Who is Jesus? And how could I be saved?
I'm new to this stuff
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Do you have a Bible my friend
If not there are many online, and they are free to use, BibleGateway is a good one
There are four Gospels, these record all about Jesus, not knowing how much you know or have read so far, may I recommend Marks Gospel, it is the shortest one and will answer many of your questions. Just click the link below read and enjoy, if you have any questions add them on here there are lots of brothers and sisters on here who will be happy to help you.
Bible Gateway - Gospel of Mark
For thousands of years there were prophesies that the promised Messiah would come, Jesus is the promised Messiah, He came to save us from our sins.
He had a ministry for just over three years where he did miraculous things, all were witnessed and recorded for all future generations, but the Jewish leader saw him as a thread to their 'religion' and as a result had the Romans crucify him. But again as prophesied earlier, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and is now in heaven with God our father.
When Jesus was crucified, he did so because it was God's will, because it was prophesied before hand. All prophesy was given before hand so that when they happened people would know God said they would be. Jesus allowed himself to be crucified, his blood was shed for our sins. So that if we come to God through Him,
our sins can be forgiven, remembered no more, we are given a fresh start in life following Jesus teaching and all God has told us about before hand.
Jesus loves us so much he died for our sins, that is truly amazing.
Have a read of Mark's Gospel in the link shared above on BibleGateway, again if you have any questions please ask.
Bless you