PloughBoy -- you're familiar with the book of Genesis -- Adam was created as the 1st man and Eve came from him -- God joined them together vs 24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. chapter 4 vs 1 "New Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, "I have acquired a man from the Lord."
You know all of this -- Adam lived to be 930 yrs of age. Seth their third that Scripture tells us about lived to be 912 yrs and he had many sons and daughters. When life spans are spread out these many years, they don't know each other as a family unit. Brothers / sisters / cousins would meet not even knowing they're related and marry and continue on with life. That's how this earth was originally populated. After the flood that changed. Life spans shortened and continue to do so. Within the family unit -- everyone lives in close quarters and our average life span is mid-70 - mid 80 or so. That's an Average. AND the book of Leviticus chapter 18 speaks clearly as to sexual relationships. And vs 22 speaks of homosexual intimacy as being an abomination.
It's called Christian / traditional / marriage because a minister unites people " and whatever God puts together , let not man put asunder -- until death do you part." That's what God's intentions were. Men messed it up. Men would decide to throw their wives out the door for whatever reason they wanted to. If a man didn't support them, the woman had no means to support herself for a long time. Divorce was made available but only under certain conditions.
So -- it does amount to men take something wonderful such as marriage that God instituted and manage to mess it up.
Greeting Sue
In the beginning God.
Then Adam and then Eve, then their children, we are together thus far.
Adam and Eve were married, they were a couple, they were married in God's eyes. No ceremony, no guests, no presents, no wine, no banquet! They were married in the presence of God according to His will for them and mankind, in LOVE and in God's love they loved one another. What a wonderful wedding. no fancy clothes though they may have pit new leaves on. no fancy meal, just the usual vegetarian items God provided for them.
After this they started to multiply, one with another, that is man with woman. They didn't have a wedding but were married in God's presence, in God's eyes.
Then as population grew, came the Laws from God through Moses. It was from then that a civilised structure was created, but marriage from then on was nothing like today, even in Jesus time on earth many men had multiple wives
Betrothal was introduced, which saw know is a man and a woman (a virgin) being promised for one another, this was very special period of preparation for both, but was so often in those days, an arranged marriage. But although arranged still came under the law of God and His love for a man and woman to become one body through marriage.
Marriage is special in the eyes of God, it always was, it always will be this side of Eternity. It is not a surprise therefore that Jesus' first miracle, at Canaan in Galilee, was at a wedding, it is also not surprising God's love is portrayed to all saved souls through Jesus. as a bride and groom, as His beloved Church.
At the time of Jesus, a wedding was a happy time, where the betrothed couple come together, in love for one another, forsaking all others, it included a ceremony, it included a meal, it included up to a week of eating, drinking (in moderation), dancing and giving thanks to God. What a difference to the wedding of Adam and Eve. I have not been to a Jewish wedding, but have been fortunate to meet with Messianic Jews, to listen to their story's, in particular hear about the Jewish wedding and watch them dance, a type of country dancing, a joyful experience.
Sadly over the years a wedding has become more and more materialistic and worldly, becoming less Godly!
The bride wanting a beautiful dress she will wear once, I understand why she would want the best she can but cost is not always considered, it is more I want.
The ceremony has to be as posh as they can get, not always in the same area or country, and they want an honeymoon as well. Where is God in their wedding, sadly for so many pushed out by worldly wants! Materialism, meism and wantism.
I think the best way to conclude this post is to ask, what is marriage, what is a wedding in God's eyes, which part of this stretched out picture is nearest to The Will of God in the marriage of two people, one man and one woman, according to scripture.