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Who Feels Called ?


Feb 22, 2005
How many brothers and sisters feel they have been called of the Lord into ministry ? If you feel you are called , will you let us know how you are called , and to what kind of work for the Lord . Lets get to know each other better , and how we feel God wants to use us so we can build each other up together in Jesus . God Bless You All .... :love: :boy_hug: Brother Mike
so glad you asked! im just so excited about the things god is gonna do!God has told me that instead of going to college he wants me to reach out to to others of my generation, and be a voice to them. But further im bound to do this and the one thing i've wanted to do since i was old enough to make noise and thats sing, with my boyfreind after we get married(praise god, for the love hes given me!). but this is long term speaking lol. As of right now god has commissioned me to go to the other people in my school(both saved and unsaved) showing them both the love of god and the fire and purpose he gives you(hallellujah). I told him one day send me! whereever you want me to go or do i will if you want me to go to africa say the word and i'll find a way(although god would provide one if it was what he wanted) and he said to me i have people there i need you to go to your school and take it back and be a light there because there are so few there. so thats what i do now. for some reason God told me to move to my grandparents house in Edenton N.c.(smallest county in N.c) from west palm beach florida but he said he has things for me to do here and i cant wait for that door to open and the holy spirit to move in the youth group at the church here because i know once it starts its gonna spread to all these churches out here and this town will never be the same!! im gettin excited so i have to go worship but GB you all and since were on this subject dont give up on gods plan and just because it doesnt make sence right now do it anyway and you will have no regrets!!
Thank you created .... You have fire in what you want to do ! Great . Please keep us posted , and I hope we can help you if you need it . :love: :boy_hug: Brother Mike
I know that I need to something that will lead people to Lord, but I'm not clear as to what that is. Waiting on Him. :)
I believe that the yielding yourself to the Lord, is the key to any service you might do for the Lord. Presenting yourself to Him, daily, allows Him to work out what He has placed within you. He doesn't care about our ability, but I believe He is more concerned of our availibility...He then takes what we allow Him to do in/with/through us and blesses others.
Hi, great topic and great testimonies! I feel called to lead and remind the network of people I know to recognize God as their saviour. I am a SAHM right now, and so my life is consumed by never ending laundry and dishes lol. But about 4 years ago my husband and I were sent overseas while he was serving in the army. We moved in to these buildings which housed 16 families. I am a shy person by nature and I have a hard time breaking the ice with people. We moved there in the winter, so there was really no way to meet anyone. One day I came back from the grocery store and there was a flyer about a women's bible study. At that time I didn't attend church, and I was so isolated, so I decided to go the bible study having never been to anything like that before.

I can honestly say that was one of the best days of my life, and from that I met so many Christian friends, all of my friends really. We prayed for each other and talked, and cried. It was just a safe place to be. We all had lots of stress, most of the time for military moms its like you're a single parent because of deployments and long hours. But this was awesome, it even had child care free provided by the chapel.

Well when the woman who was lead to start it got reassigned, there was no one willing to step up. But God put the desire in my heart to lead this large group of women in the Lord. And for the next 3 years that's what I did, and it gave me such a joy to prepare the study each week. On the outside it would have seemed an unlikely thing. I was the youngest and my husband was the lowest rank. In the military that's a pretty big deal for an officer's wife and an enlisted wife to hang out and be friends. But that's what we all did, being an example that we loved the Lord, and we were sisters in Christ.

