GOD.
About Talk Jesus:
Talk Jesus is an online church, a body of believers that gather to fellowship, praise and worship our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, GOD Himself. It is not about debating Scripture for Scripture is the infallible Word of GOD. It is Truth from Almighty GOD, the Alpha and the Omega. The power of Scripture, aka Truth speaks for itself so their is no opinion of man or debate among them that may, could or shall disturb the Way of Truth.
Talk Jesus forums is not meant to be a replacment of your local church but a replacement of any online ungodly place that satan may lead you to. Talk Jesus is a site that has one main purpose. Glorify GOD. Within that purpose comes preaching the Gospels, the Truth to the saved to build up their faith, the unsaved to reach their hearts with the love of Christ so that they may be saved by the grace of GOD through Jesus Christ.
Talk Jesus is a temporary earthly home for us believers to gather together as THE BODY OF CHRIST and do the Father's will on earth as it is done in Heaven, before the glorious second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.
God bless you all!
Your Brother in Christ,
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bluehorse said:
Hi everyone
this is just a little intro to me. I'm a 20yr old uni student who accepted Christ 18months ago as a result of the witnessing of several friends and the mission week organised by the cu at my uni. I suffer from major depression and right now am in a very bad patch. Atm i can't pray or read my bible or find strengh in praising God. I am walking in the darkness but through these last few weeks even though i have doubted my salvation i have never doubted Gods existance or his soverignity or the power he has to save. I can't see where i am or where i'm going cos lifes so dark right now but i'm still going somewhere.
hi Blue Welcome to TalkJesus Thanks for joining us just hang onto our shirts. . .we will lift your arms . . .slowly but surely. . .just stick around and see God bless you and touch you today