talei-v said:
Hi everyone ,
A jahova's witness came over a couple of days ago trying to convert us, she said something along the lines of heaven is on earth and once all the bad people are gone, the earth will be renewed and it will be heaven. I realized that I didn't really know where heaven is. I know that heaven is north of the earth, above and beyond the universe, but other then that not much else.
Can anyone help me so next time I'd can actually have something to say and convert the lady instead? It would be greatly appreciated
Greetings in the Names of Jesus,
I believe Heaven to be in the spacious and infinite arena above this world and is a place where God is and this is Heaven.
The Bible speaks of 'coming up into heaven' (Rev 4:1) and of Christ being 'taken up from you into heaven' (Acts 1:11). From these Bible verses we know that Heaven is in an upward direction and not on the surface of this earth. It is above and outside of this earth, away in space.
But that causes another question to arise, Which way is up? Since our universe is always spinning the direction of up is changing. The direction and location of Heaven is plainly given in the words of Isaiah concerning the fall of Lucifer. Listen to the boastful words of Lucifer as recorded in Isaiah 14:13(NLT) ..... "I will ascend to God's heaven and set my throne above God's stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north."
Another very interesting portion of the Bible is Psalm 75 where we read these words: 'When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly...For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge' (75:2,6,7). Here we have the implication that the throne of God, where He judges the congregation is in the north since it is not in the east, the west, nor in the south as stated in verse 6.
We should realize that north is in the same direction from every point on our earth. It is the same from Africa as it is in America. It is the same from England as it is in Europe. North is always up everywhere on this earth.
Astronomers having directed their telescopes to the northern area of the sky have discovered an empty space, where there are no stars. It is like a tunnel in the sky beyond which there seems to be another Milky Way. All of this Biblical and scientific evidence that Heaven is in the northern area of the sky reminds us of the words of Job who said: "God stretches the northern sky over emply space and hangs the earth on nothing." (Job 26:7 NLT)) and Ezekiel who declared regarding the glory of Jehovah: " As I looked, I saw a great storm soming toward me from the north ...." (Ezekiel 1:4 NLT).
So there we have some of the facts regarding Heaven. It is a real place. It is in an upward direction. It is beyond the stars, the clouds, and other planets. It is located in the northern area of the sky. It is known as the 'Heaven of heavens.'"