For God so loved the world!! Read the whole verse.
He wants everyone Saved!!
If it feels like the spirit of God is saying he is out of my will I am not calling him like FAITH4BRIDE said. Then thats the wrong spirit. What you believe is critical. Since Faith is needed where I am heading to in this passage to you my friend. Faith clarifyed is basically currency in the spiritual realm. Get me?
Now I am going to purposely bypass your question for the answer is easy.
ANSWER: He says too Pray.
I am going to however hit the nail where it wants it.
So you need to save someone.
Here it is, ITS HARDWORK!! you can't GIVE UP!! If the Arch Angel Michael fought for 40 days and Nights before he won. How much more do we have to fight for our Neighbors for Ourselves, considering God made us a little lower than the Angels its going to take some SERIOUS HARDWORK!! contending with the DEVIL!!
Since, VICTORY is stored up for the UPRIGHT!!
Whats the worst enemy of all?
Yes, Ourselves so if anything Pray for his HEART!! FIRST!!
Mathew 13 Tells me there are 4 types of Hearts.
Mathew 13:3-4 (please read)
The Wayside. In Palenstine there were fields and fields of Barley and Wheat, inbetween each different field there were long pathways called The Wayside; Hard, Sunbaked, Compacted rock-like soil etc. When the seed hits it can't germinate so the birds eat it almost straight away.
Mathew 13:18 (additional info)
Those that hear but don't understand Satan snatches it away from them.
Mathew 13:5 (Please Read)
The soft apperance but Rock inside. When the seed hits the rock the roots have nowhere to go to find a water source they wither and are scorched from the Sun.
Mathew 13:20 (Additional Info)
He hears the word, recieves it, but doesn't have the Root so he can't endure the heavy stuff, the character building elements, amen?.
Mathew 13:7 (please read)
The soft and furtile, when seeds hit this soil weeds spring up.
Mathew13:22 (additional info)
He hears the word but the cares of this world make him unfruitful by choking it out. You know people are so worryed about this and worryed about that but we're a people a faith, amen? Walk in Faith!!
The fourth type is Soft, Fluffy, Deep and Jesus Says produces 30, 60 and 100 fold.
Hosea 10:12 Break up your fellow ground. This is of course talking about ones self but you'll be standing in the Gap for Him!! AMEN!!? Halleluijah!! thats biblical too by the way, Standing in the Gap.
Pray against the Hardest of his Heart, Break up his fellow ground he has a 3 in 4 chance to have a Hard heart so by doing this you are eliminating the main focal point of what the Devil will be trying to push on this Man.
James 5:16 The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.
God is a real God so be real with him.
Take into account Elijah when praying, this was a very mighty man of God. He himself had to Pray seven times before rain finally came in 1 Kings 18:42-44 like I said this going to be HARDWORK!! DON'T GIVE UP!! this man is now relying on you to make it!!
Now you may be asking yourself, what has this got to do with anything?
Good Question.
Now that you are consistently praying for his Heart, he will now recieve what you are about to speak into his life from the Word of God. Which will be to the effect of "Get Planted in A Church" Psalm 92:13 those that are planted in the House shall flourish.
So that your Pastor can speak and spill seeds on to his Heart, amen?
Now if you haven't done this already by now, put through the salvation prayer.
Bare in mind being born again only qualifys you to enter into the Kingdom of God. He will need consistent support from you to make his journey a success. To confidently walk into Heavens Gates.
Everyone can be saved we just need more Labourers in the Field like Jesus said.
Bless Your Day, in Jesus Name.