Biblically it has to be both! The husband doing his best to support and and build a place and provide, protect his wife and family. The wife make the house a home, to be the mother and help amte to the husband. they are a team, to work together for God.
Todya we live really messed up lives, that leave us working so we can pay for someone else to make everything for us. We pay for someone else to make our food, clothes, gouses, furniture, and repair everything for us. That's is ok for manythings. But the more we pay for someone else to make, or repair for us the more we need to work to pay for things. The more we go into debt. The more selfsufficient we are the better off we are. In my opinion the more selfsufficient we are, the more content, and perhaps the more peacefully we live. I believe the more we can do for our selves the we depend on God, and we prais God for the ability He has given us to do things, and that he provides for us. Making our our own garden shows how God grows veggies, and how life really works. Growing our own chicken gives us healthy food, and we know how and what we have in the food.
How many of us know how shrimp from China and other eastern countries use human fecal materal to grow the shrimp? Farm raised fish from some courtries is very unsafe in our thinking. Just because some government office puts a stamp saying it's good, does not make it so. How about beef from Mexico? I have seen and eaten beef from a major store that came from Mexico. The quality is not near the quality as you may think.
May I suggest we have gone against what is really best for us a husband and wife. Do we really need a 2000 sq, ft house for four people? Do we need two or three automobiles? Do we need a Camping Trailer, a cabin, or a Time share vacation? Is raising our children in the city what's best. Is allowing our children to be taught eveloution, and godless things right? We always want more and more, and have to have the most expensive of everything. Is this what God really wants for us. We work all our life for all these things so we can retire, for what? Our kids turn out godless, sexually immoral, disrespectfull, and repeating to work all their lives to have the best, but lost to God.
Is it time to think what a content life really means? What is it to be dependant on God? Has the world got us or are we in control of the world we choose to live in?
Who is the homemaker? Is it not God working in the husband and wife to make a home. so we can raise Godly children, and become more in love and dependant upon God?