Never an attempt to do wit tests here nor to seek out advice. Never an attempt to find perfect people here nor to throw weight around with intellect. Discourage graphics and vain talk from those with childish juvenile mocking behavior. My only purpose for being here is to find 100% Bible Unity With Real Bible Believers. I appreciate sweethearts but never content with a phony sweetheart only. No time for goats or fake tare. No chip on my shoulder with you just wise enough to know from experience that we really have only Fake Unity Meetings in the name of religion.
With this said let's find out if we're equally yoked so we can do what Paul instructed a real sheep to do:
2 Corinthians 6:14-17 ; Amos 3:3 ; Psalms 133:1
Unless we're 2 or more people with verse for verse agreement with the book no equal yoke with a unbeliever?
Won't support or fellowship with any ministry that feels different than what the book says here? No if ands or buts to 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Amos 3:3 and
Psalms 133:1?
Romans 7:2-3
This same Christian that will tell me haters are going to the Lake of Fire, is this the same Christian that will say your going to the Lake of Fire if you remarry different divorcees which is adultery? No if ands or buts to
Romans 7:2-3?
Won't fellowship or support any ministry that feels different than what the book says here?
2 Peter 1:20-21
No private interpreted scripture is Godly on any bible verse? No if ands or buts to 2 Peter 1:20-21?
If you say judging will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that will say private interpretation on anything in this book will? No if ands or buts to 2 Peter 1:20-21?
2 Timothy 3:16
If you say adultery will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that feels disregarding any bible verse for correction and teaching will? No if ands or buts to 2 Timothy 3:16?
1 Timothy 2:9-15
If you say lieing will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that feels this way with certain apparel and if people have anything to do with female church leaders? No if ands or butts to
1 Timothy 2:9-15?
Won't fellowship and support any ministry that intentionally disregards these scriptures or any scripture? No if ands or buts to Galations 1:8-9? No if ands or buts to Matthew 5:19? No if ands or buts to Amos 3:3? No if ands or buts to 2 Corinthians 6:14-17?
Well the heart of the matter is before us. Either we're real sheep looking for each other or not. Never into pen pal games here to kill boredom ever. Confused offended people at the book you have a nice life with your kind only. I can cut you some slack if your never the wittest with the book sometimes. I can cut you some slack if your never a perfect Christian. I can't cut slack to unbelievers that intentionally go against correct teaching in this book on any bible verse. That's the 100% Bible Unity necessary to fulfill the will of God in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.. Never mind your celebrity status or how fat your testimony is to write a biography on it. Never mind your tycoon status. The real you will do. Are you a real sheep? Is this a real sheep for unity the bible way or the Amos 3:3 way?
With this said let's find out if we're equally yoked so we can do what Paul instructed a real sheep to do:
2 Corinthians 6:14-17 ; Amos 3:3 ; Psalms 133:1
Unless we're 2 or more people with verse for verse agreement with the book no equal yoke with a unbeliever?
Won't support or fellowship with any ministry that feels different than what the book says here? No if ands or buts to 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Amos 3:3 and
Psalms 133:1?
Romans 7:2-3
This same Christian that will tell me haters are going to the Lake of Fire, is this the same Christian that will say your going to the Lake of Fire if you remarry different divorcees which is adultery? No if ands or buts to
Romans 7:2-3?
Won't fellowship or support any ministry that feels different than what the book says here?
2 Peter 1:20-21
No private interpreted scripture is Godly on any bible verse? No if ands or buts to 2 Peter 1:20-21?
If you say judging will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that will say private interpretation on anything in this book will? No if ands or buts to 2 Peter 1:20-21?
2 Timothy 3:16
If you say adultery will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that feels disregarding any bible verse for correction and teaching will? No if ands or buts to 2 Timothy 3:16?
1 Timothy 2:9-15
If you say lieing will take you to the Lake of Fire are you the same Christian that feels this way with certain apparel and if people have anything to do with female church leaders? No if ands or butts to
1 Timothy 2:9-15?
Won't fellowship and support any ministry that intentionally disregards these scriptures or any scripture? No if ands or buts to Galations 1:8-9? No if ands or buts to Matthew 5:19? No if ands or buts to Amos 3:3? No if ands or buts to 2 Corinthians 6:14-17?
Well the heart of the matter is before us. Either we're real sheep looking for each other or not. Never into pen pal games here to kill boredom ever. Confused offended people at the book you have a nice life with your kind only. I can cut you some slack if your never the wittest with the book sometimes. I can cut you some slack if your never a perfect Christian. I can't cut slack to unbelievers that intentionally go against correct teaching in this book on any bible verse. That's the 100% Bible Unity necessary to fulfill the will of God in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.. Never mind your celebrity status or how fat your testimony is to write a biography on it. Never mind your tycoon status. The real you will do. Are you a real sheep? Is this a real sheep for unity the bible way or the Amos 3:3 way?