I probably should not make any comments Larum because I am 58 and still single myself!! LOL But I know why!! ( matt 19:10-12) at least for now this holds true for me.Personally I believe this can change for me,as I do!
A few things to cheer you up though!!1. How do you carry yourself?? Meaning do you look defeated in this area as well?Meaning are you expecting nothing?? Because if you are,I can sure tell you,that you will usually always get what you expect!! I had to learn the hard way on this myself!
But lets say that is not the case!I sure do not know you,but a few tips for you may help you.I have been in the Lord now for almost 37 years,many women and men have had the very same problem you are having,so for one thing, you are not alone.
Even though the enemy would have you believe you are! He is a thief you know.( john 10:10) He steals first from your mind,about yourself,looking to make you feel bad about yourself,because if he can do this,then your relationship with the Lord will be sad as well! When he has done this!!
Then he makes you feel like some alien from another world,and everyone looks at you this way,because you look at yourself this way as well.Not meaning to of course,but that is usually the case. So how to get out of this hole!! As you well know sis,it is very easy, to look at faults we all have! BUT!! YOU!! also have many good qualities as well!!
THESE are the ones to dwell on!!( philippians 4:8) Notice I present scripture to you?? This is because Jesus is the one who helped me,even as he will help you IF!!!! You let him! If someone has always believed the worst about themselves,why will others not? Rather present what you know you have so good in you!! Those things all come from Jesus who loves you,and wants you to do the very same to others,even those who you may not care for so much.
In practice of doing these things!! THEN!!! You will be ready for a mate! But like before dinner one prepares herself or himself for it.This is what I would say to begin doing. You have many wonderful qualities!! BUT YOU!!! have to focus on those! When you do this and not have fear and worry about what others will think,then you are preparing yourself for a mate. Be yourself!! Stay in yourself!
Many women and men look to create a perfect mate for themselves,what is perfect,is sure not us!! LOL We have values we hold to,if someone looks to change those for us,and we let them,we lose value in ourself,and in our faith as well.So look for Jesus in another,see if you can deal with bad as well as the good this person has,if you can cool!! If not,do not continue because you think this is the best you can do!! The Lord will continue to perfect you!!
Do not worry about the other person,stay within yourself sis!! Keep the Love of Jesus in you,and believe me!! He will teach you so many wonderful( 1 John 3:1-18) things in how to deal with another!!
Male or female!( john 14:26, 1 John 2:20 and 1 John 2:27!!) Let this Word of a loving Holy Spirit help encourage you and guide you in all your ways!! Even as Holy Spirit guides my ways!! Blessing to you sis!