this is interesting. lately i had been thinking about marriage a lot. in the russian culture, it is believed that if a woman/girl doesn't get married by the age of 25 she probably wont get married in her life. and the normal age to get married is 17, 18 for a girl. that's insane. that's YOUNG!!! Well see the thing is, most people aren't ready for it. ok, lets look at an example from my culture. the girl's 17, the guy's around 20, or 21...and the girl just finished highschool, doesn't have a good paying job, doesn't have a good career, sometimes she doesn't even know how to cook, do laundry, and doesn't know how to take care of kids. some people do know how to cook and clean and do laundry, but that's a few...and they think babies are really cute and like little dolls, they aren't ready physically, nor emotionally for them...ussually. so they view marriage as a whole romantic deal. ok, about the guy...he might have a degree of some sort, maybe..but not have a good paying job, or a stable career basically, they gotta buy the house and all and furniture and plus money for honey moon and other stuff... so they go into debt before they're married. so now they're in debt, and russians believe in being fruitful and they start having babies right away to have like fifteen or so but the age of 50. or now they gotta pay for the house, get out of debt, feed themselves, now they got babies to pay for and take care basically it's not a whole romantic deal that they thought it would be...they are face to face with a big surprise...
another thing with russians, traditionally they dont really know each other that well when they get married and most times, neither are at a very good spiritual what happens is...they see each other once or twice, or maybe more than that, but never really knew each other. and as you already know, everyone's good in church. so they're strangers that get married. they have to get to know each other after marriage and they dont believe in divorse. so now they're stuck with each other and they're not in love as they thought they were. so sinse they're really not that spiritual either, they start having kids, family gets messed up and sometimes they all leave church and have problems.
I understand that if they both are very serious christians and serious spiritual people, things will be a lot easier. that way they could both pray together about problems and things will be easier even if they are strangers.
and there's another possibility when they do know each other and they are both spritual people. that's good. but then again, what i was born with, christian russians also dont believe in yea.. but that's good when they are best friends at marriage, have the finances to do it, even if young, and are very good spiritually. so that's very good...
well ok, personally i believe the person shouldn't worry about their partner. the Bible says, "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and everything else will add up" so instead of worring about your physical life. worry about your spiritual life...i mean, dont worry but seek God. He will answer when time is ripe. people are extra worried these days. getting married and staying single both have their ups and downs. there are many good things about staying single, for instance, look at apostle paul, he could dedicate his life fully to Christ and yea...but if married, he's gotta focus on his family and yea..
but basically, dont WORRY!!!! Seek God..
have fun