Now that I'm back home I have started a study to reach the women I know, and so far God has done some good things in it. I feel so weak at times, but I know that's the paradox. He's strong in my weakness. So if anyone is reading this and has an excitement for God, but feels inadequate...you are! But God will work through you.
God Bless you all ! I am so blessed to hear about every one of you're live's ! I hear the great words [ Lord , Send Me ] from all of you . Thank you very much for encouraging others with you're testimonies . :love: :boy_hug: Brother Mike
I will be starting school soon .(30 yr old stay at home mom) SO that I will be prepared for what the Lord wants me to do next. God Bless !
How many brothers and sisters feel they have been called of the Lord into ministry ? If you feel you are called , will you let us know how you are called , and to what kind of work for the Lord . Lets get to know each other better , and how we feel God wants to use us so we can build each other up together in Jesus . God Bless You All .... :love: :boy_hug: Brother Mike
The Lord has callled me to the ministry. for more information of what He has alled me to visit my site www.freewebs.com/pagril
I pray God will bless you're ministry , and protect you from all you're enemy's ! Mike :computer:
I do. I am called to run the Lions and Lambs youth group. I work really hard on it and God supplies everything I need.
I feel my calling is in worshipping God. I felt something awaken in me when I first saw people actually worshipping God in services when I was at a revival several years ago. Since then, I have also felt a tug to learn to sign. Many times I will be worshipping & will sign the song that is being played. I feel that I am singing to God with my hands & dancing before His Throne.
Ok, I dont know if this is exactly a calling but ever since i was younger I wanted to become a missionary. Before I didn't really think about it, but Lately, I just want to do God's work. I also just want to get teens involved and that's why I started the teen Bible discussions on fridays. and even at church now, it's like, i have this thing inside me now, I go up to people and talk to them, if anything is wrong, then I always bring God up and I noticed God working through me. Even here on TJ. as soon as I came back to God, He is using me in small things, but even with those, it fills your heart with happiness. Well ok lol, back on track, i really want to go be a missionary in Africa. wanted to for the longest time ever. But I dont know where God will send me:)we shall see what happens. God bless you all. Tanya
I am called, praise God! I am called to Intercessory Prayer. (Not trying to boast) I can pray the fire down. It is my thing in youth group, and I am honored God would choose me to do it. I know God has something big planned for me, and I am going to recieve it with a joyful heart whatever it may be. Good luck in everyone's calling from HIM!

God Bless
Sis in Christ :love:
lnrobar said:
I am called, praise God! I am called to Intercessory Prayer. (Not trying to boast) I can pray the fire down. It is my thing in youth group, and I am honored God would choose me to do it. I know God has something big planned for me, and I am going to recieve it with a joyful heart whatever it may be. Good luck in everyone's calling from HIM!

God Bless
Sis in Christ :love:

God Bless you sister ! We need more prayer warriors in the kingdom . I am sure that you will be used by the Lord in a great way . Mike :love: :boy_hug: :computer:
I think I have been called to an Extent, but only because of the people God has put in my path. I was never called to leave my home town or change my plans, at least not yet, I was simply called to be obidient to God and receptive to those around me. In the past few months I have had the Honor of being present when 2 of my friends accepted Christ. It proves that my calling is a local one. The first friend asking questions totally changed my outlook on ministry. It made me view all social interaction as outreach, and i think this has seriously benefitted my walk and my ministry. So all you other college students out there, that isnt a college campus, its a Missions field! Be a Biblie-thumping-Jesus-freak, and be proud of it :thumbs_up

Doulos said:
I think I have been called to an Extent, but only because of the people God has put in my path. I was never called to leave my home town or change my plans, at least not yet, I was simply called to be obidient to God and receptive to those around me. In the past few months I have had the Honor of being present when 2 of my friends accepted Christ. It proves that my calling is a local one. The first friend asking questions totally changed my outlook on ministry. It made me view all social interaction as outreach, and i think this has seriously benefitted my walk and my ministry. So all you other college students out there, that isnt a college campus, its a Missions field! Be a Biblie-thumping-Jesus-freak, and be proud of it :thumbs_up


Doulos . I think you have a call on you're life . Pray and let God lead you . Mike
Honestly, with the amount God made fall into place to get me into this college I cannot afford, with friends who like to debate Philosophy, I know God is responsable for me being here. So its entirely possible He's setting me up for something here. Just have to Wait and see where God takes me. Should be a Fun ride to say the least. =P
Jesus is Lord!


I shared my calling under the Lounge forum titled: "I will finish the race!" I plan to start a distance Christian education program online. Please pray for the Burgeon Institute.

Thank you!
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Amen !!! I will as will others here . God will make a way for you ! :love: :boy_hug: :computer: Mike